YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, December 17, 2020


Do you remember what life was like last year at this time?  Do certain songs or smells bring back those lovely memories of past Christmas' or Chanukahs?  Isn't it amazing how things have changed over the past 9 months?

I do not consider hubby and myself big social people.  Yes, we like to have dinners with friends and family.  Yes, this time of year we normally would be making lots of plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as well as New Years Eve and New Years Day.  Not this year.  We will attend Mass on Christmas Eve and have a small family dinner (6-8 people) on Christmas Day.  Nothing special will be happening this year on New Years Eve or New Years Day.  

It is kind of interesting though.  It is not bothering me to be scaling down like this.  So many things in my life have changed over the past few years, I feel it is good for me to be able to take this time, slow down, and count my blessings.  

Speaking of blessings.............................................Here are 2 of my blessings.

This is not a normal occurrence.  Normally, if Enrique tries to lay next to Luna, she immediately leaves the area.  This tells me one of two things.  One, Luna is cold and is using Enrique for his body heat.  Two, Enrique snuck up there and laid down so quietly that Luna didn't notice (not likely).  I am betting on #1. (Enrique is the one in the blue collar)

I am just finishing up a load of laundry and getting ready to eat lunch.  The cardigan is still the only project I am working on at the moment.  The body is completed and the bottom border is being done right now.  That leaves the front/neck band to do and then it will be completed.  These last two parts are slow going.  There are a multitude of stitches being worked and it takes me almost 30 minutes to do one row of the bottom border.  The neck/front band will have even more stitches as well as M1 and K2tg thoughout.  So that will take me even longer to do.  I had hoped to have this completed by Christmas.  I now am hoping to be able to have it off the needles before 2021 starts.  

That is all for me today.  

Until next time.....................................................................



  1. I would love for Frodo and Holly to snuggle together but Frodo cannot control himself and will always chase her!! We are celebrating as the two of us!

  2. All my holidays are the same and I spend them alone so it won't be any different this year! LOL! Enrique and Luna are so cute! I am definitely making a cardigan this year with buttons! So many of the patterns have no buttons. I still need to do a load of laundry but I am pretty tired after shopping and disinfecting and all those ectra steps! Have a nice weekend!

  3. I love the idea of a handknit cardigan and being able to cozy up in it.


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