YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 22, 2021

WEEK 8 of YOP 11


Hi there and thanks for stopping by to read my blog.  Here is what I accomplished this past week.

The photo on the left shows my progress for the week.  I have completed section three of the shawl and am now on the 58 row boarder.  There are only 45 rows of the border left to do LOL.  

The photo on the right shows you a close up of the 'fluffly' yarn that is being used as the contrasting color.  It give the shawl that little oomph that makes it fun.

I case you forgot, the main color I used for the shawl is a gradient.  Take a look at the way the colors blended.

Who would have thought to go from bright orange to pink in a color scheme?  Do you notice the contrasting color is a self striping yarn.  I had no idea it was until I started doing the border.  Hopefully my daughter will love this and wear it during the cool fall and spring evenings we have here.

My goal is to complete the shawl this week and then cast on another 'long term' project.  I normally have several projects going at the same time, but lately, I have found it better if I concentrate only on one BIG one.  Of course, there are still socks on the needles but they don't count, right?  And we won't mention the cross stitch projects I have going that are languishing in my crafting basket.  Shhhhhh

Blocking this shawl will be interesting.  It is quite large and I don't think our pool table is going to be big enough to hold it.  I may need to open up the dining room table and try it on there.  Hopefully, I will not need to do it on a floor.  I have a very hard time getting up from sitting on the floor because of my RA.  (Going down is a breeze LOL)

I did manage to declutter and deep clean my kitchen this past week.  You can read about it here if you are interested.  I also ended up in the Dr's office this week.  I thought my vertigo was coming back to visit me.  The Dr is treating me for sinusitis as he thinks that is causing the issue.  I am on day 3 of the medications and feel much better already.  I have 7 more days of meds and am hoping I will be right as rain by the end of them.  The good thing is, I can drive this time.  Last time I could not turn my head at all without the world spinning.  That sensation has already left me this time so the meds are doing their job.  PTL!

Hubby is leaving tomorrow for 4 days to go and see his mom.  She was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago for an infection.  She was only in for 3 days but then had to go into isolation for 5 days when released back to her facility (covid restrictions).  She was just returned to her room on Friday and is now available for visitors.  It just amazes me how resilient this 94 year old woman is!

While hubby is gone I plan on doing some more decluttering and getting the shawl completed.  There is also going to be a bit of dog duty the end of this week.  It seems strange not to have teen duty.  Now that she can drive, I am not needed as her chauffeur anymore.

That is all for today.  If you would like to see what other fiber artist are doing check it out here.

Until Next Time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!


  1. What a lovely gradient! I hope you feel better soon.

  2. I'm glad you got relief from the vertigo so quickly. Sounds like you may need a grandma/granddaughter coffee or ice cream date each week. Your shawl is coming out great.

  3. It reminds me a little of a tequila sunrise cocktail with the pink and orange. Or raspberry and mango sorbet so think they definitely go well together, I’m glad the meds are helping with your vertigo. I like Maureen’s idea for a regular ice cream date with your granddaughter.

  4. Your shawl is looking great! I love that combo of gradient and self striping. I'm glad you're feeling better

  5. Hi Marsha! :) I love how the colours blend on your shawl. It's really beautiful! Boo on the vertigo but thankfully (hopefully!!) once your sinusitis is cleared up it won't ever come back!!! I love the close-up of your stitching!! ☺

  6. Those colors in the shawl are blending just beautifully! It is going to be stunning.
    I'm glad the vertigo turned out to be a treatable sinus infection. I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that you will be cured by the time the meds run out!
    Deep cleaning is such a good feeling -- when it's done! Seeing as we just moved in March, I hope not to have to do any for a while!

  7. I adore that shawl and the gradient effect. Is that all one yarn? It is so pretty. Your daughter will love it! I am wanting to finish up projects too but I doubt I could only work on one thing! LOL! So glad the medicine is working for you especially since hubby is going out of town. Your MIL is very resilient! She's amazing! I too can get down alright but gettin up is a whole other ballgame! LOL! Have a great week!

  8. Beautiful shawl - those last rows seem to take FOREVER so cheering you on to get that finished up. I also try to get some decluttering and tidying done when my DH is out of town. Hope you'll be feeling better soon.

  9. My brother is a vertigo sufferer so I know how awful they can be, so glad you're feeling better. I just made a declutter schedule, it's insane how things collect so quickly.

    Your shawl is beautiful and the F.O is going to be amazing.

  10. gradient knitting is beautiful and the more I knit with them the more I like them! I hope your sinus infection goes away forever, they can be quite nasty!

  11. Your shawl is so lovely!! Your daughter is a very fortunate recipient!

    I'm going to deep clean next week! Kitchen and all the curtains are on deck!

  12. Sneaky idea to declutter while hubby is out of the house! He will never know what items of his made their way to the curb, or thrift store, right? Sorry to hear about your vertigo returning, but glad to hear the medication is helping.


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