YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 8, 2021



Hey there!  Thanks for stopping by today.  I won't keep you long.  I have things to do today but wanted to drop into my blog and show you what I did this past week.


The buttons got sewn on the baby set and it is now ready to be gifted to the expected parents.

Did you know putting a white sweater on a white table is not the best idea for a photo shoot?  LOL

The only other item I worked on this week was:

"Dying in the Light" shawl.  The progress keeper is where I was last week.  The bottom strip of light yarn is from the same skein as the top strip.  I knew it was a gradient as is the orange skein but did not realize how drastic a change it had.  I like it!  The orange is getting lighter and by the end of the shawl it will be a pinkish color.  This is going a bit slower now as I have close to 400 stitches per row.  By the time it is finished there will be 550 stitches.  This is the perfect knit to pick up and set down.  I have stitch markers every 50 stitches to help me keep track of my count which also helps me keep track of where I am in the pattern.

That is all for the crafting.

There are no treasure from this past week.  I had planned on going to a yarn shop, that is in the middle of Phoenix, but just could not muster up the energy to go out in this heat.  


I have dog/teen duty this coming week again.  Probably more dog than teen though.  The teen now has her license so she is able to take herself to and from school and to and from swim and to and from anywhere else she needs to go.  I will just go and sit with the dog for a few hours each day to make sure he doesn't get too lonely and decide to eat something that doesn't belong to him.

So that is all for today.  Hubby and I are heading over to our BFFs house.  Hubby is going to help the MR with some yard work and I am going to help the MRS get prepared for the baby shower she is having in a couple of weeks.  I think I got the best part of this deal.

Until Next Time....................................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The baby set is so cute. I fortunately have both black and white counter/tabletops for taking my project photos. :) Ahh, car independence. May I suggest a weekly grandma/granddaughter treat? Could be meeting at a coffee shop or ice cream shop. I made my kids go to Starbucks with me after church when they were in high school. (If they expected me to pay for college they could give me 1/2 an hour a week). I miss those Starbuck sessions. :(

  2. You definitely get the best deal, What a beautiful sweater and hat.

  3. Yard work in Arizona in August does not sound fun!
    The baby set is adorable. The new mom is going to be thrilled.
    The shawl pattern is tempting, but the pattern is no longer available. That's a good thing because I do not need any more shawls!

  4. I love those colours in the shawl. Hope you enjoyed your day.

  5. I cannot get over how sweet that baby set is. Your new shawl is stunning! I can't believe Josie is driving already! She grew up so fast and is such a lovely young lady. Your husband and his friend are going to work outside in that heat? It's dangerous! I go out in the morning and that's it. It's 93 here right now....too hot for me! Take care!

  6. I can completely understand about not wanting to leave the house because of the heat!
    They baby set turned out adorable, and I love the shawl colors.

    Enjoy the time spent with friends, you most definitely got the better activity!

  7. The baby set is sweet as can be. I love the little heart buttons. And your shawl is going to be lovely. I discovered a few years ago that I love orange and gray together - when I was wearing a sort of pumpkin colored top under a gray sweater. Who knew?!? LOL - I read MR and MRS several times wondering what those letters stood for. Then it finally hit me. LOL I can be slow sometimes. I hope you enjoy the week ahead.

  8. I thought the baby set was lovely before, but the Buttons just make it!

  9. You knitted up such a cute set.

  10. LOL at the white photo shoot observation Marsha!!! ☺☺☺ Those buttons are adorable. I love the colours of the shawl too! ♥

  11. That baby sweater is adorable. Love those buttons!

  12. That baby sweater is adorable. Love those buttons!

  13. That baby sweater is adorable. Love those buttons!


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