YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Hello everyone.  I hope your day is wonderful.  We have plenty of sunshine here and the temps are just barely over 100.  So, it is very pleasant outside and a perfect day to sit in the shade and enjoy a little crafting time.  Even better if you are able to dip your feet into a pool.

This is the last week I will be posting items I am working on. Happily, I have some FO's to show.

Those pesky socks are completed!  They have already been worn by hubby and he really likes them.  Now he is looking for more of these to be in his sock drawer.  I informed him, his sock drawer needed to be culled out.  If he wants handmade socks then the store bought need to find a new home!

Once the socks were done I needed a palette cleanser.

I whipped out three dishcloths.  These is all the dishcloths I made this month too.  What a wonderful little break from knitting that takes concentration.

I finally got around to blocking my Summer Flies shawl.

It has been waiting to be blocked since March!  (PSST, I have a scarf that has been waiting since January)  The blocking really makes the knit open up and it becomes very airy and lovely.  Do you think I should block that scarf this week?  That actually would make a nice and neat ending to YOP 8.  Hmmmmmm......it might happen.

That concludes my crafting week.  Next week will be my wrap up of what was accomplished over the last 52 weeks.  That post is always fun for me to do.  My favorite post though, is the first one of each year.  That clean slate and dreams of accomplishing every item proposed is a thrill to me.  Until the new year starts I am just working on a WIP I have had in my stash for a while.  Nothing new is being started until the new year begins for me on July 7th.  Are you interesting in joining us?  You can find the info HERE.

In other news:

This past week I was blessed with picking up our local Grand from her summer school each day.  It was so nice to spend some one on one time with her again.  It is so hard to do that now that she is in HIGH SCHOOL!!!!  We did a small after school activity each day to make it double special for both of us.

Last night we went to Ho'ike to watch out daughter perform in her first hula.  She was in three numbers and did quite well.  What a great evening!  It was extremely entertaining.  There was also some wonderful food served.  It was quite a drive for us to attend but well worth the 45 mile trip!

Today, we are kicking back and enjoying some down time.  We will be having dinner with some friends tonight.  Next week is jammed packed with appointments and errands.  If you think being retired frees up your time, you are wrong!  It just means you are doing all those things you put off while working away from home.

Until Next Time............Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. so glad your hubby is enjoying his socks - they look so awesome. Yea for easy dishcloth knitting - I love your analogy of cleansing your palette. Here's to Year Nine!!

  2. That’s great that he likes his socks, a good idea phasing out the commercial socks, my husband has trouble saying goodbye to socks even when they are getting holes but doesn’t wear the ones I knitted him!!! I’m excited to start next year too and looking forward to seeing what you and the other Yoppers have on your new lists, 😀

  3. Hi Marsha :) I love your pesky socks! :) The colours are great, bravo on finishing them!! :) The dish cloths are pretty too. I think you should block your scarf this week!!! :) Oh my goodness, you've been doing YOP for 8 years? That's awesome! I couldn't finish year one...my poor hands wouldn't allow it sadly! But a little knitting here and there works for me now. I have a cover-all that I started in the summer of 2017 that is NOT finished, maybe one day it will be lol! :) Enjoy your evening!!!

  4. Yay!!! Another finish! So glad your husband likes the socks. I liked them myself. I need to make some shorties as that's all I wear in the summer. I am also so excited to plan for next year and then share. Your blocking looks professional on your shawl. I think I will drag out some yarn and do some dish cloths....I am missing knitting since I finished my socks. It so great you can spend time with your grand daughter...nothing like that one on one time. When my kids were young (there were 4 of them), I would make a special date with each one....one per week and surprise them with a trip to somewhere or an activity I thought they would enjoy. I think one-on-one time is important.
    I had to laugh about your comment about being retired....so true!!! I'm swamped! LOL! Have a great week thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers....I know it has helped.

  5. You say "barely over 100" like it's refreshing! The finished socks look great. I can imagine how much your hubby enjoys wearing your hand-knitted socks. Me thinks he'll respond eagerly to your challenge to clear out the sock drawer of store boughts if it means more socks made by you! Summer Flies looks great! And yes, you should go ahead and block that scarf. lol You'll be glad you did.

  6. Well done on finishing the socks and I'm smiling at the request for more lol
    Blocking the scarf would be a nice neat end to the YOP year wouldn't it...says the girl who will have two jumpers to block.
    Spending time one on one with your Grand sounds just perfect and once they hit that stage it seems to get so hard to find time in schedules to spend with them.

  7. Thank you for the link to this Year of Projects on Ravelry. I really am considering give this a try. I enjoy seeing the works of others in progress and finished. And I enjoy discovering new blogs with similar content and focus to my own. And might also give me the push I need to get blogging again from my unplanned break. Win-Win all around. Ha!

  8. It sounds as though you had a great week. The time spent with your grand is so precious. Love the socks and the cloths look very cheery.

  9. Always nice to have a husband who appreciates your sock knitting. Love how you spend time with your granddaughter. My kids are itching to hang out with my parents before school starts. Awesome how your daughter does hula.


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