YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 29, 2018


Happy day to all of you.  I pray you all are well and safe.  Between the wet weather in the east, tornadoes in the Midwest, wild fires in the west, and hot and dry in England and Canada, it makes this blogger happy to see her other blogging buddies posting.  That way I know you are all safe!  

This is week 5 and I have one finished object.  I wonder if I am spread too thin?  Although, I did have my grand daughter and her bff this past week for 3 days.  Keeping them entertained can be a challenge.  We saw movies, went to the library again, and one day we played card and board games for 5 hours.  That does cut into the crafting time.  Each night we cooked dinner for them and for my DIL and by the time they left, it was almost 8pm and I was dog tired by then.  

Image result for dog tired

I did make progress on my WIP's though.

First up..............................Rising Tide.

I decided to take a photo showing you the difference 1 pattern row makes.  The bottom has one more 'row' than the top.  I really do love this pattern and would love to make it again but this time with a yarn I can work with for longer than an hour max.  I think it would make a gorgeous shawl.  I need to find a sock yarn with a looooooong striping pattern.  If you have an suggestions for a non wool self striping sock yarn that fits the bill, let me know. 

Speaking of sock yarn:

I did not loose my sock mojo.  It was the yarn with that pattern that was frustrating me.  This is my Diversity sock yarn.  My all time favorite self striping.  It has a slight shine to it and it feels wonderful going through my fingers.  Even with careful measuring of the color changing of the yarn, I am off by 40 stitches as to where the color changes on each sock.  It will not be noticeable as I go along, but it kind of frustrated me a little.  Not enough for me to throw in the towel of these though.

As for the socks that are in time out.......................I have remembered a pattern that will be perfect for them and will frog them and start on that pattern soon so as not to 'forget' it again.

I started on a double ended crochet shawl last week.  I hated it.  The pattern was too opened for my liking and it was to be a mans' shawl.  I ripped it out and waited patiently until my smaller double ended crochet hooks  arrived.  Then I got different colored yarn and started again.

This is a bit tighter crochet.  I went from and "N" hook down to a "K" and used more of an Aran weight yarn.  Now I am happy with it.

My Forest Path shawl is coming along slowly.

I really need to remember to mark the pattern as to where I left off.  I ended up frogging 5 rows because of not doing that this week.  It is a nice knit to do in front of the TV.  It is done using the Portuguese method as there is quite a bit of purling in it.  What a nice break for my hands.  Someday, I will figure out how to do Portuguese in the round so I can do socks that way.  I am not experienced enough yet for that.  I probably need to take a class on it since I am self taught.

As for the finished object:

The puzzle is completed.  That was the photo of the last piece waiting to be put in.  I had quite a bit of help from my DIL when she came for dinner this week.  There has not been another one set up yet.  Maybe this week or next.

That is all on the crafting front.  This coming week is busy.  We have our local Grand Daughter's 13th birthday, hubby has the 1st of 3 tests from his second specialists, he sees his original specialist, we leave on Saturday to visit his mom for a few days.  My socks will be getting a lot of love over the next 10 days.  They are so nice and portable.  Plus, they are a plain vanilla sock so no need for a pattern to carry with me.

We finally got some much needed rain last night.  Hubby and I were awakened around 3:30 by the thunder that actually shook our house.  It lasted for about 30 minutes and I had 2 very scared dogs buried under my legs for the rest of the night.  I love thunderstorms!

I am off to do some grocery shopping.  

Until next time.................................Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. I really like your Rising Tide and can see why you'd want to do it again, just with different yarn. Would the sock yarn you are using now be any good for it?
    It's always funny when yarn decides it doesn't want to work in one pattern but will in another, I'm just glad you found some yarn for socks that you do like. Well done on finishing the puzzle and I hope you have a good week.

  2. Look at that sock yarn! Wow, that’s colourful! They’re going to be super fun socks!

    Now i’m Off to look up the Portuguese method although I don’t really mind purling... but it sounds like something new to try!

  3. Isn't that Diversity yarn really nice? I have a pair and they wear REALLY well and look nice for a long time.

  4. Wow, you have been busy this week in spite of all the visitors. The Rising Tide is such a cool pattern! I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.

  5. Great progress on the patterns. I love thunderstorms as well.

  6. Love that Rising Tide! Your new socks are lovely...I didn't notice that you were 'off'...they looked pretty to me. You got a lot done considering you had company. I adore thunderstorms. We finally got some rain yesterday and more today . I have to get to Walmart and back before it starts. Enjoy your trip and stay safe. Good luck to the 'hub' on his tests.

  7. In spite of your busyness and entertaining the youngins, you did get quite a bit of crafting done. And everything looks great, Marsha. We're getting storms today (and hopefully) tomorrow. Tomorrow I have to go out so I'm not so crazy about that, but I do love rainy days.

  8. Your Rising Tide gets more interesting with every new row. I might really have to make one soon. Have a safe trip, and fingers crossed for your husband.

  9. Rising tide is gorgeous and the socks are looking great. It doesn't matter how many finished things you get as long as you are enjoying it. I do like a good storm, but not so much when it lasts over an hour with lightning every 30 secs and you are in a tent!

  10. Still loving Rising Tide, such a stunning look! And I love the picture of the socks - are you knitting them in parallel? That is such a good idea and I may try that myself because I always get so disheartened by the time I get to sock 2.

  11. Oh my you have been busy - love the 'dog tired' photo. Thank you for posting the two different rising tide pics. Such an interesting pattern.


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