YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, May 15, 2017

Post Mother's Day update

Good day to all of you readers.  I hope you are having a great day.  I know I am.  That makes 2 lovely days in a row.  In all honesty, 99% of my days are lovely.  I am truly a blessed woman.

Yesterday was Mother's Day, here in the good old USA.  I never ask for anything for Mother's Day as far as gifts goes.  The only thing I usually ask for is a day to be allowed to do what I want when I want without having to worry about any 'household' stuff.  Ya know, like cooking, cleaning or laundry LOL.  Every year, my family grants me my wish. 

I will say, I am also,usually, given gifts and this year was no exception.  I received some lovely jewelry from my hubby,
Earrings and a necklace in dancing white sapphires. Also:

This bracelet in yellow, white and rose gold.

 A gorgeous maxi LuLaRoe skirt from my daughter

 and beautiful flowers from my son that lives in town. 

Aren't these flowers exceptional?  I never think of tulips for gift giving.  They are so pretty and springy.  The vase they are in is oblong and I think I want to keep it out and try and keep flowers in it quite often this year.  I know, flowers don't live forever, but they do brighten up a room so well.  Our grocery stores sell some of the nicest arrangements for quite a reasonable price too.

I received a call from my out of town son who let me ramble on and on without telling me he needed to get off the phone.  It was so special and lovely.  Plus, I will be seeing him in about 10 days, when I go and stay with him and his family for 2 weeks.

We did go to my mom's yesterday, but there was no BBQ.  Our son's BBQ broke as it was being lifted up into a truck.  Plan B...........................Picked up fried chicken from the deli at the grocery store.  Worked just fine and probably better as we ended up with some pretty gusty winds for our picnic.  We still had a wonderful time with the family all gathered around.

This is my brother, mom and myself.  I think mom thought we would blow away, so she held onto our hands.  It was so nice outside.  I was concerned it would be too hot, but the Good Lord blessed us with a day in the high 80's along with cloud cover, not to mention the 40 MPH breeze.

After the family picnic, we came home.  Daughter and her husband dropped by for a little while just for some one on one time with us.  After they left, son and his wife and daughter came over for dinner (we had to bbq those pork chops!)  The grand went swimming again (water was only 72) and we even ate dinner outside.  The wind had died down and it was so pleasant and mild out.  

I got to work on my test knit sock as well as my prayer shawl.  What more could I have asked for than a day with my family around me and doing what I love to do.  Like I said.....I am a blessed woman.

Today, I am relaxing again.  Trying to recoup a bit from everything that has been happening since my brother came into town.  I worked on both of my projects today.  I will be picking up the grand from school today and helping her with homework.  She will be with us for dinner tonight and then I will take her home.  Her daddy is out of town on business so we will be having her all week after school.  Something we haven't done in a looooong time.

I only have today and tomorrow with my brother and then he heads back home to Texas with a 5 day stop in New Mexico for a motorcycle rally.  He will be back later this year again. Not sure when exactly, but he normally makes it out twice a year.

We are having left over pork chops for dinner tonight LOL.  We had 13 of them cooked up and have 6 left.  Makes my life easy when everyone agrees that left overs are fine for dinner.  Gives me more knitting/crocheting time LOL.  And since it is another mild day outside, I have been doing some of my knitting in the great outdoors. 

Speaking of knitting outside, I am trying to convince hubby to buy me a nice bench for the front porch so I can sit out there and knit in the mornings.  It faces north and it always in the shade during this time of year.  He thinks I am strange for wanting to sit out front where everyone can see me.  Doesn't bother me LOL. I might get to meet a few more neighbors that way.  After all, we have lived here for 29 years and I really only know 4 neighbors! That's because we all have 6 foot fences in our backyards.  No way can you gossip over one of those LOL.  Plus, I could watch as the children walked to school each day and that might dissuade them from throwing rocks over our fence into our pool or at our dogs. ( OK, so the barking dogs can be a bit annoying, but if you keep on walking they stop barking and you aren't upsetting this home owner.)

That is all for today.  I am going to go and finish up the leg of the test knit sock and start on the heel.  The heel is my favorite part of the sock!

Until next time.............................happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful picture of you and your brother and your Mom! if I lived next door to you we would have to put in a gate so I could pop over and see what you were knitting on! LOL! I am blessed too although since it is only me, myself and I, I still did chores yesterday but I don't mind as I just enjoy each little task....no rush, no pressure. I do sit down and take a break now and then to knit or crochet. I always feel so good reading your posts...I definitely think we would be great friends if we lived closer....what am I saying? I think we are good friends and I am very grateful for you and your posts. Hugs ~ Sam
    P.S. I am not a jewelry gal but I can certainly appreciate your 'jewels'....what a thoughtful husband you have and your children too!


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