YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tuesday Happenings

So much has been going on since I blogged on Sunday morning.  Our Grand went home around 2 Sunday afternoon and boy, was the house quiet.  Before she went home, she did help me in my craft room.  She volunteered to clean up the BIG craft table while I worked on sewing her jean shorts hem and fixed a few broken items.

I will need to re-clean the desk as she arranged it for a right hander and that is not me.  LOL I was just glad she was willing to help.  Of course, she knew if that room got straightened up quickly, we would have time to go swimming before the parental units came to pick her up. Smart girl, huh.

Here is little sample of what I fixed:

I had to glue on the hand on this ornament but....................I think I glued it on upside down.  It is the hand on the left of the photo.  OOPS.

Then there is this little jewel:

She fell off a shelf and her left leg broke pretty badly.  I have started the gluing on it but there seems to be some pieces missing.  I was going to remove her clothing to see how I could re-attach the leg but.................the clothes are sewed shut.  I am gonna have to get my seam ripper and get it apart so I can take a look to see what I am going to do.  There is no way the legs are ever going to be joined again, so I have to decide how I want to attach the legs..................sitting or standing.  I am thinking sitting will be the best at this point.  We will see.

This is my hero:

This is the best glue for putting things back together.  I was introduced to it when I was in the throws of jewelry making.  I use it for just about everything.

Other than the 2 items above, I also fixed a frame and a refrigerator magnet.  After completing all the gluing, I decided to cut my kitchen towels in half so I could crochet toppers on them.

I think I will use either a gray or black yarn and the the other color for the button.  These will hang on my stove handle so I have something that does not fall to the ground every time I touch it with my body.

Yesterday I had the last feeding of my BFF's dog in the morning.  She had asked me to lock him up during the eclipse and then let him out after it was over.  She was concerned he would try and look at the sun..............................don't judge!  After he was fed and locked up, hubby and I hit the gym for about an hour.  We then proceeded home and had lunch and then I went back and let the dog out and went out to visit my mom for a while.  After the visit, we met up with our BFF's for dinner and then came home and I was ready to collapse after all the busyness of the weekend and Monday.

Today was such a treat for me.  I met a friend for lunch.  We had not talked to each other for almost 2 years.  Not because we don't like each other, but because our schedules are just so hectic.  We sat and talked for over 3 hours.  I am sure the restaurant would have liked us to leave earlier, but.................oh well.  LOL  It was so great to catch up with her.  We have decided we are going to do this at least every other month. It is so nice to have friends that you can just pick up talking like you were just together the day before.

After lunch, I headed to the Tonto Forest Ranger station that is here in town.  I got my lifetime national park pass.  If you are over 62 and don't have one, high tail it to where ever you need to go to get one.  The cost is $10 dollars and it is good for life.  After August 28th, the price goes up to $80!  We have quite a few national parks here in Arizona and have been to a couple of them before we turned 62.  Now we can go anytime we want and everyone in our car gets in free too.  How cool is that!  So go out and get that National Parks Pass before next Monday!

I am not home and when I walked in the door there was a huge bouquet of purple flowers waiting for me.

Aren't they pretty?  And my favorite color too.  He is so good to me.  

I am finally home for the rest of the day.  We have lots of leftovers for dinner tonight so I will be able to FINALLY pick up my knitting needles and have a bit of fun with the Log Cabin square #2.

Until next time..............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are a busy bee! I have a whole box of things that need repairing and then there's mending too! Thanks for the reminder. I'm getting ready for a garage sale so I'm unearthing all kinds of things.
    So nice you were able to reconnect with your friend.


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