YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 30, 2019


We made it!  Another year of projects is in the books.  What a year it was for all of us.  We will be posting our new year of goals on July 7th.  So if you are interested in joining in on the fun go HERE.  You must be a member of Ravelry, (which is free), in order to access this link.  Please come and join us.  We are not just a knitting or crocheting group.  We have cross stitchers, sewers, painters even some gardeners.  It is so much fun and getting to meet people from all over the world is probably the best part!

I have been in YOP since it's inception and love it.  The people I have 'met' and the inspiration I have gotten and the encouragement I have received is the main reason I continue with it.  No where else can you find such a lovely group of crafters.  We have all had our share of joys and sorrows.  That is life and yet we support each other through each of those times of or lives.  Thank you fellow crafters for your support over the past 8 years!

This is the week we do our wrap up of the past year (For those of us that go from July to June)  Since I managed to complete 73 projects, there is no way I can put a photo of every project completed in this post.  Well, I could, but who wants to scroll through that many photos? 

First up, my list of goals for this past year:

 YOP 8

Do not buy any more yarn.  ( there are 10 skeins of sock yarn on the way that was ordered a week ago)  I don't even want to talk about this.  Last count I had well over 21,000 miles of yarn in my stash and that is not all of it. I stopped counting after the DK, Fingering, Lace and Worsted.  Hello, my name is Marsha and I am a yarnaholic.

Finish up what is on my needles/hooks.  (2 shawls, 1 scarf, and 1 pair of socks)  Frogged the socks and one of the shawls.  Still have 1 shawl on the needles but finished the scarf.

Make a sweater for our cooler weather here. (a sweater is all we need here for winter)  OOPS, made a sweater for the summer.

Continue making shawls/lapghans for the prayer shawl ministry  Did this

Make socks  Well, yes, I did this too.  

Sew project bags  Did this with gusto

Work on other crafts (plastic canvas, egg carving, ornament kits, etc)  Failed to do any of this

Make a Christmas ornament for each of the Grands  Sure did only to find out only 1 of them puts up a tree!  Kind of broke my heart.

And other items as they strike my fancy.  Good disclaimer to add each year as I always.....................SQUIRREL!!!!

Now to let you know exactly what I did do for the past year.

21 project bags were made last year.  Most of them are out of my house and given as gifts.

 There were 7 "To the Point" shawls made and given to the Prayer Shawl ministry at church.

A total of 23 dishcloths were completed and many have been given as gifts to family and friends.  The rest are on my 'gifting' box.

I took part in the Advent Scarf KAL this year and learned how to work Japanese stitches.  It was fun but boy those stitches are intricate.

Santa Hat ornaments for the Grands.  Not sure I will be making more this year.  Maybe for the one Grand that actually puts up a tree.  Yes, I was hurt when I found out the others just put them away somewhere not to be seen.  They take quite a bit of time to do.  SMH

A basket out of some super bulky yarn.  Hard on the hands but it is in use at the receivers house!  Hooray!

Three shawls for personal use were completed.....This was my favorite one and I do wear it a lot.

Five pairs of socks are done and in our drawers.

A tissue box cover.  It was fun but I need to make a couple more.

Completed 2 Rising Tide Scarves.  They were gifts for my DD.

A produce bag.  Need several more of these.  They are so much better than the plastic ones at the store.

A tea bag holder for ME!!  About time I had one for myself, right?

Made 2 Paris themed pillows for the local Grand to go in her newly decorated room.

Last major project was this sweater.  I already want to make more of this sweater.  It is perfect for our summers here.

That is my wrap up for Year 8.  It was so much fun.  I am looking forward to Year 9 and have a list already made and ready to start on projects.  July 1st can't get here soon enough.

Until Next time.................Happy Crafting!!!!!!

PS:  I just found out, my Brother's oldest son is going to make me an Aunt again!  My Brother would have been so excited.  I know I am!!!!!!!


  1. Sorry about your grands not putting up a tree. They could still hang them in a window or something, couldn't they? Sheesh! I love all your projects, and how practical is that produce bag? I will add this to my list for next year because the plastic bags in the grocery stores makes me crazy. You are a yarnaholic, and I think I have become a fibreaholic. Here is to both of us de-stashing in Year Nine.

  2. Okay... the first thing I did after reading your opening paragraph was go and count all the pictures I put in my post this week. I was relieved to see only 47, and I didn't post a picture of everything, either. lol Back to you, though. I had forgotten about all those pretty project bags you made (and gave to your shawl ministry compadres, correct?) I have enjoyed watching your many shawls here, Marsha. You have blessed quite a number of people with those beauties. I love seeing your projects again, and probably most of us are right there with you as self-professed yarnaholics. The company in that little group is lovely. If it makes you feel any better, I will say we haven't put a tree for years, but I still love Christmas ornaments. I often put them out in a bowl, or otherwise decorate with them during the holiday season. And you never know if your grands will eventually decide to have trees of their own someday and will enjoy hanging their ornaments on their own trees in the future. Lastly, congratulations to the whole family on the exciting news. A new baby is such a blessing. :)

  3. Look at all of those projects - brilliant work! I love the pile of project bags. There are a lot worse things than being a yarnaholic - and at least you have lots to choose from for all those lovely baby knits! Congratulations, you deserve the happiness of a new niece or nephew.

  4. Oh Marsha you are so prolific...look at all you accomplished and such beautiful items. Plus you give so much of it to others. You truly are a wonderful role model to all of us. I was sorry to hear about the hat ornaments....one less thing to make this year! LOL! I am re-evaluating who is 'knit worthy' this year. I am so looking forward to your list and sharing another year with you! Congrats on the new baby in the family....now that might be 'knit worthy'! TTYS!

  5. Well now just Wow Marsha, just WOW! Look at all you got completed and I'd forgotten some of those things as I was scrolling through, so it was fun remembering them all! What a shame about the ornaments and trees, knowing how much time and effort goes into these things.
    When you think over the years from we started this and how much joys and sorrows have come and gone in our lives it's great to have been able to share them all and the group has become so much more than just crafting. Congratulations on your news, how exciting!

  6. You've had such a productive year. You made me giggle with your comments about how many miles of yarn you have in your stash, that's enough yarn to stretch from Arizona to the Highlands 4 times! I like to think mine would just get me to London once but I'm probably kidding myself ;) It has been great seeing how many beautiful things you've made and how generous you have been in gifting so many items. Trees are still pretty big here, but maybe it is because it is so hot where you are that people don't do trees? But I'm sure every recipient of a project bag and a prayer shawl has loved and used them.

  7. Fantastic Marsha! All of it. What wonderful items were gifted to people and such beautiful things you kept yourself. I am sorry about the tree thing--- my adult kids all put up trees so I am hoping their kids will carry on the tradition when they are adults. I am a December birthday baby, and I love, love, love Christmas and all that goes with it so it is always hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of people not loving it too!~

    I can't wait to join in with fun this coming year in the group--- I have missed the positive energy and encouragement from this project, and goodness knows we can all use more of that in our lives!

  8. 73 projects Marsha!!! That is so awesome!!! I love your Santa hats more than everything!!! I wish I could have kept up with YOP...maybe one day!!! :) Congrats on (about to be) being an aunt again!!! :)


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