YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, November 16, 2020

Making Space?


You may not consider this a making space post, but believe me, I have gotten rid of so much today and I now can see the top of my washing machine and also my dining room table.   It is all due to holiday cooking.  I bought the ingredients for lots of chex mix (nuts and bolts) and finally took the time today to completely make all of it.  This means I got rid of 6 boxes of Chex cereal, 1 large box of cheerios, 2 bags of pretzel sticks, 3 canisters with 2 pounds of nuts in them, and 3 pounds of butter.  I have another box of Cheerios that will be going to our church's food bank.  

So, what about all the Chex mix I made?  It is all going out to friends and family over the next week.  This means it will not be taking up any space in my house either.

I will still be working on more areas to declutter.  In fact, the first place I am going to hit is my pantry.  I know there is quite a bit in there we will not be using in the near future and our food bank is begging for donations of anything.  Rather than letting canned goods expire, I will be happy to donate.

Remember I was looking for some place to sell my porcelain dolls?  Well, that is not going to happen.  No matter on the doll, the best I can do is $10/doll and most will only go for $5.  I might as well donate them to a thrift shop and let someone buy them for a gift for their child.  I will take them off of my taxes at the end of the year.  

It has been so long since I have had an entire day at home.  It has been so nice and I did manage to get more done than just the Chex Mix.  Hubby and I both got our hair cut today.  It had been 7 weeks since I had done that.  Afterwards, I went to Staples to just look around a bit.  I LOVE office supply stores.  It was great.  There was only 2 other people in the entire store.  I even bought myself a gift.

A fountain pen.  I have wanted a fountain pen for sometime.  My husband thinks I am crazy LOL.  This set was on sell for well over half off.  I have already used it and let me just say...I have never written with anything as smooth as this.  I am in love with it.  

I got a treasure in the mail today too.

These little mini loaf pans.  Yes, I am trying to declutter but......gosh, these are perfect for me to make my 'specialty' breads in and then gift the breads to friends and family.  They also make great little items to put snacks in when company comes over.  (OK, so there is no company coming to my house in the near future, but it might happen sometime)  I like that they have lids on them too.  Actually, I got two sets of them and one set is going to be used for our white elephant gift at Christmas with the family.

Hey, remember when I gave away all my gift wrap?  Yup, now I need a roll to wrap my white elephant gifts.  Hubby told me to go to the dollar store and buy ONE roll of wrap.  LOL  That is exactly what I am going to do.  Just 1 roll, just 1.

Anything going on where you are?  Anything other than the Virus?

Until next time..........................................................................


  1. My pantry has been on my list of things to clear out for quite some time. I probably have lots of things expired. When I do this I also consolidate as items sometimes are duplicated.

    I have many fountain pens. My husband loved using them when he could see. We even have a special case to hold them. I totally forgot about them. I'l have to check out what we have and maybe load them with ink. They were fun to use.

  2. We were eating out of the pantry to the point that it was starting to look "decluttered", but alas... I went grocery shopping yesterday and I'm afraid I restocked. lol BUT - you have given me ideas. Thank you so much.

    So glad to read that you like using the fountain pen. I have wondered if they are really nice to write with. Sounds like a nice Christmas gift (for oneself or others)!

  3. Not much. I took the girls to their dental appointments an hour and a half ago. NO cavities and the dentist was very happy with them this time; she's a strict one.

  4. we are staying home and having a dinner with just the two of us. It's going to be a weird thanksgiving.


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