YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 30, 2023



Another Sunday, another day to update you on all the happenings going on at Casa de Noce.

I completed a couple of things this week.

Yup, both of the socks I had on the needles managed to get completed this week.  I was not sure I was going to like the contrast color on the RCR but once completed it kind of grew on me.  The car sock took forever because of the length of the leg.  But hubby is happy that I made it long enough for him.  BTW, I was asked what a car sock is...........here is the hyperlink to the pattern titled CAR SOCKS.  It is the first sock pattern I ever did and have loved it ever since.  I have since changed the heel up to do the FLK heel.  However, if I ever do a heel flap, the one in this pattern is the only one I will ever do.  Super cushy and wears wonderfully.

So as not to have SSS (second sock syndrome):

I cast on both socks right away.  Needless to say the RCR will be finished first.

Those will be on hold for a couple of days, though.  I have been commissioned to make something for a very special person.

I have found a pattern for this (thanks ravelry) and have the yarn picked out:

I know the pink is much brighter than in the photo but I think it will stand out better than the paler one.  Plus, I didn't have the pale pink LOL.

Why am I doing this?  Because this happened.

Yup, Josie has her very first car.  It is a gift for her..............hang on to your seats for this..........18th birthday which is August 1!  This is a used mini cooper and she is in love with it.  She got the surprise yesterday morning when she got up to help her Dad with some chores.  Guess I better get busy and get those strawberries completed so she can hang them from her mirror.  This also means she won't be borrowing my car anymore!  Wonder if I can borrow hers LOL.

In other news...........We had a heck of wind/dust/rain/hail/thunder/ lightning storm on Wednesday night.  It tore off roof tiles and wrinkle other roof tiles.  Good thing we are getting a new roof in 2 weeks!  More storms are predicted over the next 3 days.  We do need the rain but would rather not have the damaging winds.  So now we have hot and humid weather here.  It has been 30 days of temps over 110F.  Arizona is not a place for sissies to live.  I feel sorry for people in the mountains who do not have A/C as their temps have been in the 90s and that is really hot for them.  Our night time temps finally went below 90 a couple of days ago.  Liz, I am looking at Scotland for my summer home LOL.

That is all for today.  I hope your all doing well.

Until Next Time..........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Those strawberries will look absolutely adorable in the new car. Your own car gives a person such a sense of independence. What will your grandaughter be doing now that she conquered high school?

  2. I am definitely too much of a sissy to live in Arizona!!! LOVE your strawberries for your granddaughter's new car. How sweet that she will think fondly of you every time she drives (and hopefully remembers to drive safely!!) Congrats on the sock progress.

  3. I want some strawberries for my car! I'm getting it detailed this fall so that would be a nice addition. I wonder if there are any other car jewelry items....so cute! Congrats to Josie on her new car....it's cute too!
    I love the yarns you're using for your socks and the close up pictures really show it off. You're on a roll. You'll have them done in no time.
    Stay safe....I need to get my roof checked after that storm last night!

  4. What a fun car for Josie. I love the checkerboard rear view mirrors! I just printed out the car socks pattern thinking I may get back to trying my hand at sock knitting at some point, but for some reason your picture of yarn makes me want to pick up my crochet hook again. I do suspect I should be careful about this kind of thing, though. I need to move and stretch my chest and shoulders, and being curled up crocheting or knitting may be counter productive to that. Sigh. I so want to get back to my hobbies!

  5. The first socks look great and I do like the contrast. Josie's Newcastle is lovely and will be finished off perfectly by the strawberries.

  6. how exciting her first car!!! love the new project you are going to start, they are going to look wonderful.

  7. I love that you just jumped RIGHT IN on that 2nd sock, they'll be done in no time.
    But first, the strawberries! They are adorable and will look amazing in those colors.

  8. Your socks look great! I also find casting on for the second sock right away helps to avoid SSS. They strawberries are adorable. -Jen @Carolina Tales


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