YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

All Things

Image result for all things

The hardest part of writing my blog is coming up with a title.  Anyone else have this issue?  I always can find things to write about but never know how to title the 'story'.

The past three days have been busy in a good way.  I have gotten quite a bit done around the house.  I had really let things slide while  our TX Grand was here.  I wanted to make her time here special and memorable.  So the cobwebs were left alone, the dust bunnies multiplied and dog hair was stuck to everything.  But, we had a great time and made great memories.

Sunday, I was so spent after only getting, barely 4 hours of sleep.  I did do a bit of fiber work.  I picked up the socks and decided to work on them since it was mindless knitting.  Here is how they looked after that attention.

Yup, frogged both socks.  I was not happy with myself for trying to combine 2 patterns.  It was not working for me.  The real kicker was, I knit looser in 9" circulars then DPN's.  I started over again.  This time I am doing a plain vanilla sock on size US 1's n the 9" circulars.

It sure does make a difference going down from a 1.5 to a 1.  The ribbing alone took an extra 3 rows to make my inch!  I do believe the sock will fit better this time though.  It was quite large on the 1.5's.  I am going to let the pattern in the yarn speak for itself this time too.

Monday, I had the local Grand for a few hours.  We did a bit of Amazon shopping and also reading.  It was pretty much a chill day for us.  Hubby and I had cleaned the house in the morning so the afternoon was nice for us.

in the past 3 days I cooked up a bunch of bacon, cleaned out a freezer, polished up an ice chest, wound some yarn, did some knitting, cleaned a pantry and then headed outside to enjoy this.

My backyard oasis.  I did some laps, water aerobics and relaxed all in an hours time span.  I won't stay out more than that because of the UV index here.  It is at an 11 (the highest it can go) and since my Dad died from Melanoma, I really am cautious about my sun exposure.  See that doggy in the picture?  That is my old lady, Luna.  (Short for lunatic.....we didn't name her)  She turned 12 this year and is perking along just fine.  She and her brother got a bath yesterday by me.  They smell so nice now!

Today, I am making lots of phone calls for medical stuff.  I still am catching up on laundry and a few household chores.  My bullet journal keeps me on track.  If I didn't have it, my life would be quite chaotic.

Until next time.................happy crafting!


  1. Hi Marsha! :) I love your pool!!!!!! I'm SO jealous! I told Alex that we MUST have a pool and a hot tub in our future :)) Your Luna is the same age as Jack and he definitely has a spring in his step! :)

    If ever you can't think of a good title for your blog, write something crazy and that'll get some attention lol! ;)

    The socks are looking good!

  2. Oh my girls wish for a pool but Daddy says no. That's why I have graphics for particular kinds of posts. Trying to figure out a name for each one expends too much brain power for my liking. You must be a tight knitter to have to knit so many rounds for an inch? Do be verbal about how you like knitting socks on a 9" circular.

  3. Hello, I am a new follower. Stopped by from Sandy's Place. Nice to have discovered a blogger at the same stage of life as myself and with similar interests.

    1. Nice to have you stop by. I went to your blog too and love it.

  4. Unknitting, frogging is always so frustrating. Hope you hadn't gotten too far before you undid and redid. Having just done with my afghan of over 200 stitches long, and about 12-13 rows, I'm groaning. So agree with you on titles for blog posts. Is it unusual to have different tension with DPN's vs circulars? I've never used DPN's.


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