YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 1, 2020



Here we are again.  Another Sunday update and I have been busy this week working on my WIP's.  No finishes but making progress on several items.

Hubby's socks got the most love.  The DPN on the bottom of the sock is where I was last week.  Twenty more rows before I start the heel flap.  The heel is my favorite part of the sock so I am excited to get there.

Remember Fodhla?

I frogged it.  Yup, the yarn was just not working with the pattern.  Never fear, I found another pattern to try it on.

Say hello to Reyna.  This pattern has been on my 'to do' list since Liz from Highland Heffalump made one.  I am already pleased with the look and feel of it.  It got cast on yesterday.  I love the pattern as it is easy to memorize.  The main thing is, knowing what row you are on.

The other item I worked on was the Havana blanket.

The white dot is where I was last time I worked on it.  We had a few days of unusually cool weather and I used it to my advantage to work on the blanket.  It was wonderful not to melt under it.  It is now back on hold as we are back into the 90's.  Good thing I don't need this blanket for another 2.5 years.

I bought something this week.............................................

Another orchid.  I had an orchid that decided it no longer wanted to be part of my household.  It made me quite sad as the other two orchids are doing wonderful.  My frown turned into a smile when I went to the grocery store and saw they had orchids for 20% off.  I have no idea what color the one that died was.  I just know this is the one that caught my eye first.

Today will be busy with laundry, making bread, baking a cake, doing some weekly household chores, and preparing for Josie to come and spend the night.  The reason she is spending the night is, we are heading to Prescott Valley tomorrow to take a tour of an alpaca farm.

Lilianna from Plum Creek Farms

We are all looking forward to it as it is going to be 15 degrees cooler up there.  I have not been up in that area for many years.  Once we are done with the alpaca tour, we will travel another 12 miles to Prescott and have lunch there and take a little look around the town center.  I have been waiting for Josie to have a day off of school so we could go and do this during the week.  Hubby has even agreed to go with us.  He has no clue about alpacas but is willing to learn about them.  What a sport he is!  

Did you notice there is not any decluttering challenge on today's post?  Yesterday was the completion of the 31 day challenge. (496 items GONE)  It was fun to do but, it really did cut into the time I normally would be doing other things around the house.  Will I continue to declutter?  You betcha!  My plan now is to take one room at a time and completely tear it apart and then put it back together.  Items that are not needed or are useful anymore, will be removed from that room and will go into 1 of three piles.......................donate, sell, or trash.  I will still blog about this but not daily.  Not sure how often I will post about the treasures leaving my house.  Depends on how much 'stuff' I find during my clean out.

Until next time.......................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That is one gorgeous alpaca! I made Reyna a couple years ago with some Star Wars inspired yarn...It was a fun knit.....

    Enjoy your visit.

  2. WOW that Havana Blanket is bright and beautiful. Looks like a fun knit. Visiting an alpaca farm is on the "to do" list of my local knitting friends. There is one fairly close by so once Covid get under control it will be a "girls" trip.

  3. The heel is the thing that keeps me from even trying trying sock knitting. lol Well, that and the second sock...

    Your Havana is beautiful! I love the vibrant colors. Have fun on your Alpaca field trip. What a great way to spend the day with your hubs and granddaughter. :)

  4. love the colorway of the sock and Renya is a nice pattern to knit.

  5. Love those socks for your hubby. I love turning heels too. It is magic! Yay for the alpaca trip - sounds great. I started my Havana and I am looking forward to its progress. Yours looks amazing. Luckily it is heading into the winter rains here so I am happy to have a warm blanket on my lap as I knit.

  6. I love my Reyna and wore it yesterday! I love you are knitting it and it has the progress keeper I made attached 😁. I really, really like how your Havana is coming along and am really considering one colour carried throughout like yours. Your trip sounds like fun and I’ll check to see if you’ve already done another post about how it went. We have some alpacas near us and they are so cute with their big eyes and fur noses.

  7. Your socks are great and Reyna has started well. I love your Havana.

  8. Ooh! Touring an alpaca farm?! Neat-O!


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