YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, December 2, 2020



I got a surprise this morning.  Josie sent me a text about 8am to let me know there was no reason for me to come over to her house today!  That meant, I had a 'day off' from my dog/teen duties.  Oh my, what should I do with all that free time?  I had no problem filling my day.

First on my list was to head out to the grocery store to pick up the few items we needed to make the menu I set up on Monday.  Today was 'senior' day at our local Kroger's.  So hubby and I went there along with about 100 of other senior citizens.  Lucky for us, our Kroger is huge so we had no issue with keeping physical distance from others.  We did run into 2 friends while there.  We had not seen either of them for almost a year so it was kind of nice to stand and chat for a few minutes to catch up.

When we got home, we put everything away and had a nice quite lunch.  After lunch, I decided to make hamburger buns for the burgers hubby is going to grill tonight for our dinner.  Here is the recipe I used for the buns.  It is supposed to make 12 slider sized buns but I made 6 burger sized buns with it.  It also, only takes 40 minutes from start to finish!  They look yummy.  Will let you know.  (Sorry no photo of them)  While they were baking I emptied the dishwasher and cleaned all the countertops in the kitchen.  I have no idea how flour gets over all the countertops when I only work in one little area. Sheesh!

Once the buns were done, I headed into my craft room and got it straightened up.  Josie and I will be in there on Friday so she can work on a Christmas gift for her Dad.  While getting that in order, I found 2 Christmas ornaments I needed to fix and hang on my tree.  

All of that is now completed and It is time for me to start making dinner.  It is an easy dinner of burgers and baked beans and HOMEMADE BUNS!  We have cookies for desert tonight.  (Bought those didn't make them)

Once dinner is over, I am going to kick back and work on Reyna.  It is getting very close to the last part of the pattern.  I seem to have quite a bit of yarn so may decided to add more rows to it until I have just enough yarn left to bind off.

How did your day go?

Until next time................................................................


  1. Several hours of MY day was spent on the computer and phone gathering information for purchasing insurance when COBRA ends for me soon. I have to say, insurance bought through the Healthcare Marketplace (under the Affordable Care Act) is no bargain. I've heard people complain about it, but I had no idea how expensive it is for what one gets. So then I found a decent insurance plan (a sharing plan) for a fraction of the cost of ACA insurance so that is probably what I will go with. I wish we had looked into these healthcare sharing plans earlier. Who knows what tomorrow holds, but with my (generally good) health history I would have saved a heap o' money.

  2. It always feels good to get stuff done, especially to have food in the house. Funny how you talked about burgers. My husband is craving them; he's been watching smash burgers videos.


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