YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 9, 2019


Howdy everyone.  Welcome to my weekly update on my craft projects.  There are no finishes this week, I am sorry to say.  Hopefully I will get the two projects, I am working on, completed by the end of this Year of Projects.  Here is the progress I did make this week.

A little bit got done on the socks.  That foot always takes the longest no matter the length of the leg and cuff.  But, it is mindless knitting and good for TV watching.

Ahhhhh, the sweater is coming along nicely.  I am almost done with the second skein of the dark green.  The weight of this sweater is quite substantial since it is knit in 100% cotton.  Yet, I do not think it will be too warm to wear this summer.  I will need to wear a camisole under it since it has quite an open weave to it.  I will be on the lookout for a moisture wicking cami.  Hmmmmm, wonder if UnderArmour makes one.  

Then this happened this week.

Yup, a puzzle got started and completed.  I haven't done one in quite a while and really enjoyed this.

There has been some stash enhancement also.

Another skein of Scheepjes Whirl.  This is a colorway I have been wanting for quite a while.  It was back ordered since last year.  When WEBS had their anniversary sale last month, I saw it was back in stock so I grabbed a skein.  This will be a shawl for me again.

I bought a different sock yarn too.

Say hello to CoBaSi.  It is a cotton, bamboo, silk blend with elastic nylon in it too.  It is supposed to be a cool and comfy non wool sock yarn.  I noticed the cushiony feel of it as soon as I grabbed it.  I am looking forward to making some socks with this.

That sums up my crafting week.  I will be busy today getting things in order for hubby to head out tomorrow for Las Vegas.  He has a BIG meeting with healthcare officials in regards to his mom going home from her skilled care nursing unit.  We do not think it is the best for her physically yet, we can not keep her against her will.  She wants nothing more than to go home and live the rest of her days there.  She just turned 92! She has been totally miserable for the past year even though she has been receiving excellent care where she is.  It was the toughest decision my husband and his siblings have made.  Hopefully she will be happy once she is home.

My son in the military has left his home and is in training for his deployment.  Thank you for all your continued prayers for him and all the men and women in the armed forces.

Also, a big thank you to all of you who played my Q&A blog post this week.  What a fun way to get to know each other better.  If you would like to join in on it, you can find the post here.

My YOP 9 list is almost completed.  How much fun it is to find new projects to complete.  I have been perusing my collection of patterns and have discovered several that really excited me.  I even have the yarn available for all the ones I want to make!  

Bread making has happened this week.  I am still trying to find the perfect recipe for our liking.  There are two more I want to try to see which one we like the best.  Then I will tweak it so I can incorporate spelt flour and milled flax seed into it to give it a bit more healthy vibe than just white bread.  It has been quite a bit of fun for me.

BTW........I think summer has arrived in Arizona.  We will be reaching 105F today.  (40,5C)  Looks like it is time for me to get back into my water aerobics!  That is my favorite form exercise during these hot months.  

Until next time......................Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. Hi Marsha :) Your socks look great!! I wish I could "mindlessly" knit, but I can't, even if it's just a garter stitch, I'll end up missing something, dropping something or forgetting where I am lol...you do it so effortlessly! Ooh the Scheepjes Whirl is gorgeous!! 40 Celsius - EEK. Though I'll be honest, I wouldn't complain because it rarely gets that hot here and with the winters we have, I just CAN'T complain when it's sweltering out there lol!!! How long have you been experimenting with you GF breads?

  2. Oh I do love a bit of bread making! The socks and sweater look great and I love the look of your new yarn.

  3. It is always great to have tv knitting. I love the puzzle. I haven't done one in ages. Caring for aging parents isn't for the faint of heart. I hope the transition goes smoothly. 92! That is quite an accomplishment, isn't it. Now I will go check out your Q and A post.

  4. I’m interested to see your new Scheepjes yarn knitted up, I keep being tempted but haven’t bought one yet. Yesterday we had thunder, lightning and rain and today torrential rain and more forecast....the dry in Arizona sounds appealing but 20°C is plenty hot enough for me to start moaning about the heat...it’s part of being British, an obsession with the weather and it never being quite right 😂

  5. Wow, hot enough for you?! The non-wool sock yarn sounds intriguing, I'll be curious to see what you think of it. Have fun with the Whirl - I've got two sitting in my stash and I still haven't decided what to make with them.

  6. The socks and sweater are coming along nicely Marsha and I'm looking forward to seeing them both. I've been looking through my patterns also for the next YOP year and some of those excite me also and that's even better that you already have the yarn for some. I'm looking forward to seeing your new sock yarn knit up, it's sounds like an interesting fibre combination and just perfect for you and your weather, which by the way I'm a little jealous of right now, currently it is 12c, which is a regular temperature in early winter at times with us. Oh well!

  7. Love both your projects! I want to try the Scheepsjes Whirl and let us know how you like the new sock yarn as that would be nice for summer. The puzzle is a beauty and so glad your MIL is going home. I just read the best book and need to get my own copy. It would help your family to read it too.....The Art of Dying Well. It's very good and very informative! I highly recommend it to anyone who's aging and also caretakers of the aging. It's important to read it before you get sick or infirm. I will say a prayer for her but at 92 she should be able to do what she darn well pleases! My family already knows that I will come back to haunt them if they don't follow my wishes! LOL!
    Stay cool and enjoy your pool! TTYL! Oh, I just finished our questionaire...how interesting!

  8. P.S. I will be saying prayers for your son and another friend who's son has been deployed...again. Grateful to them and their families who sacrifice so much to protect us.

  9. Everytime you mention a jigsaw puzzle I'm reminded that I want to start one!!! I never think of them on my own, but they're always fascinating to work. ACK! 105 degrees! I know they say the dry heat of the southwest makes it more tolerable than our humid heat in the midwest, but I can't imagine... Of course, you have a pool to compensate for it. I'm a tad jealous of that. ;^) Enjoyed taking the poll on your previous post. Gotta go see if anyone else has added to it since I was there. Have a good week, Marsha.

  10. That Whirl base looks like it'll knit up fun. Fun puzzle; I haven't put together one for ages. The tween and I did try a puzzle app but it was okay; not the same as the real deal. You are very productive with your WIP's.


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