YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 22, 2020

YOP 10 WEEK 21


Welcome!  Nice to have you stop by to read about my week.  It was a very satisfying week to be sure.  There is a finished object that I am quite proud of.

Percussion is completed and given to her owner.  This is made with the 100% alpaca yarn Josie picked out after our alpaca farm visit.  It was marked as sport weight but once I started working with it realized it was actually sock weight.  This required me finding a pattern to match the yarn.  This pattern was fun to do since it used knits and purls to make the textures in the different sections.  It also introduced me into the world of jogless stripes.  Did you know there are multiple ways to do jogless stripes?  Thanks to google I found a method that worked quite well for me that did not make me move my stitch marker or mess with my stitch count.  The other great thing about this pattern is, it did not have you cut your yarn at the end of each section.  It was just carried up like you would in colorwork.  That meant there were only 4 ends to weave in at the end of the pattern.  Would I make this pattern again?  You betcha!

With Percussion completed, I turned my attention to Reyna.

The green progress keeper is where I was last time I worked on this.  The silver cat stitch marker is where I am now.  It is a very nice pattern to knit and actually is easy to do while enjoying some TV time.  The pattern recommends using variegated yarn.  I can understand why too.  I think the texture and the lace sections would show up better with a variegated yarn.  However, I am going to do something at the end of this pattern that should make it a bit more interesting to look at.  The yarn I am using it Cascade Sorata.  It is a blend of 70% llama and 30% silk.  I find it quite splitty but soooo soft.  

That is all I have done with fiber this week.  I have been in the kitchen a bit more this week though. Wednesday, I cleaned out our pantry and found lots of items to donate to our church's food bank.  But sadly, I found even more items to donate to our trash bin.  Friday, I made banana bread for hubby and I.  I do not have a photo of it as y'all know what banana bread looks like LOL.  I do have a photo of the hamburger buns I made on Thursday.

These were made with some of the discard of my sour dough.  I have never tried my hand at rolls or buns before so this was a bit of a learning experience for me.  They were quite yummy.  We had them for sloppy joes on Thursday night and then on Friday, made sandwiches with them.  We discovered they were a bit dry on Friday, so I am glad I only made 4 of them.  I am not quite sure why they dried out so much overnight.  I had them in my normal plastic bread bag and closed up tight.  My loaves of bread stay very fresh in these bags and will last up to a week in them.  Something to ponder.

I also made a loaf of bread yesterday (Saturday).  I am loving my pullman pan bread.  I make the dough in the bread machine.  Once the dough is made, I take it and do one more knead and rise and then bake it in the oven.  I am using the same recipe I did when I made it 100% in the bread machine.  The pullman loaf is the perfect sandwich bread.

I have discovered a new to me, tea.  It is by Good Earth and is called, Sweet and Spicy.

Oh my goodness!  It is so good.  I saw it at Costco and decided to give it a try,  It is actually an Herbal tea so it is caffeine free!  You can also get it where there is black tea in it which means that one has caffeine.  I am allergic to caffeine so guess which one I drink LOL.  It has so much flavor in it and the name of it speaks volumes.  Me thinks I will send hubby back to Costco this week to pick up another pack of it.  I am thinking this would even make a grand ice tea.

That pretty much covers my week.  This coming week is Thanksgiving in the US.  We are having our dinner at our Son's house.  There will be a total of 6 of us for dinner. (3 of them, 2 of us and a cousin)  Normally, we have up to 12 people but because of the virus, we are just doing it with the family we have been with through this whole pandemic. No visitors this year. Better safe than sorry, right? 

What are your plans for the coming week?

Until Next Time.......................................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!! 


  1. Please, Please share what video you used for joggless stripes. I'll be casting on a stripped sweater next weekend and I'd love your recommendation. I've just lived with the jogs so far.

    Your shawl is gorgeous even in the yarn you are using.

    So jealous of your baking. Have to admit I've been avoiding bread to some extend as my weight is creeping up. Course it's more likely the beer than the bread. I do love my craft beers.

  2. Josie's Percussion hat looks terrific! And the yarn you're knitting the shawl with looks lovely. I imagine when you block it, it will be a very striking shawl. I love the color.

  3. The hat looks brilliant on, what a pretty young lady your granddaughter is. The llama and silk sounds lovely. I keep thinking about doing rolls once the bread machine has done most of the work but haven’t yet tried it, it is interesting how they seemed to dry out quicker...I wonder if it is just the amount of surface area to inside dough ratio? Enjoy your thanksgiving.

  4. The hat is so lovely! The slouchy fit and the amazing texture are beautiful together.

    Those rolls look lovely. I usually just make waffles with my discard! My kids love sourdough waffles (but pancakes not so much), but those rolls seem like something I need to try in the future.

  5. Josie's hat turned out so great and it looks so good on her! Yes, please tell us what video you used for the jogless stripes. Your shawl is lovely and I can tell how soft it is by the way it drapes. Your buns turned out great but I wonder why they dried out so fast? That is strange. Thanks for the idea of sloppy joes. I used to make them all the time. I put that tea on my Amazon wishlist. I always wait until I have enough to order to get free shipping. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  6. beautiful hat and a super beautiful model! I do love to wear alpaca, it's super warm.

  7. Well done on that slouchy toque. So great. I didn't know there were many ways to do jogless stripes. I know one way, and yes it also involves carrying the yarn along so fewer ends to sew in. I made a pair of jogless striped socks for my daughter's then boyfriend. They broke up soon after - eek - was it the curse of the boyfriend sweater put over onto boyfriend socks? Lol. That was a long time ago of course. Lesson learned about knitting for 'friends' of my children.

  8. Good job on the beanie. Your buns look good; thumbs up.


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