YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 6, 2020

WEEK 23 YOP 10


Hello.  Welcome to my weekly YOP update.  Here is what happened this week in my craft universe.

Here is Reyna.  The green progress keeper is where I was last week.  This is the only project I worked on this week.  I am so close to finishing it.  Do you see the beads I have added to it?  This was a last minute decision on my part.  Since this is knitted in one color, I thought it might need a little 'interest'.  The beads also will help it have a bit more drape. The down side of the beads is the time it takes to do one row.  I timed it last night and it takes me an entire hour to do one row with the beads.  I calculated how much time it will take to complete the shawl and came up with between 12-14 hours before the bind off.  Looking at the yarn I have left, I now have a feeling I may be playing yarn chicken by the end.  My goal is to have this completed by the end of this coming week.

Once the shawl is completed I am going to work on other WIP's.  After looking at my knitting journal, I realized, I have way too many languishing projects hanging around.  It is time to start to clean up some of them so I don't feel so guilty about casting on new projects.

On other crafting fronts........................Josie came over on Friday to work on some Christmas projects for her parents.  While she was here, I asked her to make labels for my hubby and my earbud cases.  She was more than willing to do it.  Here is mine.

I was impressed.  As you can see, the earbud case is not very big.  She still managed to make a name small enough to go on it.  That kid is good.  

That is all of the crafting for this week.  In other news, I made a loaf of pullman loaf bread yesterday.

I love the fact this comes out just like store bought sandwich bread.  I am able to get 20 slices out of this 1.5 pound loaf.  It is soft and yet dense.  It holds together so well for sandwiches.  Much better than the loaf I make in the bread machine.

I leave you with something I found yesterday.  Hopefully it doesn't offend anyone.

Until Next Time..............................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love your shawl!! Completely agree that the beads really set it off. You will be so glad to have taken the extra time. Beading is on my future "to do" list. I did buy yarn that has sequins already attached that is on my 2021 plan to combine with another yarn for a shrug. But that's the closest so far.

    I too can't bear to have lots of WIPs. I prefer to finish projects before starting another. I do tend to always have a pair of socks and a sweater/top on needles at all times. I find it hard to pick up a project I haven't touched for awhile so I prefer to just get it done.

  2. Oooh! I love the beading, how lovely. I've no idea how you get the beads on as I've never done knitting and beading on one project...what am I talking about I've never done any beading in any project! But oh my they look great. I look forward to seeing this finished and hopefully modelled so we can see it on. Looks great so far.

  3. Sounds like a lot of work adding beads (and I have no idea how that is done), but that will be beautiful when it's finished! Can't wait to see the whole thing. Finished!

  4. The shawl looks good with the beads. I like how your granddaughter came over to work on gifts for her parents.

  5. I have only worked beads in projects when I threaded the beads onto yarn prior to knitting. I know some people use tiny wee little crochet hooks to add them and that just sounds so fiddly to me -therefore I haven't tried it! That means that I never get to decide my work needs the extra oomph of beads at last minute. I might have to learn since your project has that something something beads add. Lovely

  6. Can't wait to hear you fess up about the number of your wips and what they are. It will feel good to get them off the needles, or hook and give your permission to cast on to your heart's content. I got a chuckle out of the santa cartoon. Thanks for posting.

  7. Reyna is looking perfect, especially with the beads. I found that it was a bit fiddly but well worth it.

  8. Oh, the beads really do make it shine! Beautiful shawl! I am hoping, like you, to get back to some WIPs and some YOP projects that I haven't started yet. How does Josie make those labels? Is that a Cricut? I love the Pullman loaves. I'll be doing some Christmas decorating this week too along with some cleaning. Have a good week and hopefully now that the presents are in the mail I can get back to my regularly scheduled posting! LOL!

  9. Hi Marsha :) I love the beads on the shawl! It gives it some bling! :) The bread looks awesome! I have to find that recipe! And I'm so NOT offended by the funny, that made me giggle! LOL!!

  10. what progress on the shawl! nice!! any beading makes a shawl more beautiful!


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