YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, August 16, 2018


Image result for traveling

I am traveling again.  This time I am in Texas to visit my Grands and their parents.

I got up at 2:30 this morning so I could get to the airport by 4AM.  Do you know there is no sunshine at that time of morning?  By the time we took off at 6, the sun was just beginning to rise.  The flight was only a couple of hours long but it was pretty.

We were on top of the clouds all the way.

I just find it fascinating to see the top of the clouds.

When I finally got to my destination airport, I got a message that I needed to take and Uber/Lyft as my Daughter in Law was on her way to the hospital from falling down the stairs and messed up her ankle pretty good.  Nothing is broken but she is in a boot and needs to get a recheck on Monday.

This was my Lyft ride.

Can you say bright yellow?  It is a Fiat 500 and such a cute little car.  There was plenty of leg room in the back seat and pretty comfy of a ride.

I am here for a week and looking forward to some lovely family time.

Until next time.......happy crafting!!!


  1. Gosh! A fall down stairs! Thank goodness it wasn't more serious than an ankle injury. And getting up at 2:30 for travel - that is pretty darn early. Glad you had a week of family visiting to catch up on some rest! Travel can be exhausting.

  2. Hope your DIL will be okay. UGH! A boot in this hot weather??? Well, I suppose it is better than a plaster cast.

    Enjoy your time with the grands.

  3. Oh my goodness, I hope her ankle is okay but it sounds painful!

  4. Nice pictures out the window of the plane. Though I really dislike those early early morning flights and avoid them as much as possible. Sorry to hear about the injury and hope she heals quickly. Enjoy your week.

  5. I love that you took Lyft! We utilized that service several times in southern CA; it made a big difference.


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