YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Rambling Thoughts

Image result for rambling thoughts

This week has been a bit off the rails.  Not at all like a normal week for us.  I have been out and about all week and it is only Wednesday!  Hubby has been super busy working on the house and yard.  These are the times I wished we had decided to downsize into a place with no yard work and a community pool.  But...................I love my home and the memories it gives me as I go from room to room.

Sunday, I told you I was thinking of starting a shawl or market bag or both.  Well, I did start a market bag and finished it on Monday evening..

Nothing super special about it.  The colors were just thrown in there from thread I had laying around.  I started another one Monday night and am still working on the bottom of it.  I would have completed it by now but................................I went to my knitting class Tuesday morning and FINALLY learned how to read the pattern for the scarf my DD wants.

I got started on the scarf and it is so much fun to do, I couldn't put it down for the rest of the day.  It is 414 stitches of sock weight yarn and I have already managed to get to the second round of pattern.  The color of the yarn does not speak to me but it spoke to my DD.  She was so happy to hear I finally got started on it.  It has been languishing on my WIP rack since October last year.

While taking the class at my LYS, I decided to look around.  I am getting ready for the test knit and it asks for sport weight yarn.  I was going to use DK as sport weight (non wool) is a bit tough to find.  WELL.............I will never under estimate my LYS again.

This is the special entrance to my LYS.  It is their back door.  They are on the main street of our town and it is quite hard to park there, now that we have a light rail train that goes right in front of the shop.  But.....The nice thing about that light rail.....in the next year I will be able to take it from my house to this store and not worry about parking again!  The new station will be 1/2 mile from my house!

But I digress............................back to the sport weight yarn

It is 50/50 cotton bamboo and super nice to the touch.  It has a lovely ply to it and I do believe it will show stitch patterns quite well.  You can not tell in this photo, but it has a little shimmer running through it too. Being cotton and bamboo, I will, also, be able to block it when completed.

This is also the last week of school for my local Grand.  She and I have been hanging out each day after school.  Normally her dad picks her up since he works from home, but he is out of town this week.  So I have had the joy of spending some quality time with her.  Monday we hit up Baskin Robbins for a couple of dips of ice cream.  It was quite yummy but made me care less about dinner that night.

Yesterday I let her choose our activity.  She wanted to go to Barnes and Noble book store.  So off we went.  She saw a ton of books she would love to add to her library.  She is keeping a list on her phone of all the books she wants to read.  While she was perusing the sci/fi and fantasy books, I wandered over to the cookbook section.

Every book you see in the photo is a cookbook.  I was not able to get the other 2 racks, that were behind me, in the photo.  How on earth is a person supposed to find anything unless they know exactly what they want.  I was looking for an instant pot cookbook.  There were so many of them it was over whelming!  I left without a cookbook!

After the bookstore we went to her house and watched a movie of her choosing.  We watched "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief".  It was quite good.  When I left, I told her to think about what she wants to do today after school.  We have almost 3 hours before her mom gets home from work.  I can't wait to see what she chooses today.

Thursday I do not get to hang out with the Grand.  She does volunteer work at our food bank that day.  Friday, we have an out of school bash at the local aquatics center for a swimming/pizza party.  We will probably watch a movie after that.  Being in this heat for 2 hours will tire out a body.

I need to get to the DMV and renew my drivers license.  Mine expires on my birthday this year.  That is only 9 days from now.  I only need an eye test this time but the lines are always super long there.  Maybe that will be my outing tomorrow morning.  Gives me a reason to get moving in the morning.

I think that gets me caught up on the week's activities.  Now I want to go and work on some crafting goodness.  I think I will work on the market bag so I can get that done and off my list.  The scarf will not be needed until November at the earliest and I use the market bags weekly.  We try not to us any plastic or paper bags from the store anymore.  Plus, we get $$ credit for taking our own bag.

Until next time.......................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. I love how your granddaughter likes to read sci/fi and fantasy! I love how she picked the bookstore. How lovely to have a LYS only 1/2 mi from your home. I used to be 10 minutes away from one in the city. I miss them sometimes.

  2. The market bag looks great. Love the combo of colors. I have some light weight nylon bags I tack to the store, but your market bag is more stlish. Glad your knit class was a success with reading your pattern. 400+ stitches to cast on...on my that would take me forever. I never have mastered the longtail that some folks do so quickly, so casting on (knitting on) is time consuming. Looking forward to seeing it progress.
    Sandy's Space

  3. Hi Marsha :) The bag looks great! You've had a busy week! I'd say 99% of books on my wish list are cookbooks lol...I can't get enough of them!


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