YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Week 4

Hello my friends.  Another week has gone by.  Time for me to write a little bit about my happenings this past week.

There has been knitting..............lots of knitting.

Another Wee Sherlock is being made for a very special baby girl to be born in January.  I started this last Sunday afternoon and was sailing along quite well.  On Wednesday I looked it over and thought this as waaaay too big for a newborn.  Maybe because I am a loose knitter and also because I was doing 3-6 months size.  I only had about 1 inch left on it before I was to start the sleeves but I just could not continue.  I frogged the entire sweater and started again using the instructions for the 0-3 month size.  It is oh, so much better.  I should have the second sleeve completed yet today.   The second sleeve has also been knit twice.  There was some very loose stitches the first time it was knit.  After it is all finished I will be on the search for some very feminine buttons that are NOT pink.  Mom is not a fan of pink so I will adhere to her wishes of no pink.

That is it for knitting.  The sweater outfit needs to be completed by the middle of August so I have time to wash, dry and wrap this little jewel up for the baby shower.  Every other WIP is on hold until this is completed.

I did do one other fiber related item this week.  My own design of a lacy boxy sweater that has been languishing for the past 6 years got frogged on Monday.  It was not an easy decision to make.  I just knew I would never wear it and the yarn was way too expensive for it to just hang in my closet.  So, now I have 1100 yards of Blue Heron Metallic DK weight yarn to find a pattern for.  I was thinking a shawl but I looked in my closet and I must have close to 15 shawls in there already.  I am sure something will peak my interest soon.

That is all for my crafting this past week.  In other news.........................

Can you hear Queen singing "we are the champions"?  We took first place in our trivia group Wednesday night.  If Josie had not been with us, we would have bombed out.  We needed her young mind to help with many of the questions concerning today's events.

Remember I told you we got solar up and running the 15th of this month?  Remember how I said we had so much cloud cover it was hard to tell if it was producing enough solar to really make a difference?  Well, Sunny Arizona has not had a full day of sunshine in over 10 days now.  In fact, it started raining here Thursday evening and it is still raining today!  According to my rain gauge.........................

We have had almost 3 inches of rain since Thursday night.  That is almost a half year's worth of rain for our area.  (Isn't my rain gauge adorable?)  It is supposed to clear up tonight sometime and just be nice and muggy for the next week.  With all this rain and cool weather our pool has dropped from 90 degrees to 82 degrees.  Our high temps have been in the low 80's for the past few days which is a real joy for us. 

This coming week I will have teen/dog duty.  Josie starts swim camp for her school swim team so I will be busy dropping and picking her up as well as taking her to her play practice.  Her dad is out of town again for business and her mom is working so the retired Mimi gets to have some fun with the Grand daughter this coming week.  This will be her last week to be 15 too.  She turns 16 next Sunday.  She has already told us she will be going to the DMV on Monday to get her driver's license.  

Time to get back to that sweater!

Until Next Time....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. That white sweater will be a perfect gift for a January baby - and it will take her right into spring! Congrats on your Trivia win - and that you're back at Trivia. It's so good that life is getting back to normal for so many people.

  2. Your wee Sherlock is gorgeous. How lovely to see the pic of you and Josie. Well done, the team!

  3. Congrats on your trivia win!! Maybe it is your fault Arizona has had no sun and rain - putting in the solar. Lol. Back in the day my mom used to say that if she was tired of waiting for the bus, she would light a cigarette and VOILA the bus would appear. My husband often blames washing the car on calling in the rain Gods. Life is funny eh?

  4. What a sweet little sweater - I'm sure the mom will love it! Rain in the desert is always so welcome but that does sound like not very typical temps and weather for AZ!

  5. Hi Marsha! :) I love your rain gauge!!! And congrats on winning trivia! :) That little baby knitted piece is so cute. Well done!

  6. What a cute rain gauge! The baby sweater is perfect but frustrating you had to rip out the first attempt. Congratulations on the win, what a lovely photo of you all.

  7. Good luck with finding a pattern for your yarn, it’s so hard making the decision to frog a project. Congrats on you win!

  8. lovely sweater and what a smart cookie to win trivia!! I think I know stuff but when I play those games I know so little...

  9. Wow! You know climate change is real when it rains like that in Arizona!
    I cannot believe how much work you put into that sweater. It is a real gem.

  10. I'm sorry to admit, I chuckled when you wrote about all the clouds and rain JUST when you got your solar panels put up. The universe sure has a sense of irony; at least it can't rain all the time (well not in Arizona!!).

    Frogging can be such a tough decision! I started a cardigan in fingering weight about 10 years ago. I'm almost certain it won't fit. But it still stubbornly sits in my long languishing WIP basket refusing to rip itself out.

  11. That sweater is darling but sorry you had to start over. Isn't that the way of it? You get solar and then it rains! Congrats on the Trivia win! You both have so much fun with your grand-daughter. I'm sure it was hard to frog that sweater but I think you are smart and you will come up with something that you love.

  12. It's hard to frog a project you've been holding on to for that long but I say well done. I'm sure you'll find another worthwhile project for the yarn.

    Congrats on your trivia win!

  13. YAY 🎉 for winning. What a smart girl!


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