YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Quick update

A very busy 2 days since I posted my YOP update.  My flight leaves tomorrow morning at 7:45.  This puts me leaving the house at 5:30.  That's pretty darn early!

Monday saw me going to my orthopedic surgeons office.  I have been released from my broken thumb........woohoo.  Afterwards, I did a little shopping for my mom.  With being gone for 2 weeks, I always make sure all her "staples" are on hand.

I also took yesterday to make a list of everything I needed to do or pack.  It was also my visit with mom day.  Dinner was a nice easy night of hamburgers and chips.  I  don't know what you do with your burgers but we mix; garlic powder, onion powder, lemon pepper and ranch dressing mix in ours and then put Rudy's bbq rub on it.  Super yummy.

Today was crazy.........hubby and I hit the floor and started running.  We had 6 stores to go to.  I had a list as long as your arm, of items we needed to purchase or things to be taken care of.  It only too 2 hours to complete.  That is why I make list. LOL

We came home and I started packing.  Of course I had a list.  Making lists is my favorite thing to do other than knitting or crocheting.  Hence the reason I bullet journal.  Other than my toiletries being used in the morning, I am done.

I did something today, I have not done in at least 10 years.

I got nails again.  We are doing a bit of traveling over the next couple of months.  My RA has messed up my nails so bad......they can not grow because of it.   Let me rephrase that.....they can grow, but chip, peel, and split all the time.  I am not normally a vain person, but I do like to look nice.  I wear a bit of make up ( not a lot), do my hair daily, and dress in decent clothes (when leaving the house lol).  My finger and toe nails are my big issue.   I can wear shoes to cover my toes, but it's  not possible to cover my fingers 100% of the time.   I know.....vanity........sinful.

Hubby and I went out for street tacos tonight.  It's our one date night we do almost every week.  So nice to have a little us time.

It's getting late and I need to be up in 6 hours.  Next tine I update.....it will be from Texas.

Until next time. . . . happy crafting! 

1 comment:

  1. Busy here too but I'm not traveling just trying to get things done before rain/storms. thanks for the hamburger recipe...I can't seem to make a decent one...I will try yours. They sound delish! I feel like I broke my thumb but I think I just strained it as it is sore to even crochet or knit. It's getting better but I need to make sure I don't lift with it or grab...it could be the RA too. Speaking of RA...my nails grow fine and don't split or chip but I keep mine short. I admire others and their pretty nails but it's not for me. I can't stand mine to get long at all. Also, I have been a list maker since I learned to write! No wonder we 'clicked' as friends! I love my bullet journal too. You are so good to your Mother and thoughtful. Glad you and hubby got to get out for a bit. I bet those street tacos are delicious. Have a safe trip and stay in touch! I went to Walmart today and wanted to mow too but Walmart does me in! LOL!


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