YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, August 31, 2021



If you have been following me for an length of time, you will know that Monday's seem to be my most productive day.  This week, I have managed to stay energetic for two days in a row!  I am very proud.  Here is a look at my last two days.

Monday - Two loads of laundry were completed first thing in the morning.  While the last load was drying I ran to the grocery store to pick up the few things I was going to need for the next few days.  When I got home, I folded and put away all the clothes, grabbed the hubby and we went to Kohl's to do a little retail therapy.  I bought nothing for myself but got 4 baby blankets for my dogs to replace the nasty blankets they have been using for the past 10 years.  (they wouldn't even wash clean!)

Doggo Approved

Hubby got a couple of shirts and that was all we bought.  By this time it was time for lunch and we went to a diner close to our house for a quick sandwich.

After lunch we got home to find out Amazon had arrived and I got my new bread maker!  WOOHOO!  I am so excited to use it.  A loaf of bread will probably be needed about Thursday or Friday.  We rested for a few hours and then I made some pork chops for dinner and after dinner we watched the Netflix movie "Sweet Girl".  It was sooooo good!  If you like suspense, you will like this movie.  I also got a few rows knitted on my Roe Cardigan.

Tuesday - Did another 2 loads of laundry and emptied the dishwasher.  Once they were done and put away, I ran to Kohls to return an Amazon item that was not up to my standards.  I went alone this time and still found 4 more shirts for hubby.  Nothing for me!  While out and about I also went to the post office, pharmacy and the grocery store 
(for 1 item I could not find yesterday).  When I got home I discovered our security system was not working and spent the next hour trying to fix it.  I finally gave up.  Hubby came home from a luncheon with his fellow retired coworkers and he has been working on the security system for then past 1.5 hours and is now on the phone with the company that sells the system.  

Tonight is going to be shrimp tacos, so not a lot of prep needed for that.  I should have plenty of time to knit this evening.

Tomorrow looks to be a stay at home day until Trivia tomorrow night.  I have some sourdough to make up tomorrow in preparation for it to be baked on Thursday.  I am making sourdough garlic knots for our spaghetti and meatball home cooked meal.  Doesn't that sound yummy?  It should be the perfect day for it too.  The remnants of Hurricane Nora are coming into our area tonight through the day tomorrow.  It is supposed to be quite rainy and cooler by about 20 degrees.   

How is your week going so far?

Until next time...........................................


  1. It's going. I don't know how it's Thursday night already, but sure enough it is! Those garlic knots and the spaghetti and Meatballs look amazing. I've never had shrimp tacos, but now you have me hungry for something shrimp. I may just have to make something with shrimp this weekend. I have some in the freezer so I probably don't even need to go to the store for anything. Shrimp and garlic sounds about right. Mmmmm.

  2. Man, can't go wrong with 🌮!


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