YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 8, 2018


I know I am late to the party today.  I have been away from home all day.  Hubby and I were invited to a baseball game that started at 1.  We left our house at 11 so we could take mass transit to downtown Phoenix.  The game went into extra innings.  We finally left at the 14th inning and the game ended in the 16th inning.  We got home at 6:30 and this is the first chance I have had to grab a computer and start my post.

I promised I would show off my first FO for this year 8.

Another "To the Point" shawl is in the books.  It will be going to the prayer shawl ministry at church.  A notice was sent out that men's shawls and lapghans are needed right now.  Not being one to ignore a need I started another shawl.

This is Forest Path from the Prayer Shawl Companion book.  It's done on US size 11 needles.  It goes pretty quickly.  I will doing stripes on this.  Using up some of my stash for this one.  WOOHOO!

I also started my second sock.

No, the first sock is not done but I like to do them consecutively.  I am done with 9 inch circulars.  They are just too hard on my hands and I keep dropping stitches and it is a royal pain (literally) to use them.  

I also put on another pattern row on the Rising Tide scarf #2.

I love watching the colors run on this yarn.

Those are the only items I worked on this week.  I try and give love to each project daily.  Hopefully that will keep me from getting bored with any one project.

That is it for this week.

Until next time............................Happy Crafting!


  1. Love your shawl. The colours of the Rising Tide Scarf are wonderful.

  2. Love your shawl. Plus I just looked up the Rising Tide pattern and wow! So now I can't wait to see what yours is going to look like.

  3. Is the brown shawl crocheted? It looks like it, and your other projected are knitted. I'm in search of a shawl pattern I can use some new yarn I had to buy...now that I have it, I need to find a use, lol. Backward I know, but typical when you feel yarn and have to take it home with you. Like the texture in your 2nd pattern and need to look it up. Do men where shawls? I've never seen that, but I guess a square or rectangular shawl could be a lapghan as well? Must check out Rising Tide....love your colors and am curious.

  4. I didn't find rising tide pattern when I looked. Is it somewhere besides RAV?

    1. I found it there. You might double check your title again. RAV can't find stuff unless you are totally exact I have found.

  5. The "To the Point" Shawl is lovely. I didn't realize it was crochet. I visited Ravelry and printed it out since it was a free pattern. I don't have any crochet patterns - only knitter ones.

  6. I think this To the Point Shawl might just be my most favorite of all you've done, Marsha. I don't know if it's the colors, or what. Maybe it puts me in the mind of autumn, which is my most favorite season. ;^)

  7. Well done on your FO - it is beautiful - and I can see why you are casting on another rising tide - it is a very cool pattern.

  8. It's a great idea to have wraps for men also. I do like the pattern and I'm sure it will get a lot of love. The colors of your forest path are beautiful, what a nice texture it has. Congratulations on a finish. I can't imagine using the 9 inch circulars!

  9. Hi Marsha :) Your shawls are really pretty :) I love the colours of the Forest Path shawl! Heck, I love the name :))) I hope you're doing well and not melting in your heat!!

    Just wanted to let you know, this isn't an area knows for a big tick problem. We do have deer, but they mostly stick to other parts of the woods. We still treat the dogs for fleas and ticks though, just in case, but we've never found one. I've seen ticks and they are nasty little buggers! And thank you for your sweet comment about my artwork! :) xxx

  10. DPNs for the win! Nice sock colours so far! Like a comfy well-worn pair of jeans :)

  11. Ooo, love the colors on that Rising Tide.

  12. Your shawl is splendid. I didn't get on with nine inch needles but I may try a different set.

  13. How did I miss this? I love your 'to the point' shawl...absolutely gorgeous and you did a beautiful job knitting it. The Forest path is very pretty and I love the Rising Tide scarf! Those socks are so pretty. I have heard t hat those 9 inch needles can be hard on the hands so I didn't even think about getting them. I hope your hands stay 'healthy' so you can continue to knit.


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