YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 10, 2018


Hello everyone.  Welcome to my weekly crafting update.  It is week 50 and with only 2 more weeks to go on this Year Of Projects..............I decided to take a look at my list I made the beginning of this years challenge.

YOP 2017 - 2018

This year ALL of my WIP's will be completed!  This is a priority this year.  Here they are:


Dive in Shawl...........................Started 7/6/15 FROGGED
Boxy Sweater...........................Started 11/17/15 HALF DONE
My Crochet Doll........................Started 7-1-16  FROGGED
Eva Shawl in Alpaca.................Started 7-10-11 OOPS.....HAVEN'T TOUCHED
Log Cabin Blanket.....................Started 7-17-11  COMPLETED

New Items To Work On

Socks............I have over 100 skeins of sock yarn and 98% of it is variegated.  It needs to be                       used up!  WORKING ON IT
Shawls..........I am in a prayer shawl ministry at church, so will have 1 shawl going at all                               times.  This also will help use up some of my stash yarns that are over flowing in all weights.  HAS REALLY THINNED OUT MY WORSTED WEIGHT STASH!
Test Knits......Will do just a couple as time allows this year.  As long as I have the yarn to go                       along with the test knit I will consider it.  ONLY DID 1 THIS YEAR.  


My husband told a friend that I had enough yarn to open a small shop.  I though he was being funny until..........I went into my craft room and realized he was right.  I have well over 500 skeins of yarn that I own.  This year, there will be no purchasing of yarn other than to complete the WIP's I have going on.  There are 2 WIP's that I know will require additional yarn. (Log Cabin Blanket and My Crochet Doll)  THERE MAY HAVE BEEN A LITTLE BIT OF STASH ENHANCEMENT BUT..........I DONATED 2 13 GALLON BAGS OF YARN TO THE PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY. I AM BELOW 500 SKEINS NOW.


I love to bullet journal.  This year I have made a bullet journal to help me stay on track with my projects.  I plan on using it for every fiber craft I do.  WHAT A BIG HELP THE JOURNAL HAS BEEN!

So........I have done pretty much what I set out to do.  I will do a total recap of projects on week 52.  This give me time to hopefully finish up at least one more item.

The only thing I worked on this week was the Rising Tide scarf.

This is laid flat.  See how it looks like it ripples?  That is how the pattern works up.  I wish we had chosen a longer color changing yarn. 

This is why.  The opposite ends of the scarf are totally different colors.  Daughter loves it though and that is all that matters.

That is it on crating today.  I have been awake since 3:30 this morning.   There was a VERY early airport run today.

Sweet Cheeks had a 6AM flight home today.  She was so tired.  We had been at a house warming party last night and didn't get to bed until after 11.  She will sleep on the plane for sure.

I have one more photo of my Grand Daughters for you

I did manage to do both of their hair dos and also makeup for the wedding we attended.

It will be very quiet at our house with the girls gone.  We will have the one on the right for a few days this week while her dad is out of town and her mom is at work.  That is fine with me.  There is a pool for us to have fun in and we can go to the library again and again and again.  

If you have some great recommendations on books, let me know.  I have plenty of books but the Grand is always looking for good books.  She prefers fantasy so let me know.  Right now she is reading "Divergent".

Until Next Time........Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Quiet for sure - you will miss the noise I am certain. You did such a huge destash - and for such a great cause. Way to go. Can't wait to see what you will get up to next year.

  2. You have done very well on your list - and there are still two whole weeks! Your destash sounds great, well done. Enjoy your week, then you can plan for the next visit.

  3. What a lot of progress you've made, Marsha. I may be donating some yarn before the year's out. I have a goal of getting 100 skeins out of my house this year. One way or another I think I need to make this goal. And hey, I see what you did up there - commenting for notifications. That's genius! I really miss getting e-mailed notifications that someone has commented on my blog. I keep hoping Blogger fixes it. But this might be a work around for the time being. Going now to give it a try.

  4. Gorgeous girls! Terrific job on their wedding styling. I really liked reading The Black Witch by Laurie Forest. The second installment is coming out this year. Your yarn stash sounds ginormous. Mine doesn't sound so bad anymore. I like how you're using up yarn for prayer shawls.


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