YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 24, 2018


We made it.  Year 7 has come to an end.  I feel accomplished in the fact I managed to post an update each week.  That is a first for me.  Now that I have a little laptop/tablet computer, I no longer have to wait for my main PC to become available to do an update.  Yippee!

I did start a couple of new projects this week and did not complete anything.

I started another Rising Tide scarf.  It is to be a gift for some lucky lady this Christmas.  I timed it this week.  It takes me over 2.5 hours to do a completed pattern row.  I do enjoy it though.  

I also started another To The Point shawl.  It is the perfect TV crochet project.  This will go to the prayer shawl group at church.  

Yesterday I FINALLY got the 2 trash bags of yarn, 4 shawls and all my Kollage square needles donated to the prayer shawl group.  I still use square needles but am now using Knitters Pride Nova Cubics Platina.  I do not have to worry about going up or down a needles size with these.  They gauge the same as my 'round' needles do.  The squares really do help my hand pain and fatigue too.

Since it is the end of Year 7, it is time to look back on what was accomplished.  Here is a list of what I did these past 52 weeks.

I made:

13 dishcloths
1 log cabin blanket
22 sweater ornaments
11 shawls
3 market bags
4 pair of socks
1 rising tide scarf

I also frogged 5 projects.

And here is what I had projected to do in Year 7.

YOP 2017 - 2018

This year ALL of my WIP's will be completed!  This is a priority this year.  Here they are:


Dive in Shawl...........................Started 7/6/15...............FROGGED
Boxy Sweater...........................Started 11/17/15...........1/2 DONE
My Crochet Doll........................Started 7-1-16..............FROGGED
Eva Shawl in Alpaca.................Started 7-10-11............DIDN'T TOUCH
Log Cabin Blanket.....................Started 7-17-11............COMPLETED

New Items To Work On

Socks............I have over 100 skeins of sock yarn and 98% of it is variegated.  It needs to be                       used up! GAVE AWAY ABOUT HALF OF IT TO THE SHAWL MINISTRY.....BOUGHT A FEW MORE THOUGH.
Shawls..........I am in a prayer shawl ministry at church, so will have 1 shawl going at all                               times.  This also will help use up some of my stash yarns that are over flowing in all weights.  YUP
Test Knits......Will do just a couple as time allows this year.  As long as I have the yarn to go                       along with the test knit I will consider it.  TEST KNIT ONE TIME THIS YEAR


My husband told a friend that I had enough yarn to open a small shop.  I though he was being funny until..........I went into my craft room and realized he was right.  I have well over 500 skeins of yarn that I own.  This year, there will be no purchasing of yarn other than to complete the WIP's I have going on.  There are 2 WIP's that I know will require additional yarn. (Log Cabin Blanket and My Crochet Doll)  i TRULY DID USE QUITE A BIT OF MY STASH WORSTED WEIGHT FOR SHAWLS THIS YEAR.  


I love to bullet journal.  This year I have made a bullet journal to help me stay on track with my projects.  I plan on using it for every fiber craft I do.  LOVED USING THIS..........IT REALLY HELPED ME KEEP ON TRACK AND CAME IN QUITE HANDY WHEN DOING THIS POST.

I am still trying to figure out Year 8's projected items.  It is so hard to pin point when my eye sees so many lovely things and I want to do them all.

Until next time...................Happy Crafting!


  1. Nice list and congrats for doing so well with it. 500 skeins........oh my. I've never counted mine, but have lots of containers, bags filling 4 industrial size shelves in the basement...so I too could probably start a store, other than I have lots of left over this and that.

  2. Wow - two and a half hours to do a row!! It's gorgeous though! Well done with all you have achieved this year. All of those finishes are brilliant and posting each week is an accomplishment in itself. Looking forward to next years goals.

  3. If all us yarn addicts, (um, I mean, collectors) truly abstained from buying yarn for just a year I'm pretty sure the yarn companies would go out of business. So far, I've resisted the temptation to buy yarn since just after Christmas. So I'm six months "sober". I still feel the pull, though, and know I just one major project away from going under again. I'll be rooting for you, Marsha!

    You got a lot of knitting done this year. And you've had quite the year, too. It was a year of profound loss, as well as happy accomplishments, topped off with the joy of grandchildren. You have a wonderful life, friend. Looking forward to following you with another Year of Projects!

  4. You did extremely well for this YOP. Congrats.

  5. Looks like you stayed very close to your list and accomplished most of it. Well done!

    I’m struggling with my list for year 8... particularly as I need to knit from stash so I’m not free to just pick patterns at whim. Maybe my list will take the form of yarns to use and let the pattern selections happen at the time. We’ll see.

    Looking forward to seeing what you do in Year 8!

  6. Nicely done! I have a HUGE stahs myself...the only yarn I give away is the big box acrylic yarn. My husband calls it my "retirement fund" for when I don't have the money to purchase. Since this year we bought a house, I have had to cut down on the buying...Great job on your list...

  7. I'm impressed with all the projects done, but particularly with publishing an update every week -- that's amazing!

  8. 22 sweater ornaments!!!! So impressive - I want to make more of those this coming year.


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