YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 23, 2023



Hello from one of the hottest places on earth,  So far we have had 24 days of over 110F temps.  This is a record we are NOT proud of breaking.  It is even too hot to go swimming unless the sun has gone down.  So, I stay inside and knit.

I did finish the RCR socks.

I am impressed as I did not try and make them matchy matchy.  I wanted to make sure the neck of the socks matched and that was all.  I am shocked they match this well.  I had only had them off the needles for about 30 minutes and then I see this.

 He is so knit worthy!

I had some empty needles so just had to cast on another RCR sock.

The heel is some leftover yarn from another pair of RCR socks.  Just wanted to see what happens when two speckled yarns are mixed together.  It's interesting.  Good thing it won't show LOL.

I also worked on the car Socks.  I am trying to do 10 rows a day on them.

I fell a little short of that goal as you can see from the progress keeper.  If I do 10 rows a day this week, this sock will be done and I will be able to cast on sock #2.

Since it is below 100F outside, (it's 94F) I am going to head out and get our groceries for the next week.

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The heat has been unbearable. It is too hot to do anything outside. Like you I try to run any errands in the early morning when it is only in the 90s instead of over 110. Here in Vegas we had a lovely June, but are paying for it now.

  2. It was bad enough this past winter when SW Florida was setting records for the hottest February. I can't imagine the summer. Here I am whining about hitting the 90s next week. I like your contrast heet and I think it goes great with the main color speckle. How nice that you hubby likes to wear knitted socks.

  3. oh my those socks are so cute!! Sorry you are in the hottest place on the earth right now. I wish it wasn't so!!

  4. DANG!!! That is HOT. YES! Stay inside and avoid that oven outdoors. Knitting is the PERFECT activity for this weather.

    I love the socks, they are delightful and fun. Your husband is obviously committed to wearing socks you make him, and they look nice on.

  5. Oh you are really in the hot zone! You're on the news every night. Love your hubby's new RCR socks. I like the ones with the blue heel. They are very nice looking. What's a car sock? LOL! Stay cool and pray the AC keeps working!

  6. Liz here… goodness me I could break out in prickly heat just thinking about those temps. I love all the socks and like the two speckled colours together. It’s funny having been home the last 6 years in our own little bubble and doing so much to reduce our carbon footprint, recycle, keep heating at 65°F all winter, turn lights off etc etc…,then I go out in the world to my sisters and to a new job and realise not everyone is doing their bit to help with climate change. I’ll happily take our rainy and high of 59°F temps we have this week over heat and wild fires. Stay safe x

  7. Those sort of temperatures fill me with horror! But all of those socks are gorgeous 😍

  8. Wow! Those are definitely the records you don’t want to be breaking! I hope it breaks for you guys soon! On the bright side, at least you’re getting some knitting time in. The speckled yarns together are fun. I use my sock knitting to experiment with all the colors/mixes I might not put into a sweater :) -Jen @Carolina Tales blog

  9. Oh my goodness... I cannot imagine that kind of sustained heat. I would not survive. Those socks are so matchy matchy. What a delight that must have been.


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