YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Part Deux


Guess what I woke up to today........................RAIN!  I could not believe it.  It has been so long since we have had any measurable rain.  Maybe this monsoon season will be a wet one for a change.  We are in such a severe drought.  

With the rain falling I got another burst of energy today.  That makes 3 days in a row.  Hubby had errands to run and I gave him my grocery list so while he was out he could do it all.  While he was gone I got on my 'to do' list.

First up was changing our wifi passwords and then getting all our electronics re-synced with them.  That took me over two hours to complete.  Making up hard to guess passwords is not for sissies.  Hubby normally does it but I decided it was time for me to learn something new in the techno world. There were 2 loads of laundry done while I was working on that password mess.  I bought a new comforter for our bed several weeks ago and finally got around to putting that on today and taking the old one and getting it ready for donations.  Then there was this watermelon on my kitchen counter begging to be cut up and put in the fridge for snacking.  By the time all of this was done it was time for lunch...........thank goodness!  I was starting to get tuckered out.  Hubby came back from his errands and brought me a gift.

He loves to bring me flowers and I love receiving them.  

Last night I made picadillo empanadas for dinner.  I had 4 empanada discs left over. 

 So, I decided to make a yummy desert for us.

Cherry empanadas with almond flavored glaze.  Some folks call them hand pies or turnovers.  Here in the southwest, these are empanadas.  They are cooling now but I have a feeling they will be gone by the end of the day.

I am finally kicking back and getting ready to pick up some knitting to work on.  Tomorrow our electric company will be coming out to get our home switched over to solar energy.  Hopefully we will have sunshine then LOL.  Then tomorrow evening we have a handyman coming out to look at what we need to have done and give us an estimate on price and time.  Friday I have a lunch date with one of my friends and that normally lasts 2-3 hours.  The only other thing we are waiting on is our roofing guys.  During the monsoon wind storm, part of our roof shingles in the back yard completely lifted off and are laying upside down and buckled on our roof.  It may a while before they can get here though.  They are working on a home whose roof collapsed.  I think that take priority!

Tonight's dinner is going to be easy..................air fryer beef kielbasa with sautéed onions on hoagie rolls.  I'm going to make tomorrow's dinner at that time too...............ham pasta salad.  

How is your day going?  

Until Next Time......................................


  1. Now I learned something again! I didn't know monsoons were sometimes dry. Confused by your first line I looked up the definition of monsoon. I had no idea there were dry monsoons and wet monsoons. Now I can understand how things get covered with dirt in your monsoon season. I am always learning something! How sweet that your hubby brings you flowers. And those empanadas look yummy. Having a Peruvian restaurant in my pocket of experiences now I can say I've enjoyed empanadas recently. Except the ones I had were meat filled and they had powdered sugar on them. I thought it a weird combination when I first saw them, but they were yummy.

  2. Hi Marsha! :) Oh the cherry empanadas look great!!! The flowers are just lovely! :) I'm glad you're getting some rain. We've been having lots lately, the mosquitos love it...booo! :)

  3. Lovely flowers. How thoughtful of him. Your 🍒 Empanadas look yummy. The husbbs and I use Lastpass; it's like an online bank of memory for your usernames and passwords. When you want to sign in into an online account, a little pull down menu is available to fill in the necessary information. AL you have to remember is one username and password to log into Lastpass and it does the memory work for you.


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