YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 15, 2021



Hello and thank you for stopping by today.  I promise not to take up too much of your time today.  Knitting happened this week but with over 400 stitches on my needles, it looks like not much was accomplished.

I was really hoping to have completed the last orange section this past week.  I worked on it daily too.  But, alas, it was not to be.  I still have another 38 rows to knit before I will change to the 'beige' color for the 48 row border.  There will be a total of 552 stitches on the needles by the time I am ready to bind off.  Hopefully you will forgive me for showing only this for the next few weeks.  I really want to complete it before I start anything else.  I have no major plans this coming week, so fingers crossed, many rows will be accomplished.  The nicest thing about this shawl is how compact it is.  Even though it is 'big', it is not bulky.  It fits nicely into my medium project bag.

That is it for knitting/crocheting.

Question for you............................have you ever owned a pair of Crocs?

As you all know, I have rheumatoid arthritis.  "Arthur" is my pet name for it.  Anyway, Arthur has spent the past few years messing with my hands and feet.  Thankfully, I am still able to knit and crochet without issues even with my fingers not being 'straight'.  However, my feet have been a problem for a couple of years.  I have been able to find shoes that have wonderful memory foam insoles that have cradled my problem feet.  In one of my RA groups I belong to, someone mentioned that Crocs were the most wonderful shoes she had ever worn and they made it so she could walk without pain.  Several other people agreed with her.  

I just could not bring myself to get a pair.  They look clunky and are not in the least bit attractive.  Well, my Grand Daughter got a pair for her birthday and let me try them on.  (We have the same size feet)  On my goodness!  I could not believe I was actually walking 'normally' (not on the side of my foot) without any pain.

When I got home, I told hubby about it and he told me to get some if it would help me walk more.  I warned him they were not an attractive shoe.  His response was " who cares what they look like if they give you back more quality of life".  Gosh, he is so supportive.  So, I ordered two pair of them and they came in yesterday.  One pair will be going back as it is missing the strap off of one of the shoes (And with my feet issues I need the strap to help hold them on)  I walked around in the other pair for a couple of hours and was so happy that I had no pain and was able to move about without tiring.

No, they are not a pretty shoe.  No, they will not 'dress up' an outfit.  But they are giving me more mobility which is a huge plus for this lady.  I may have Arthur, but he doesn't have me!

Until Next Time.......................................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That is wonderful news if Crocs help you walk more comfortable. Who cares if they are "pretty"!! Have fun. Buy some wild ones. Decorate a pair with knitting pins. Wear fun socks. "I shall wear purple, with a red hat that doesn't go."
    Hang in there on the shawl. I know those long rows can be a slog. Even with my goal of 1000 stitches per day, that's only 2 rows!

  2. Your shawl is beautiful and I certainly don't mind seeing it every week. Good for you getting it done. Congrats on your shoes. They never looked like they would be comfortable but that is so wonderful that they are! Enjoy your comfort!

  3. I'm happy that the Crocs have worked for you. Double down on making them "wacky". My go-to shoes are Birkenstocks, and whatever my bespoke orthotic insoles fit into comfortably.

    Your shawl is will be finished before you know it!

  4. When I had terrible plantar fasciitis Crocs saved me. I wore them to teach and had several colours. I am glad they help you walk without pain. That is something to celebrate for sure. I love the shawl. I remember knitting that pattern. It does seem to go on forever, but it is nice and light to wear, and to pack around to knit in public.

  5. Yes, crocs are comfortable. Look at some of their other styles. Another comfy shoe are Dawgs.

  6. I have a pair of Crocs sandals and they are comfortable enough, but your endorsement of these makes me want to try out more styles! So glad your feet are happy. Happy Feet, Happy Woman!

  7. Such good news with the crocs! It doesn't matter what they look like- I have been having similar thoughts about sleeveless tops!

  8. shoes make a big big difference! My sister is a hairdresser and buys only the best supportive shoes because she's on her feet all day long. I wear tennis shoes in the house because they are comfortable and cannot walk on stockinged feet. Also I fell with my slippers so there is that...

  9. You've got a great attitude about Arthur having taken up residence, unwanted! I haven't ever worn them, but several nurse friends swear by them and a friend's daughter lives in hers, so I'm glad they worked so well for you. Cheering you on for lots of knitting progress!

  10. I admire people who are capable of monogamous knitting!
    I have completely different feet problems -- club feet -- so crocs don't work for me. However, I think they are kind of cute. And I do use them as slippers -- I just can be on my feet for too long.

  11. I am very much about what is comfortable over what looks fashionable. I wear walking shoes 360 days a year...there's maybe 5 days a year too hot to wear them lol

  12. The shawl looks lovely. Too bad the pattern isn't available anymore, I might have tried it. I had crocs a few years ago but only wore them around the house and garden. They're great for gardening because you just rinse them and you're done. I prefer Sketchers for the rest of the great outdoors, though.

  13. I tried Crocs slippahs for home but my high arches protested them. My husband loves his slip ons especially because they don't gather up hair and dust in the house.


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