YOP LIST 2023-2024

Sunday, July 16, 2023



Hello!  This week has been the week of getting things scheduled.  I will give you the run down of that AFTER the knitting news.

Thursday, I finally cast on sock #2 of the RCR socks.

There was decent progress made on it.  If I really try, I may be able to have it done yet this coming week.  That would be sweet.

I worked a bit more on the car sock also.

The marker is where I was last Sunday.  I love contrasting heels and toes, don't you?  I know, this sock is really long.  Hubby requests them like this. He says, when he sits down and crosses his legs he does not want his 'flesh' to show between the sock and pants.  Luckily, he does not have large feet so a full skein of yarn will make his longs socks looooooooong.  

And that, my friends, is all I worked on this week.  The baby blanket is still in time out.  It is over 115F here and the thought of it just makes me break out in a sweat.

As for this past week and schedules.  I told you last week about our hybrid car stopping in the middle of construction on the highway.  (It is a battery hybrid not a plug in)  We called the dealership where we purchased it and was told they could get to it in September!  Uh, no!  This is a safety issue.  They offered nothing else for us other then to have us call all over the valley to find a dealership that could see it earlier.  There are 10 dealerships just within 30 miles of us and they want us to call each one?  Nope!  Not going to happen.  So, hubby put a call into the general manager of the dealership.  It took 5 phone calls and 4 days to get him to respond.  The general manager gave hubby the general number for Hyundai and said they would do the leg work and find a dealership that could get us in quickly.  Sure enough, after a 5 minute phone call to them, we have an appointment for this coming Wednesday to get this issue taken care of.  In the meantime, I have refused to drive the car.  Luckily, I do have my own gas powered SUV that I adore and love to drive.

The next fun appointment thing was our roof.  We have extensive hail and wind damage and need to have our roof replaced.  We had an inspector come out and approve it for insurance.  We got a quote from them as to what they will cover and found out they did not include the removal and reinstallation of our solar panels.  Hubby called every day for a week as well as sending emails to the inspector.  No response.  He finally called his manager to get some answers.  They will be covering all of the solar panel expenses also.  And guess what!  We now have a new agent to contact with any questions.  Hmmmm....wonder what happened to inspector/agent number one?

So, then we had to coordinate the removal and reinstallation of the solar panels with the roof replacement.  This all takes phone calls and lots of patience.  It has all been scheduled for the middle of August.  Now we just need to pray we do not have any monsoon storms during the time this is happening.

The next thing we had to do was pick out what tiles we wanted on our roof.  UGH!  It is so hard to imagine what they will look like from a photo on the computer.  Even with us putting our home in the photo it still was tough.  So, I have picked out a couple of different tiles and am hoping they have actual samples they can bring by so I can see them next to the house.  Yet, another phone call to be made this coming week.

The last straw was my kitchen faucet.  The regulator that switches from cold to hot has gone kaput!  I get hot water 100% of the time now.  So, another call will be made on Monday to get a replacement.  Luckily, the faucet we purchased 8 years ago is covered for life and all replacement parts are free!  Now, we just need to have someone come and install it.  (not free)

Yet, through all of this we still feel blessed.  We have met some really wonderful people.  There has been laughter on many of these phone calls.  We have been educated in areas we did not know much about.  (Education of any kind is a blessing)  

That is all for today.  I need to go and throw the corned beef and cabbage in the crockpot.  Hubby is thrilled about this.  After St Patricks Day, our grocery stores had a plethora of corned beef left so they marked them down by over half.  We picked up a couple and threw them in the freezer for later use.  Well, today is a later use day LOL.  This is one of his favorite meals.  Me?  I like it but not near as much as he does.

Until Next Time...................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!

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  1. Oh what a week you had with the phone calling and scheduling. Those "chores" are never easy or quick. Glad to hear you had success in at least scheduling the repairs.

  2. Love your summery RCR socks. Great contrast color for hubby's socks. Corned beef and cabbage sounds great to me. I'll be right over. Glad you were able to get the roof/solar panels resolved favorably. My son has them on his roof. It will be interesting to see if they actually pay out in the long run since they do wear out. Disposing of old solar panels will be our next environmental crisis?? Your battery problems with your car make me glad I've avoided that as well. My battery died on my SUV this week but that was a lot easier to fix (next day). We bought a new gas grill 2 months ago and are still waiting on the propane company to get it hooked up!!

  3. Oh my word! I'm surprised you got anything done with all the issues and the phone calls. You guys did great and persisted and got things the way you wanted them but it is so exhausting. Love your socks and so glad you are able to get everything fixed to your satisfaction.
    Corned beef and cabbage which is my favorite meal but probably will never have again....oh well...I feel great so that's what matters!

  4. WOW. That's quite a week of life stuff. I absolutely detest making phone calls and hassles. I'm happy you've taken it all in stride.

    I hope your heat wave breaks soon! I know the SW is super hot, but 115 actual temperature is just TOO MUCH.

  5. Liz here.,.goodness me that sounds a stinker of a week, my husband and I are both hopeless about getting things repaired and speaking to trades people and have so many jobs needing doing. Sounds like I need to outsource the coordination to you and your husband because you get the job done. I hope this last week has been better.

  6. Well I hope last week was better! I'm surprised you got any knitting done with what you have been up toand the heat!


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