YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Reading and Stuff

OK, it's not Wednesday.  I just thought I would shake things up a bit and post today.  I have a few moment while waiting on laundry to finish and wanted to drop in and show you what is happening here in my little world.

Sunday afternoon we were blessed with a special visit.

This is our God Daughter and her 5 week old baby.  It is hard for me to  wrap my head around the fact our baby girl has a baby boy now!  He is so sweet and love the smell of babies.  Of course I got to hold and love on him.

I even got to feed him.  Man, can that kid burp!  It is always so refreshing to have a baby around even if it is only for an hour or so.

Sunday was also one of our Grands 18th birthday.  Time is passing too quickly!  We got to talk to him for a little while and sounded like he was having a great day.  Sure do miss that kid.

After the baby and mommy left I decided to do something I have not done in 6 months.

I started a puzzle.  As of this morning, this is the progress I have made.  I kept 3 puzzles from my mom's stash.  This is one I so wanted to do with her but she was so afraid of it because it has a ton of people on the bottom of it.  The challenge has been good for me the past couple of days.  It brings back some wonderful memories of mom and I working on puzzles together her last 3 years of life.

I have also been doing a lot of reading.  Right now I am on book #14 of a series by this author.

They are all murder mysteries.  None of them are gruesome and this is my bedtime book.  I have really enjoyed the books and need to thank my daughter for recommending them.  They all have knitting patterns and recipes in them too.  The plots all revolve around a LYS in Colorado.  

I am also reading this:

I have had it on my wish list for some time.   I am really enjoying it.  It is an easy book to pick up and lay down without feeling like you HAVE to read to the end of a chapter.  This was recommended by a blogging buddy.  Thanks Sam for that!

After I finish that book, I have another one waiting in the wings.

Oh how I loved this lady.  I spent my high school career thinking I wanted to be like her.  I took 4 years of drama and music hoping I would be discovered.  HA!  I discovered I was much better working in the medical field than on stage.  

I also have another book series to read after I complete the Maggie Sefton books.  Discussion of those books will happen after I start reading them.  Fingers crossed they will keep my attention.

Tomorrow, Grand and I are going to the library again.  Her book she requested has been put on hold for her.  I also want to look to see if they have any books by author Louise Penny.  She was recommended by another blogging buddy.  

Tomorrow also sees hubby heading to Nevada again for 3 days.  There is going to be a home inspection for his mom's house to see what needs to be done to make it a safe environment for her to live in.  We really don't think she should go home but she is very insistent on doing it.  She will need 24 hour care and there are family dynamics in play too.  But, she is an adult capable of making her own decisions.  

Friday our local Grand has her summer camp performance.  She has been in Drama Summer camp for 2 weeks!  I can not believe they memorized several songs along with choreography to go with them.  She has had a blast during the camp and has made some new friends too.

Just to let you know....................I am dumping my 9 inch circular needles for good!  My Arthritis in my hands and especially in my thumb and fingers is made much worse using them.  I will stick to my DPN's or magic loop from now on.  The 9" needles dd not make thing go any faster and in fact, I feel they slowed me down quite a bit.

The dryer is buzzing so need to go and get those clothes folded and put away.

Until next time..............happy crafting!


  1. I have read a few of the Maggie Sefton books. I didn't know they were up to #14. Gads! Wonder where I left off. Thanks for the reminder of the series. They were good, especially if you are into knitting.

  2. sweet baby :) You sound busy with family and it sounds wonderful!! I ditched the nine inch circs and my hands thanked me. I do virtual puzzles on the ipad and there is not table with pieces all other the place - still a real puzzle is better!!

  3. Hi Marsha :) Oh, so sorry about the 9-inchers...I had the same issue with hand pain, they are SO TINY!! I love the book series you're talking about, I have never heard of them but I like the idea of murder and knitting lol...I know...I need help lol! ;)

  4. Beautiful goddaughter and precious little baby. I can see the fun you had carrying and feeding him.

    1. Sorry the 9" circs didn't work for you. I can understand why. I'm thinking of trying TAAT on a long circular for my next pair of socks but trying to finish the teen's first.


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