YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 2, 2019

YOP WEEK 49 with 3 Left

Oh My!  Only 3 weeks left in my year 8 YOP.  That means I only have 2 more weeks of updates and then a summary of what has happened in the past 52 weeks.  How exciting.  Today, I started making a list for YOP 9, as to what I would like to complete or attempt to complete.  

Let me take a moment to show you what I managed to accomplish this week.  Remember, I did not do any crafting from last week Saturday until Thursday this past week

I did manage to get some rows added to my Spotting Clouds tops.  See the little pink marker?  That is were I was before I took off for Texas.  This project did not accompany me on my trip. It was bit too bulky.  I just completed the first skein of the dark green and have one more skein of it and then back to the sage green.  I tried it on and it fits perfectly so far.  So happy about that.  Not sure if I will add anything to the sleeves.   When I tried it on, the sleeves were not all that short.  I may leave them as they are.

Last week I told you how horrible the toe up socks were.  I decided to cast on cuff down Rose City Roller socks just before we flew out to visit our son.

 I was able to get a good measurement of how long to knit before I made the FLK heel.  Since there is no heel flap the FLK heel starts the heel cup immediately.  This means you need to knit a bit more of the leg before starting the heel.  Since I had completed the toe up sock, I was able to measure how long to make the ankle before the heel.  At least that was a positive from an ugly situation.

Done through the heel.  A much better yarn than the one that is taking space up in my trash can.  Hubby is excited about trying them out.  If they make him happy, there will be more on next years list.

Those are the only two project I have going at this time.  I do have a couple other photos to show you.

Let me introduce you to our great grandson Liam Wolf Storm.

He is a non-stop bundle of energy.  We were so blessed to be able to see him for the first time when we went to visit our Texas family.  He is just over a year old and looks just like his daddy.  

His grandpa (our son) loves playing with him.

 They were playing "Turn me upside down".  When our son stopped the game, Liam got quite upset and started crying.  This is the son that is being deployed today!  This mama is having a bit of a hard time with the deployment.   I do not want him to head across the pond.  Actually, he is going across, many ponds!  

Yesterday was the 37th anniversary of my 29th birthday.  (I'm 66 if you have a problem with math)  Hubby and I went to Mass and then my local son and his family came over for smoked pork chops, salad, and Cherry Gallete.  So yummy!  Today, my daughter and her hubby are coming over for BBQ ribs, pasta salad and baked apples.  My weekend is filled with love.  What more could I ask for?  I am so blessed!

I have a question for all of you.  Do you have a tattoo?  I have one.  It is in honor of my mom who passed 12/26/17.  I am designing another one in honor of my brother who passed just a few months ago (1/31/19).  I will probably do another one for my dad who died when I was 22.  I am the last one in my immediately family.  WOW!  That sounds so lonely.  Good thing I have lots of cousins!  (23 living cousins.)  There is even one Uncle still living who will be 102 this August!  Yup, longevity is in my genes.

Enough!  Time to move along.

Until Next Time...........Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. Wow, what to start with? The obvious star of the show - Liam is adorable. It's so great you were able to spend some time with him
    Again, I wish your son good wishes and a safe deployment. Considering you only had a few days crafting, you managed so much! I'm so glad you managed to sort something with the socks. I too am trying to sort a few things out for next YOP year - looking at last year's list and trying to put together a new one.
    Oh yes, and happy birthday! I do have a tattoo, in the small of my back. Very few people see it and I mostly forget it is there. I like the idea of it being a tribute.

  2. Wow a great-grandson and what a cutie he is! I don’t have a tattoo but have been thinking about it for years. There’s a German tattoo artist who does single line drawings and he does a wolf that looks like my dog, so if I were to get one it would be that...or maybe a heffalump holding a piece of heather...or a minion...or tigger....you see why I’ve not got one yet. 😂.

  3. Your great grand son is a keeper for sure and I LOVE his name. Yes I have two tattoos - a hummingbird on my right shoulder (hummingbirds are my totem and it was designed for me by a tattoo artist who specialized in birds), and on my right foot I have Prince's symbol in honour of Prince. I got it a few months after he died. I am a HUGE Prince fan. I am thinking of a third - I Love You in my Dad's handwriting (my dad died when I was 17). I love the way you calculate your birthday. I think I will try that next year...very clever indeed.

  4. I love the pictures of Liam, and Liam with his grandpa. You are one young great grandma! Saying prayers as your son is traveling and prayers for you as you begin the wait for his safe return home. Hugs to you, Marsha.

  5. So glad you go t to spend time with your son before he is deployed. Liam is darling and you can tell he has lots of energy....I wish I could get some of it! Your sweater is turning out so lovely. I need to try some shorty socks for summer. It sounds like you had a lovely week with good company and good food!

  6. You managed so much Marsha in the few days you did have crafting. Your trip to Texas sounds like it was filled with lots of fun, enjoyment and more importantly love! Check out Liam, isn't he just adorable and I do love me an Irish name ;)
    Again the very best of wishes to your son on his deployment and the happiest of birthday's to you. It sounds like you have a weekend of fun planned with your family around you.
    Yes I do have tattoos, one on the back of each hand celebrating my celtic roots, two on each arm for the children, three on my back, one celtic and two dandilion flowers gone to seed and one of three butterfies on my leg with sunset colours behind them. I do want some more :D


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