YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Finding New Things


Hello and happy Tuesday.  I hope your day/week is going smoothly.  The past couple of days have been interesting for me.  Last time I dropped by here was Sunday Morning.  Well!  I have been on the go since I posted that.  Here is a some things that have been done at my house since we last talked.


I made a NY Cheesecake in my Ninja Foodi.......so yummy
Prepped dough for sourdough bread
Made a loaf of cranberry orange bread
Did a load of laundry


Started setting up my 2021 Journal....so much fun
Baked a pullman loaf of sourdough bread
Cleaned out the fridge.....gross
Downloaded some audio books
Worked on the Havana


Finally put away the gifts we got for Christmas
Wound the clock
Watered all the plants (inside)
Fed Arthur (sourdough starter)
Started exploring Craftsy Classes

That last one is very exciting for me.  I had no idea Craftsy had so many different classes I can take.  I was got a one year premium membership for a very small price.  I decided to go and have a look around to see what is available.  I have already found several classes I will be taking.  Now here is the shocker.................they are not all knitting or crocheting classes.  They have ones to learn to draw, paint, garden, photography and a whole bunch more.  

Do any of you belong to Craftsy?  What classes have you taken?

This afternoon, I am going to work on my Havana again. I got quite a few rows added yesterday.  I need to keep at it so I can get it out of my house.  I figure I have another month before it will be done though.  

We just got a call from our daughter.  Her husband tested positive for Covid.  Luckily we have not been near them for 9 days and when we were together, we all wore masks and kept our distance.  As strange as that sounds, they wanted to be careful as his office has had several cases of covid as well as one case of TB in the past month.  Hubby and I will monitor ourselves for the next few days but our PCP feels we are pretty well in the clear.  Our daughter also got tested ans she is negative.....................thank goodness.  Yet, she still needs to quarantine for 10 days and then get tested again before she goes back to work.  Her husband said he feels like he has the flu.  (He got tested for that too)  I feel so bad for them.  

OK, I am off to work on the Havana and listen to my audio book for a while.

Until next time..........................................................................


  1. "Try new things" sounds like a very good motto for the new year. I look forward to reading about what you're learning through Craftsy.

    I'm hoping your SIL doesn't get very sick with COVID, and that your daughter can stay COVID free. Are these the parents of your local granddaughter? Stay safe yourselves!

  2. So far my husband and I have been safe from Covid and all our friends and family have missed it, but I doubt that situation will hold. I understand a new strain of the virus is 50-70% more contagious (% depending on the TV station you listen to.). Glad you guys missed that exposure. All we can do at this time is be careful and distant. Take care.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your son-in-law. I hope he has a mild case and a speedy recovery. It sounds like you and your husband should be healthy.
    I loved reading your daily lists -- a taste of retirement...5.5 months.
    I do belong to Craftsy. I loved Sue Spargo's embroidery class.

  4. setting up a new journal is where it's AT! I love to do that stuff! Happy New Year!

  5. I'm glad you are healthy and I hope your son-in-law doesn't suffer too much from the virus.


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