YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Week 47

Howdy, dear blog readers.  Another week has passed by.  I hope it was a good week for you.  It is amazing how much can happen in a matter of 7 days, isn't it?  

If you will recall, last week, I was on the foot of my Tadpoles socks.  Here is a look at them today:

I might have shed a tear or two when I had to frog them.  I tried them on to see how close I was to starting the toe decrease.  They hardly fit over my heel and it took forever to get them off my foot, once I did manage to get them on.  There is no stretch to this yarn!.....none, zip, nada, zero!  I had not used this brand in quite a while and had forgotten that small fact.  So, all that work is down the tubes.  I will use this yarn to make a shawl or something like that.  It is not a good sock yarn for this lady.

I did not let that keep me down.  I got right back into my stash and pulled more sock yarn out.  Naked Sock Yarn...............lots of stretch!

I am doing these on my 9 inch needles.  I started out doing My Dearest Loveliest Elizabeth pattern but realized, the pattern is lost in the colorway of the sock.  I am now just doing a plain vanilla sock.  No need to rip these out because I changed my mind 4 pattern repeats into it.  They are my socks and no one will see the tops of them under my pants anyway.  Besides..................I had messed up the pattern repeats on one of the socks right by the ribbing and didn't catch it until pattern repeat #3.  I plan on sticking to the 9 inch circulars all the way through this time.  They are quite nice to work with when doing a plain sock.  Plus, I want to try and do the FLK heel without moving the heel stitches to DPN's.  

I am thinking about doing another To The Point Shawl today and also start on another market bag.  Those are both crochet items.  Crochet goes so quickly for me and I am in need of a quick project again.  Dishcloths are not on my radar, even though they are a quick knit.  No one I know NEEDS any dishcloths at the moment.  There is also a test knit coming up in the next week or so and I have already asked to be in the test group.  Once the test starts, I will be concentrating on it so I can complete it in the required amount of time.  Hence the reason for quick projects this week.

That is all for my crating news this week.  I do take my knitting class this coming Tuesday.  The excitement is bubbling up inside of me.  The pattern I want to learn has been sitting in my house since last fall.  I have it cast on and the first row knit BUT..................I do not understand the instructions from that point on.  It is a 2 hour class, so I should be able to get it through my thick head how to do it.  

Hmmmmm......after reading through this post I realized something..............Startitis has hit this crafter!  Stay tuned this week.   I will let you know if I succumb to this disease or not.

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!


  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry the yarn didn't work for you in making the Tadpole socks. But it is lovely yarn and will make a beautiful shawl or something else. Looking forward to seeing what new things you may be starting soon. :)

  2. Startitis is always a good thing in my humble opinion! Can't wait to hear about your knitting class.

  3. I'm so sorry, it's horrible to have to frog socks way in, especially if they don't really fit. As for startitis, it's a condition even more contagious than the ordinary cold. Just put yourself to bed with a few lovely balls of yarn and let nature take its course. You can thank me later. ;-)

  4. Oh snap about the socks! Sorry that happened and thank goodness for back up sock yarn that makes you happy. Totally curious about the test knit.

  5. We are so on the same page! I am resigned to ripping out my Christmas Eve cast ons that I loved knitting and was almost finished...boo hoo...I feel better knowing I am not alone but also sad that your yarn didn't work. I'm thinking my scarf yarn is not working for me either....maybe crochet would be good for a nice change! LOL! So happy about your class! I am loving the class I am taking although it would be so nice to take one in person. Enjoy! Also,
    I have startitis too! I am trying to get house ready for sale and also grands are coming....but I can't help myself! LOL! I can't wait to see your new starts too! Have a great week! Hugs ~ Sam

  6. Yikes on the pink. It looked like you had made good headway with the socks, but it's such a pretty color will make a lovely shawl so look forward to seeing that on your needles. Lovely and springy looking..the purple and wine. Hope you have better luck with those. Like you, crochet goes faster for me, but sadly it also bothers my arthritis a lot more than knitting.
    Sandy's Space


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