YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Week 2 of YOP 11


Another week has gone by and my fingers have been busy.  There is another FO this week.

Another "To the Point" prayer shawl is completed and heading to the prayer shawl ministry at my parish.  I had stopped making these for a while as we were not mailing out shawls because of covid.  Now that things are settling down, the shawls are being sent again.  I am hoping to use up the rest of the worsted weight yarn I have by making these.  Once that is used up, I will only purchase worsted weight weight for projects calling for it.  Like these prayer shawls and like this:

Yup, another Wee Sherlock is going to be made soon.  We have a dear friend (who calls me grandma) that is expecting her first baby.  Her husband is my BFF's son.  We are so happy for them.  I just had to get some lovely soft washable yarn for the wee one that is expected to arrive in January.  There will also be a hat, baby mitts and booties made to go with this. They live in Texas where there is actually cold weather!  We will know the gender the end of this month and the buttons and embellishments will be gender specific.  The yarn is from Hobby Lobby and is their Soft and Sleek low pill yarn.  Perfect for baby garments.

There was sock knitting this past week too.

I took them off the magic loop and put them on DPN's.  I am sorry, I do not find magic loop quick at all.  It seems I spend more time pushing the project up and down the needles then I do knitting.  The orange marker is where I was last time I worked on these.  The sock on the right has a few more rows on it than the one on the left.  But no worries.  Each of them has a row counter attached to it so they will be even in the end.  This is my TV watching project.

Speaking of row counters:

I purchased two more chain row counters this past week and they arrived on Friday.  You might remember I had a lemon row counter a while back.  Well, someone fell in love with it and I gave it to them.  Luckily KnittyGnat (on etsy) had another one in her stock so I grabbed it along with the sea turtle.  That gives me 4 counters and three are already in use.

That covers all of my crafting this week.  In other news:

Wednesday, I accompanied my BFF to go and help her pick up two foster puppies.  

Just had a bath
She has fostered before but never puppies.  Even though she has 2 dogs of her own, she tries to help out when the rescues get over run.  On Friday, I helped her take the puppies back to the rescue.  Her one dog got physically ill from the puppies bothering him all the time.  He quit eating and started throwing up all over the house.  He does fine with 'adult' dogs but not so much with 6 week old puppies.  She felt so bad taking them back but the rescue understood....especially since the dog that was getting sick came from them too.  Talked to her yesterday and her boy is all better now.  Eating and drinking and keeping everything down.

I spent the first part of the week deep cleaning my refrigerator and our upright deep freeze.  Oh my, the fridge was in dire need of cleaning.  It looks so pretty now and the shelves and drawers sparkle.  I only found 2 expired items in the fridge which tells me we have been pretty good about eating leftovers and/or watching dates on perishable foods.  In the freezer I only found 3 items that had not been vacuum sealed properly and were severely freezer burnt.  What the freezer needed was a total reorganization.  I would jump back each time I opened it as usually something big and heavy would fall out where my feet would normally be.  It now is all organized and opening the door is no longer a scary thing.  I still need to go through the freezer attached to our fridge.  Maybe that will happen this week.

We are in our monsoon season.  The past two nights we have had 30-50 MPH winds whipping up dust storms.  It has happened after dark so no photos of it to show.  We got a trace of rain last night with it but that is all the rain we have this monsoon season, so far.  Everything outside has a nice layer of dirt on it from the storms.  It feels so gross.  My car has changed from garnet red to dirt brown.  I would wash it but there is really no need until the season ends.

Today, Hubby and I are planning a chill day at home.  I will head to the grocery store at some point to pick up fresh produce again.  There will be some sourdough bread being prepared for baking tomorrow.  Hopefully, there will be lots of knitting done too.  I have a zoom meeting this afternoon with my Silk & Sonder journaling group.  Those are always so enjoyable and I learn so many new ideas on journaling.  Next week I have some teen/dog duties to attend to.  Other than that, it should be a fairly quiet week.  Maybe the socks will get close to completion. 🤞

Until Next Time..............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!


  1. Sorry magic loop didn't work for you but glad you like DPNs. I'm looking forward to finishing my 9" circular experiment so I can go back to magic loop. Love those row counters. Twice Sheared now offers counters that only go to 5 to use when knitting patterns that are only 4 rows like Hermione. I plan to buy 2 of those. I think I also have 4 of the 10 long row counters.

  2. Your to the point is great and your socks are coming along nicely.

  3. Your to the point is great and your socks are coming along nicely - I love the blues!

  4. I never learned magic loop but I know that many people prefer doing that technique. I never had a problem with double points and saw no reason to change off of them. Different strokes for different folks. Anyway great work on your projects.

  5. I only like magic loop so my socks are the same length- I agree they do take more moving and reconfiguring than DPNs.

    Your friend's poor dog! I'm sure the puppies will get fostered/adopted quickly, people sure love (the idea) of puppies!

  6. Oh! That Wee Sherlock pattern is adorable. What a lucky little one to receive that. Magic Loop was my preferred method of sock knitting until recently. I just discovered knitting socks on 9 in circulars and am loving it.. I cannot work with DPNs. I always end up poking myself and dropping the needles.

  7. Love the colors in that shawl. It's interesting to see the many iterations you've created with that pattern. Each one is lovely and will be a special hug to the person who receives them. And that Wee Sherlock sweater is so cute! Interesting to read that the monsoon season puts a coating of dirt on everything. That is not at all what I would have expected. I'd have thought everything is washed clean. So interesting how different things are in different parts of the US.

  8. America really does have so many different climatic regions doesn't it, so interesting to hear you talk about what happens in Arizona. Sad news about the pups but hopefully they'll be adopted soon. I love those socks, I'm magic loop for sure, DPNs constantly stab me or fall on the floor or out of my knitting...I'm too clumsy to cope with them...it is great we have all these options these days.

  9. I love the wee sherlock pattern. I will have to queue that for a future grand-baby I think.

  10. Baby knitting is always fun. I would like to try those ergonomic DPNS, the ones that are bent like boomerangs. I've been sock knitting via two circulars which help as well.


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