YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 15, 2018

YOP Week 3 update

Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to come and visit me.

This week was so much fun.  We had our first monsoon storms on Monday and Tuesday.  Much needed rain came and washed away a lot of dirt from our streets and sidewalks.  I did get some knitting done but nothing was finished.  My right hand is getting pins and needles in it when I knit so that has slowed me down a bit.  I know it is related to carpal tunnel and my RA, but I will not let it stop me from knitting.

Here is what I did this week.

I got past the cuff and am now on the leg.  This got the least amount of attention this week.  The tiny needles are the hardest on me.  They are a US size 1 and I normally use a 1.5.  This yarn is thicker so needed to go down in size to accommodate for the fit.

Next up is the Rising Tide scarf.

This is knit on US size 3 needles.  Not as bad as the ones but it took me all week to do one row.

On Thursday, I finally got back to the Prayer Shawl Ministry group.  I had been away since my mom had died.  This week I decided it was not doing anyone any good for me to be hiding away at my house.  I needed to be with these lovely women that care about everyone.  I worked on the Forrest Path Shawl.

It got the most love this week.  It is worked on US size 11 needles so I am able to work longer on it.  I am ready to add another green stripe on it.

I also am working on a puzzle each day.  I am trying to limit myself to 1 hour/day on it.  Otherwise, nothing else would get done.

I do bits and pieces by color and eventually it all comes together.

If you follow my blog regularly, you will recall we had a little visitor at our home on Monday.  We tried to get him outside but he ran away from us.  Last night he came out again.

Our little gecko friend.  He was very lethargic and hubby was able to pick him up with a newspaper and get him outside.  He was very dehydrated as you can tell from the photo on Monday.

See how much plumper he is in the bottom photo.  We still had standing water on our porch, so he was able to get water right away.  Then, I am sure there are plenty of bugs for him to eat in our flower bushes.

Tomorrow, hubby goes in for a diagnostic procedure to find out what is going on with him.  He has all the Doctors baffled.  Every test they have done on him so far has come out 100% normal!  Praying that tomorrow we will have answers and it will be something manageable with the proper treatment.................or it is nothing at all.  The stress has been hard the last 3 weeks.  We are ready for answers.

Until next time...............................Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Fingers crossed for your husband, and hopefully it's nothing at all. Waiting for a diagnosis is the worst thing.

    The Rising Tide scarf looks so interesting, please keep working on it, I can't wait to see more of it.

  2. Outside, I find geckos fascinating. Inside the house, I'm afraid I'd be screaming for someone to "get it out of here!!!"

    Those are lovely colors in that shawl, and I'm so glad you got back to the Prayer Shawl Ministry group last week. I'm sure it felt good.

  3. We had about 30 seconds of rain yesterday, but are hoping for a full day of rain on Monday. Things are bone dry around here, there have been campfire bans in effect and some serious grass fires.

    I hope your husband gets some resolution and a treatment plan. So frustrating to go through test after test and still be none the wiser!

  4. Sending good wishes to your husband on his test tomorrow.

    Glad Mr. Gecko was able to get outside again.

  5. The Rising Tide scarf looks fascinating, Hope the tests for your husband go well.

  6. Really like the look of the Rising Tide scarf, looking forward to seeing more. And yay for geckos, I love those little guys!

    Hope your husband's tests go well - sending good wishes your way!

  7. Glad you got the little guy outside! Your projects are all so pretty. I loved your last puzzle. What's this one a picture of?

  8. Sorry about the hubby stress! Sounds like getting together with the prayer shawl group is just what the doctor ordered.

  9. I am sorry Marsha that your hands have been hurting you and you're not able to knit for long, specially when you go to the smaller size needles. I hope you can return to it at your normal pace soon. Well done on returning to your group, I'm sure they were thrilled to have you back and I guess it's no good hiding away, even if at times that's just what we feel like doing. I shall try to remember this.

  10. I hope the docs figure out what's going on with your husband. I'm sorry you've been having needled pain. I just ordered an elbow sleeve as my right one has been acting up.


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