YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Before we get started, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day.  That goes for everyone that is a mom, grandmom, mom to critters, aunts that fill in for moms, stepmoms, sisters that mother their siblings, dad's that are both mom and dad etc...  Being a mother is the hardest occupation I have ever had and the most rewarding.  Being a Grandma is the icing on the cake and the bestest job in the world.

Let's get on to the update now.

Once again, my eyes opened at 3am.  I managed to go back to sleep until 4:30 and then my body got all twitchy and I had to get up.  It is nice to be up so early and have a quiet house, watch the sun come up and can take the time to photograph my items for today's show and tell.

First up.........................A FO (finished object)

My Stitch Sampler Shawl is completed.  This was a very fun project to work on.  Because of the ever changing stitches, it never got boring.  I seldom knit a shawl for charity as they take so much longer to complete than crocheting.  This one was not bad at all.  Took about 2.5 weeks to complete and for knitting, that is super fast for this tortoise knitter.  I have enough yarn from this project to complete another stitch sampler.  I will arrange the striping a bit different next time as some of the stripes broke the patterns up too much.  I love the bright colors of this and hope it will brighten the recipient's day a bit.

After completing that I HAD to start another shawl.

This one is Crocheted Prayer Shawl by Kathy Knox.  I am making it with my Sweet Roll yarn in the colorway Spearmint.  I am not super happy about the jogging of the stripes, but not much I can do about.  That is the way the yarn is dyed.  This yarn is so soft and easy to work with.  I loved it so much I had to go and get more.

JoAnn's had it on sale this week for 3 days only.  I went and picked up 5 skeins of this colorway called Birthday.  I will make the same shawl with this color.  It is an easy pattern to remember and shows the striping off so well.  There are several ladies in the Prayer Shawl ministry that use this yarn because of the ease of care and the colors that are available.

I am also in a test knit again.  Once again it is for Knitterarium (AKA Ruth).  She has designed another sock pattern.  

I am using On Your Toes Bamboo/nylon blend this time.  It had a tendency to split a bit while working with but.................the stitch definition is superb.  It is fairly soft for a sock yarn too. Sorry, I can not show you any of the knitting I have done on the test knit.  But until the pattern is released, it has to remain TS (top secret) LOL.  I will say, once this pattern is released, you might want to give it a whirl.  It seems to be knitting up way faster than I think I have ever knit a sock before.

That is it for crafting news.  On the home front:

If you follow my blog, you know my brother came to town on Wednesday.  Since then we have been pretty busy just enjoying his company and visiting mom and friends.  

Last night we went to a fantasy football (American Football that is) party.  It was for my dear friend who is suffering from cancer.  She finally won with her fantasy football league this year.  She has played for 7 years and never won...............got close but lost it on the last game.  Here is a photo of her kissing her trophy

She was so excited to finally win.  I don't know if she will be playing again this year or not. Because of the radiation she has had on her brain, her cognitive powers have been damaged quite a bit.  Yet, she keeps a smile on her face and is as sassy as ever.

I volunteered to make dinner for this party.  I made a double batch of Cheesy Mostaccioli.  If you have never had it.................you are missing out.  It is a super simple recipe and yet, I have not found anyone that has not liked it.  Sandra asked me to post the recipe so here it is:

1 lb of Mostaccioli (cook according to package directions)
1.5 pounds of Italian sausage (I mix sweet and hot together)
1 jar spaghetti sauce (28 ounces)  Any flavor you want works
1 can condensed cheddar cheese soup
3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese divided ( I use more than this as I like it cheesy)

Cook pasta according to the package directions.  Rinse and drain when done

In a non stick skillet cook and stir the sausage over medium high heat until done. Drain off fat

Add spaghetti sauce, and soup to the meat

In a large bowl, mix the pasta, meat sauce and 1/2 the cheese together

Poor into a greased 9X13 baking dish. (I use a disposable pan)

Sprinkle remaining cheese over the top.

Bake at 350F for 40 minutes or until heated through and cheese on top is melted and bubbly.

That's it!  Super easy.  I made this the day before and just put it into my fridge.  It was over 2/3 gone when I left last night, so I am sure there was very little left by the end of the evening.

Today, we are going to my mom's and having a BBQ of pork chops.  That is something she is not served where she lives.  She loves her mother's day picnics as it is about the only time she get out of the building.  We are hoping the weather cooperates.  It is supposed to get a bit windy this afternoon.  Keeping our fingers crossed it isn't too bad.

Until next time......................happy crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Your Stitch Sampler Shawl is beautiful, I love the bright colors! I hope you had a great Mother's Day!

  2. The colours in that stitch sampler shawl are amazing. Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  3. The colours in that stitch sampler shawl are amazing. Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  4. Wow, I love those shawls. The stitch sampler is gorgeous and the stripey one is lovely even if it does jog. I didn't get to start Ruth's socks yet, but will do soon - I really want to finish my May socks first!

  5. I love your stitch sampler. I 'faved' it as it would be good practice for me and I love it! Love your Sweet Roll yarn and no matter about the jogs....it's still lovely. Thank you for the recipe as it sounded so yummy. I will say a prayer for your friend and so happy she won her fantasy football trophy! I always wanted to try to play but I don't keep up with it that much and now without satellite, forget it. I'm too slow to be a test knitter but I can't wait to see yours.
    I hope the weather cooperated for your barbecue with your Mom....it sounded like such a nice afternoon. Happy Mother's Day to you and your Mom!

  6. Those are really beautiful shawls. I actually quite like the 'jogs' of colour, and the sampler shawl is lovely.
    The 'Trophy kiss' is delightful, lol, so glad that your friend got to win it. Hope you all had a lovely pork chop bbq, and the weather behaved for you all.


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