YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, May 27, 2018


Good day to all of you blog readers.  We have a bright sunny day here (again) and are looking for our temps to be near 100F.  This afternoon, hubby and I will be going to our son's home for a family day.  Our daughter and her hubby will be there as well as our niece and her family.  It should be a grand time.

This week I decided to do some quick projects.  I was so sad after frogging my Tadpole socks.  I chose to make market bags.  I completed 2 of them this week but one got taken out of the house before I could photograph it.  I think hubby was exited that I made one just for him!  Here is the first bag I completed.

Hubby's is black, red and white.  These bags hold quite a bit of groceries.  My favorite purchase to put in them is produce.  They just hug it so nicely.  I will make another bag with all the leftover thread I have.  It should be interesting.

I took a class this week to learn how to make this:

The yarn does all the work for you but the 'short row' they use in it is something I had never done before and m instructor had not either.  We finally figured it out.  That has been my main project I have been working on ever since.  It is quite slow going as it is 100% wool and I can only work with it for so long before my nose and hands drive me nuts.

Here is where I am at.  The pattern calls for it to be 9" wide or however wide you wish.  I believe 9" is going to be way too wide for my daughter's neck so will see how it looks at the end of this skein.  I have another skein of this yarn, so I can go to the 9" if needed.  I am hoping the colors start to fall into shape soon.  I am using the recommended yarn but in a different colorway.  Fingers crossed.

While taking the class at the LYS, I perused their non wool yarn.  I wanted some sport weight yarn for a test knit I was preparing for.

This is 50/50 cotton and bamboo.  It is so soft and yummy.  I am not sure when the test knit will start.  It is for Knitterarium (Ruth McKeon AKA Celtic Knits).  Her mother passed away this past week and she is taking an indefinite amount of time off from her designing work.  I am so sad for her.  I can totally understand her grief.

This past week I got to spend almost every afternoon with my local grand.  It was her last week of school also.  We had so much fun and did something special everyday.  She will be starting 8th grade this fall.  It is hard to believe all my grands are no longer babies.  The youngest will be in 7th grade this fall!!!!!

I need to show you this:

This is Howie.  He belongs to my local grand daughter.  He does not like me............actually he doesn't like too many people.  But...............I brought my knitting to the house and he thought I might need some help with it.  Gotta love cats and yarn.

Last night we had our niece and most of her family over for dinner.  Her oldest son wanted to stay and play with his cousin and her friend.  So we got some one on one time with his sister and this guy...............

He is such a sweet baby.  We had so much fun with him and his sister last night.  Can't wait to do it again today.

Here is a reminder for all of us as to why we have Memorial Day this weekend.

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
        In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
        In Flanders fields.

Let us never forget those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom!
Until next time..................happy crafting.


  1. Hi Marsha :) I love your market bags. I'm going to make some for myself actually, I used to have some for produce too and you're right, they are perfect for that! The shawl is so lovely but I admit it looks complicated! The colours you chose are really nice, I hope it works out! Howie is cute! It's funny, when I start to knit, Jack always cuddles up next to me and watches every stitch, maybe his previous owner was a knitter too? :)

    The baby is cute. :) Happy Memorial Day to you and your hubby! xx

  2. Great bag! I should make some of those but I probably won't...lol! I have so many things I want to do. The yarn you chose for the scarf is gorgeous! I can't wait to see the pattern emerge. Too funny about the cat and that baby is so cute! They're not all cute but he is! I love babies. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Such a lovely poem and one we recite on November 11 in Canada. That baby is way too cute, and I love Howie too. That pattern looks awesome and I would like to no more about the new short row technique. Love your produce bags...maybe once I get off my potholder kick I will give that a try.

  4. Cute baby! I love how he's alert. Have a great visit with your kids.

  5. Hope you enjoyed your day yesterday. Love the market bag, I'm in the middle of one myself.

  6. What an amazing shawl that is, Marsha. I look forward to seeing it grow. I'm sorry to hear about Ruth's mother. Thank you for sharing that.

  7. I've watched a class with a bit about short rows, but have't experimented with it yet...like the look Marsha and will be anxious to see how it progresses. Is the shawl made with narrow scarves knitted on the diagonal and stitched together? Very cool looking.
    Sandy's Space


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