YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 3, 2018

WEEK 49 Update

Howdy friends.  I hope today is bringing you joy.  There is joy in everyday but sometimes you need to look for it.

Our Grand Daughter from Texas flew in yesterday.  We have her until next week Sunday.  Our local Grand Daughter and her are having a blast and will be inseparable for the next week.  It is so wonderful to see the JOY on their faces as they spend their days together.

Since we have been preparing for our guest, I have not gotten much done on the crafting front.  We had an out of town guest on Wednesday and then I had to scramble to get bedding washed and ready for the guest on Saturday.  Yup........been a little busy.

Let's take a little look to see what I have accomplished this week.

I worked a little on the Rising Tides scarf.  I you remember last week, I showed you an area of the scarf that was blue.  This is a different area of the scarf with the green and orange.  I am beginning to see the pattern emerging.  

Here is last weeks shot.  The yarn is interesting to work with.  I like watching the colors change throughout.

I worked a bit on my socks.

I only worked on the left one and am just knitting round and round.  No pattern at this point.  I started out with pattern but changed my mind.  I really want to give these 9" needles a chance.  I am enjoying them for straight knitting but do not think they will give me the joy my DPN's do.

I did pull out and OLD WIP from my closet.

Boxy Sweater (My Design).  I need 16 more rows of garter stitch and then this panel will be completed.  It is kind of scrunch up in the photo.  When I hold it up in the way it will be worn, it stretches from my neck to the middle of my hips.  I will do the second panel and if there is enough yarn left, will incorporate a little sleeve on it.  I am quite self conscious of my arms.  I have my Paternal Grandma's arms and they were BIG!  I try and keep mine covered as much as possible.

That is all the crafting I have done this week.  This coming week does not look like there will be much done either.  We will be in the pool quite a bit as well as taking in some of the site of our metroplex.  There is a trip to the Museum of International Music planned as well as a wedding this coming week.  Busy children make for tired children.

Until next time...........Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOVE Rising Tides....is it the pattern or the cool yarn that is giving the effect of ripples? Purple and white socks are coming along nicely. Good for you pulling out something from your WIP and working on it!! I think I've buried some of my WIP pretty deeply, not even sure where some are...but I know they are there lurking. I have the nagging feeling, you probably know what I mean. How fun for the two grands to spend quality time together. How old are the girls?

  3. I love the colours in your scarf. Enjoy the time with your granddaughter, I bet they have a great time.

  4. Your scarf looks really neat in how it's being knitted up. I assume it's short rows, yeah? Are they hard to keep track of?

  5. Your Rising Tides is beautiful! Is it the yarn, the pattern or both? It will be a stunner when you are done. Is it difficult?
    You must be 'the hostess with the mostess' as everyone congregates at your house. You're like a good B&B! Your granddaughters sound darling and I bet they do have fun together. I need to get some socks going for when the grands are here for mindless knitting. Enjoy!

  6. Hi Marsha :)) Your Rising Tides scarf is lovely! The colours are so bright and pretty. And those socks too! They look like a cloudy sky! Oh...the pool...I'm envious! I'd love to have a pool, well we have a kiddie pool lol, it's for the dogs, though they mostly use it as a big water dish! Enjoy your week with your grands!!

  7. I'm completely mystified at how that Rising Tide pattern works, but I love it! Looking forward to seeing it grow.

  8. You have picked the perfect yarn for rising tides. I also really like the pooling on the blue socks - like a summer sky.

  9. Beautiful color combination of the yarn for the scarf. Cute little socks.
    Enjoy the time with your loved people all around you:)


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