YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, December 14, 2020



Hi.  It is late Monday afternoon.  I am finally finding the time to sit down and relax before I start our dinner.  Yesterday, I did absolutely nothing other than knit all day.  I was not feeling well and decided to take the day off.  That meant today I needed to do yesterday and today's daily chores. 

It all worked out well.  Hubby is taking an online class for the next 3 days.  This means, I have all day to do what ever I needed/wanted to do without any interruptions.

Here is how the day went. 

Two loads of laundry done and even put all of it away.
Got rid of boxes from deliveries and the new light fixture.
Made out menus from now through Christmas Eve.
Made out the grocery list
Picked up my medicine.
Ran to 2 grocery stores to get groceries.
Emptied the dishwasher.
Made 2 different types of bread.  

It was time to make another loaf of my sandwich bread.  We love this bread and it is so easy to make.

I finally got a chance to make a loaf of sweet bread in my fancy bread pan I purchased from King Arthur Flour Company.  The bread was made from a Krusteaz mix.

The flavor is Cranberry Orange.  I dusted the top with powdered sugar to make it pretty.  I love the decor on the bread.

Here is a look at the pan I used.  It is a Nordic Ware pan.  Let me just say, it was interesting greasing it.  I do have several other sweet bread mixes and am looking forward to making them in this pan.  

Tonight's dinner is coconut shrimp.  I will steam some veggies to serve with it as well as some of the sandwich bread.  I have a fantastic air fryer recipe for the coconut shrimp.  It is not hard to make at all and our store had raw shrimp on sale.  Win win!

After dinner, I am going to work on my cardigan.  Both sleeves are no completed.  I need to add 36 rows to the body and then I will be on the button band/neck band.  Wish me luck as I have never done bands before.  If I am figuring correctly, I should have this completed before Christmas.  🤞

Tomorrow should be a much quieter day.  I have a zoom Dr appointment with my RA doctor.  Hubby has another day of virtual class.  Other than that, no big plans.  I am sure I will figure out a way to fill my day.

Remember this?  I have decided to put it on hold until January.  There is a group I have been a part of for 2-3 years that starts a decluttering on January.  The person that does it has an actual schedule on what room to work on and what area of the room to work on each day/week.  It lasts for 90 days and manages to go through an entire house including garages and basements (If you have them)  I do much better with a schedule and more detailed instructions.  Here is the link to the group if you are interested.

OK, About time for me to go and peel shrimp.

Until next time........................................................


  1. You were on fire yesterday! You got nore done in oine day than I get sdone in a week! LOL! I tried to go to the organization site but the screen was blank. It does sound like something I would like to partcipate in. I too had to stop for the holidays.
    Your bread in that special pan turned out beautiful!

  2. That is a beautiful pan. I had to buy a new loaf pan and a new 9x13 one b/c the ones we had from our wedding were scratched up inside and rusty. I haven't tested out the new ones I got from Prime but looking forward to giving them a test drive this winter.


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