YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, August 25, 2017

Busy Bees

It is Friday and my weekend is jammed packed starting this afternoon.  Hubby and I will be attending a Marian Conference all weekend in Scottsdale.  We are looking forward to the time we will spend with hundreds of fellow Catholic Christians.  The speakers this year are very different from those we have heard in past years.

I have prepped for our weekend away by making bread, brownies, stocking up on sandwich makings and catching up on all the laundry.  We will take our lunch on Saturday and Sunday. Dinner will be eaten at a nearby restaurant.  I decided to take the Petty Harbour socks to work on during the conference.  They fit very nicely in my large purse where as the log cabin square would require it's own tote bag.  

We were supposed to hit the gym this morning, but I nixed the idea.  Where the conference is, we will be going up and down stairs at least 8 times each day as well as there is quite a bit of walking from one end of the resort to the other.  I feel we will have plenty of activity over the next 2.5 days.  

This morning we have been watching the updates on Hurricane Harvey.  I was concerned about family that lives in Texas.  I do know one of our family members should be fine but am a bit concerned about the other member.  They could receive copious amounts of rain and wind.  The worst part is..........They are out of state and can not do anything to protect their property or animals from the storm.  Needless to say prayers are being said for them and all people in the path of this storm.

My YOP update will probably be late this week.  I should have it up on Monday at the latest. Just think...................you will see something other than a square lol.

Time to go and get ready the start of our weekend.

Until next time...............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time at your conference. I will pray for those in Texas as not everyone has the money to just pack up and leave and go stay in a hotel. We will get rain from it next week but not anything like they will get. I am so busy this whole week....today was groomer, dryer repair man and mower repair guy.....plus I went to Walmart and now I have to go pick up prescriptions. At our age there is too much to do to be able to hold down a job too! LOL!
    Have a safe trip! Hugs ~ Sam


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