YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 17, 2018


It is the next to last week of this year's YOP.  I have not even begun to think about next years ideas yet.  I am sure there will be a light bulb go off soon enough to inspire me for year 8.  The most amazing thing this year is, I have posted every week!  That has never happened for me before.

I do have a finish this week.

Rising Tide scarf is completed.  It still needs a nice soak and a bit of blocking to open it up a bit more.  I only used one skein of yarn instead of the intended two skeins.  I see no reason for a 9" wide scarf.  This is perfect at about 4" and daughter agreed with me.  She has asked me to make another scarf with the second skein and she will give it as a gift this Christmas.  Since she bought the yarn, I have no problem being her laborer.  Keeps me busy.

Remember these?

They became these:

Which in turn has started to be these:

I have discovered I knit much looser on the 9" circulars so went down from a 1.5 to a US 1.  I am going to just go with a plain vanilla sock this time.  This is just to find out how much I like using these needles.  Now that the scarf is completed, I will be focusing on these until something else jumps up and begs to be knit.

That is all for crafting.  Here is a little look into my personal life.

When I had both Grand Daughters, they decided to make a lovely meat and cheese lunch for us one day.

After they were done they got a case of the giggles when they realized it looked like Mickey Mouse.  Love those girly giggles.

I have no idea why my dog does this.  He squeezes in beside me and then sticks his nose in between the cushions of the loveseat.  It looks so uncomfortable.

This happened yesterday:

Yup, that is rain.  We have not had any moisture for 3 months!  It was needed as we are still in drought conditions.  It rained off and on from late Friday night until late afternoon Saturday.  It really cooled off our temps too.  We went from 109 to 89 in 24 hours!  What a blessed relief.  We will be back to 109 by the end of the week though.

The past few days I have been visiting with these two lovelies.

The big guy is Magnum and the little guy is Bentley.  They are my BFF's dogs.  They headed to the mountains for her birthday weekend and asked me to feed the dogs and love on them.  They are love buttons and I enjoy spending a couple hours each day with them.

We had our Grand Daughter spend the night last night.  She and I worked on her Father's Day DIY project and watched Divergent last night.  It was pretty nice to spend that quality time with her.

Tomorrow hubby and I have an appointment with his Dr to go over some test results he had done last week.  I am a bit nervous as the Dr has already told me she thinks there may be some issues and we may be going to specialists soon.  Please say a prayer for us.  We would appreciate it greatly.

That is all for this week's update.  Time to put on my thinking cap and ponder next years list/ideas.

Image result for put on your thinking cap

Until Next Time....................Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Commenting so I will receive emails.

  2. Your Rising Tide scarf is so cool, Marsha! I'm surprised it's finished already. It looks complicated. I am laughing out loud at that picture of your dog (and your description of it). How funny! And the Mickey Mouse cheese and meat smorgasbord is funny, too.

    It's not so funny, though, that you're concerned about what your doctor may have to say. I pray that you both get better news than you anticipate. I'm not much liking my new doctor. It seems that even though I am doing some good things and I feel encouraged about them, she always feels compelled to point out what is wrong. I guess I'm thankful enough when I need them, though...

  3. Love your thinking cap. I will have to get mine on soon too!

  4. I hope you got on ok today at the doctors, am thinking of you both.
    The scarf is lovely and perfect - it's lovely that your daughter loves it so much she wants another to gift.

  5. Prayers for your husband.<3

    Love the scarf, it's so cool!

    I saw your comment over on MyNext20Years. I'm not getting comment notification on my blog, either. What gives?! (So you may never notice this comment.) Like I said, what gives, and I hope Blogger can fix this.

  6. Prayers for your hubby!
    Your scarf is wonderful. It is the best feeling to finish a project. Now it is also gratifying for me to frog a project that is not working as well.

  7. Fingers🤞crossed for your husband. I'm sorry you have this stress. Sweet of what your granddaughters did for you. Do be very verbal about knitting with a 9".


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