YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Feeling Domestic


Yesterday, I told you what a whirlwind this week has been for me.  It has not let up at all.  It is that time of year when being in the kitchen is part of my life almost daily.  Holiday cooking/baking is starting.  It will not be as grand a scale that it was in past years.  We will not be having the visitors this year as we have had in years past.  (Stupid Covid!)  

Yesterday, I learned a new way to make my Chex Party Mix (nuts and bolts)

A recipe for making this in my Ninja Foodi Air Fryer was posted in one of my facebook groups.  I decided to try it out.  OH MY GOODNESS!  I made 3 batches of this in the time it normally takes me to make 1 batch in the oven.  It was so easy and tastes so yummy.  Now that I have this easier way to make it, I can do the remaining batches over the next few days and have it all done and ready to pass out to friends and family.

Today, I spent the morning over at my BFF's house.  She is unemployed at the present time and because of health reasons, is unable to wear a mask.  That pretty much keeps her confined to her house.  So, what do you do to help ease her boredom?


You decide to get together and make a bunch of flour tortillas.  She has only made them a couple of times when we were with our friends in Vegas.  So, today, we decided to make sure she could make them with just little direction from me.

She is getting better and better at making them round.  We were laughing at some of the shapes that showed up.  It was a regular geography lesson.  I know there was Africa, Australia and a couple of states from the US too.

Here are her little dough balls waiting to be turned into a lovely tortilla.  Between the two of us, we made over 2 dozen of them.  She is going to make tacos tonight for hers and I am going to make green chili chicken to use mine with. Our next venture is to learn to make tamales. 

It was so nice to just spend a few girl time hours with her and her dogs.  It gave us a chance to catch up on all sorts of stuff.

With all these 'extra' activities, other items have been pushed to the back burner.  Mainly my decluttering.  But then, if I get all the Chex Mix made I will have decluttered my dining room table where all the supplies are sitting LOL.  And, if I make another couple dozen tortillas, I will be able to take the bag of flour out of my freezer and put it into the flour canister and that will declutter part of the freezer.  Do you like my logic?  

In all honesty, I am still wanting to get back into Josie's room and finish up the china hutch in there.  I am looking for a consignment shop that would be interested in putting my porcelain dolls up for sale.  (Thanks Sam)  So far no luck.  If they would be willing to take them, I also have several Hummel figurines and plates I would love for them to give a try at selling too.  Otherwise, those items will just have to stay where they are until I can find a buyer for them.

As for crafting..................once again, there will not be any gifts being made this year.  The out of state family puts a wish list on Amazon and we purchase from that for them.  The intown family all gets together and has a white elephant gift exchange and the local grand gets something off her wish list from us too.  This has reduced our Christmas stress so much.  

OK, time for me to throw the chicken in the pressure cooker for dinner.

Until next time..........................................................................


  1. you are such a nice supportive friend! I am sure she loves that you spent time with her.

  2. This was lovely to read about, Marsha. Green Chili Chicken (is it enchiladas?) sound so good!

  3. I am not making any gifts this year either. I burned myself out last year with that deadline and decided I would just make stuff for people and give it to them when it is done. Loving life better without that added stress.

  4. WHat a lovely friend you are, so thoughtful.


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