YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Simple Pleasures

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There are so many things to be thankful for.  Especially those simple pleasures in life.  What are some of those things for me?

Waking up to see one of my dogs with his nose right in my face.
A sweet 'good morning' from my hubby.
Catching up on my blogs and emails while enjoying my cuppa.
Sitting on my front porch enjoying the fresh morning air while knitting.
The smell of homemade bread waffing through the house.
Reading a book.
Saying I love you.............often.

These are just a few things I enjoy and appreciate daily.  Today, I got to enjoy another simple pleasure that felt like a little luxury.

I got a haircut!  Now mind you, I do not enjoy having my picture taken, but for you to see my new do, I kind of had to.  It had been almost 2 months since my last cut.  Seems my hair decided to really grow during that time.  She cut over an inch off today!  It feels so much better.  Little things make me happy.

What are some of lifes simple pleasures you enjoy?

Until next time..............happy crafting!


  1. Hi Marsha :) You look cute! :) Getting a hair cut is like a sigh of relief for me! My hair grows really fast...in an effort to be frugal, I've tried to cut my own hair and I'm happy to report it's not TOO crooked lol!

    My simple pleasures are mostly about family...Alex and the furkids...my garden, my art, food and everything nature has to offer.

    One simple pleasure I enjoyed today was seeing my nose a little red from being out in the garden and the sunshine today. Winters are so long here that I appreciate every moment of warmth. :)

  2. Great, new 'do! I enjoy being able to stay home. I am thankful for being healthy. I enjoy being able to craft in multiple ways.


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