YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Good morning everyone.  And I do mean morning.  My eyes popped open at 2:30 this morning and have refused to close again.  So, I decided to do a little blogging to see if it would help clear my brain so I could catch a few more Zzzzz's before actually starting my day.

Let's do a little Q&A today.  Having never done one on my blog before, it sounded like fun at 4AM.

1.  Do/Did you talk to your animals? 

2.  Do you talk to yourself?

3.  Do you answer yourself?  (If #2 is a yes)

4.  What part of the day is your most productive?

5.  Do you ever have insomnia?  If so, what do you do when it hits?

6.  What is your favorite kitchen appliance?

7.  What is your favorite meal to cook?

8.   Do you like to try new recipes or stick to tried and true ones?

9.  Are you afraid of any bugs?

10. How many years have you been friends with you longest friendship?

My answers are in the comment section.  Have fun.

As you can see, my dogs do not suffer from insomnia. LOL

Until next time..........happy crafting!


  1. 1. Yes, quite a bit. I am sure they understand me too
    2. Yup. Hubby says I do it a lot. So I started noticing when I talk to myself and it is usually while I am working around the house.
    3. I do this too. I mean, someone needs to respond, right?
    4. I do my best work midmorning. From about 10-noon. It is a pretty narrow window but it is when my joints are the happiest so it is when I do things requiring lots of movement.
    5. Well, duh! It occurs a couple times a month. My sister in law asked if I thought it was hormones. I laughed because at my age, I don't have hormones anymore! I usually just get up and either read or play a word game on my tablet. That normally makes me a bit sleepy and I can catch another couple hours of sleep then.
    6. I love my air fryer!
    7. Bread! The smell of fresh baked bread is the best thing ever.
    8. I try new recipes at least twice a week and sometimes all week long. Hubby is such a good sport LOL
    9. YES! I can not stand our sewer roaches that appear about this time of year. They are huge and they fly! If you step on them they make a huge crunching noise that makes me gag.
    10. My oldest friendship is over 50 years old. We do not see each other too often but when we do it is like we never were apart.

    Thanks for playing!

  2. Great fun Marsha, glad to have learned more about you! Here are mine:
    1. Yes...more than I talk to humans.
    2. Yes...less than I talk to the dogs and cats. ;)
    3. Oh my gosh yes lol...
    4. I'm a morning gal, but not 2:30 in the morning!!!
    5. Yes, I'm stubborn though, I just stay in bed and pray for sleep.
    6. Hard one...probably my cheese grater! (I'd love to get an air fryer one of these days!)
    7. Pizza!
    8. A mix of both. When I have energy I'll try lots of new recipes, when I'm tired, it's back to "Rain's Recipes"!
    9. I hate bugs and yes, afraid of anything that moves fast like spiders.
    10. This is an interesting one. 6 years with Alex, otherwise I don't really have friends, I'm kind of a loner...though I had a pug for 19 years, so I'd count that as my longest friendship/relationship! :)

    1. Wow...19 yr old pugs are the best friends ever.

  3. 1. Definitely talk to my dog, a lot!

    2. Yes, mostly I say out loud to myself why did I come upstairs?’

    3. Yes, when I remember why I’ve gone upstairs I say ‘yay, I’m not losing it’.

    4. Eek! My most productive time totally fluctuates, some days I seem to have done nothing by 3pm and other days I’ve done masses by 11am. I should maybe track and see if there’s a cycle.

    5. When I was employed I had terrible insomnia, no I sleep pretty well.

    6. My favorite kitchen appliance is the toaster...I consider anything on toast a meal when I’m on my own. Lol

    7. I don’t really cook, I take things from the fridge or freezer into the oven and then to the plates....although I make a nice veg chilli but even that I make masses and then freeze portions.

    8. I stick to the same recipe for chilli, lentil soup I make it up as I go...don’t really make anything else...terrible housewife lol

    9. Spiders I hate in the house, but don’t mind them in the greenhouse...fine with bees, wasps and other bugs.

    10. That I am still really close with and love to bits, that would be Elaine, so for 30 years this year! We were waitresses together in our late teens.

  4. What fun!

    1. Of course. What's the point of having pets if you never talk to them?

    2. I talk outloud when no one else is around - I think of it more as thinking outloud.

    3. If I ask myself a question I know the answer to, then yes. Though, I think I'm also prone to saying outloud (to myself, I guess) "I don't know". I'm pretty sure I say that a lot, actually.

    4. Any part of the day is productive if I set my mind to it. Setting my mind to it is the hard part.

    5. I've struggled with sleep since my 40's. I pray, I toss and turn, if I can't get back to sleep within 20 minutes or so, I will get up and watch something on the TV. That often gets me sleepy.

    6. My favorite kitchen appliance is probably my microwave. I use it every day, several times a day. Following that would be my toaster oven. It allows me to back small quantities of food without heating up the larger oven - which heats up the kitchen.

    7. I like cooking both breakfast and supper. I don't like cooking lunch. I've never really liked cooking lunch.

    8. I like both old recipes and trying new ones. I probably like trying new recipes, though because I have some "favorites" I haven't made in years.

    9. I abhor house centipedes. Google them. You will too.

    10. Hmmm.. My oldest friendships are from college days and young married days. So that would make them in the neighborhood of 40 years old.

    Okay... now going back to read others' responses!

    1. LOL - I didn't understand question 7 until I started reading others' answers. Steak with a salad and a thick slice of garlic bread would be my favorite meal to cook. It's my favorite mean to eat, so it's good that I enjoy cooking it, eh?

  5. 1, Do/Did you talk to your animals? Don't have any, but would do if I did.

    2. Do you talk to yourself? Yes all the time

    3. Do you answer yourself? (If #2 is a yes) yes - I am the only person who gives a sensible response every time.

    4. What part of the day is your most productive? Depends if I am at work - morning if I am not and afternoon if I am.

    5. Do you ever have insomnia? If so, what do you do when it hits? Yes - play games on my phone or get up if reasonable to do so

    6. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? Bread machine

    7. What is your favorite meal to cook? Lasagne

    8. Do you like to try new recipes or stick to tried and true ones? A bit of both, love cooking new things but also love the speed and ease of a tried and tested recipe, like lasagne.

    9. Are you afraid of any bugs? I don't like spiders but otherwise I'm good

    10. How many years have you been friends with you longest friendship? 45.5 years - I grew up with my best friend even though she doesn't live close now.

  6. 1. Do/Did you talk to your animals?
    Yes I do. And I swear that Otis talks back sometimes!

    2. Do you talk to yourself?
    I have lots of internal dialogues and sometimes I talk aloud in the car (usually cursing other drivers or apologizing for something stoopid I have done)

    3. Do you answer yourself? (If #2 is a yes)
    Well, of course I answer myself. Otherwise the conversation would be lopsided!

    4. What part of the day is your most productive?
    Most productive is probably the afternoon between lunch and dinner. Although my most productive knitting time is the late afternoon to late evening.

    5. Do you ever have insomnia? If so, what do you do when it hits?
    When I can't sleep I listen to podcasts. I only have insomnia if I have done something silly like have caffeine in the late afternoon. I do often wake up around 4 and can't go back to sleep until 7 or so. Luckily I have lots of podcasts I like to listen to.

    6. What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
    My husband. lol. He does all the cooking really, but if I had to pick something I would say my oven because I love to have fresh baked cookies in the house.

    7. What is your favorite meal to cook?

    As I said above I don't like to cook, and thank God my husband does, but I do like making big salads for lunch or dinner.

    8. Do you like to try new recipes or stick to tried and true ones?

    When I was forced to cook for myself a couple of weeks in April because my hubby wasn't around I tried a few new recipes which was actually fun:beef and broccoli stirfry, roasted butternut squash salad, and vietnamese rolls.

    9. Are you afraid of any bugs?
    Not a big fan of spiders if they surprise me, and lately I have been worrying about ticks.

    10. How many years have you been friends with you longest friendship?

    I have two good friends I have know since grade 3 - so that would be 55 years if my math is correct.

  7. How did I miss this? Okay...here I go.....
    1.yes, I talk to my animals all the time
    2. yes, I talk to myself out loud and answer myself...I also talk to God out loud and i usually get answers if I'm listening carefully enough
    3. yes, I answer myself too
    4. Usually afternoon is my most productive because mornings are just daily maintenance so 'the real' work happens in the afternoon....hopefully!
    5. Insomnia...not really but if I do I just assume God is giving me more time as he/she knows how slow I'm getting! LOL! If it's way too early to get up (before 2:30 a.m.) then I read and that usually puts me right to sleep again.
    6. my favorite kitchen appliance is my dishwasher.....love, love, love! Such a time saver for me who cooks and dirties lots of dishes and the girls too...it's like having a family of 5. They eat twice a day and fresh water bowls and water etc.
    7.Favorite meal to cook? That's a toughie because I love food....maybe my Crunchy Cheeseroni Casserole.
    8. I like to try new recipes and I love my old standbys too.
    9. I'm not afraid but I don't like ticks or spiders or flies or stinging anything. I'm allergic to some spider but not sure which ones so they are banned from my house! LOL! I've also been stung by wasps and that is not fun especially here where there are red wasps which are very aggressive.
    10. I have some friends from high school which would be over 50 years but we're not close. I actually had 2 good friends but they died so now I have none.

  8. 1. Do/Did you talk to your animals? You bet I talk to our kittens; the most asked question, "Who's hungry? Mew mew if you're oo-gay."

    2. Do you talk to yourself? Especially when I'm shopping and looking for things at a store.

    3. Do you answer yourself? (If #2 is a yes) I guess so; I don't know if I ask myself questions. I think I made statements more.

    4. What part of the day is your most productive? Morning. I have to work out in the morning after I've digested my Elvis toast for an hour.

    5. Do you ever have insomnia? If so, what do you do when it hits? Kind of. Sometimes my brain is awake and I have trouble falling back asleep.

    6. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? My dishwasher.

    7. What is your favorite meal to cook?

    8. Do you like to try new recipes or stick to tried and true ones? Both. If I'm real lazy I'll do tried and true. If I feel adventurous I'll try a new one.

    9. Are you afraid of any bugs? Don't like spiders in the house.

    10. How many years have you been friends with you longest friendship? I'd say about 36ish years. Two of my core group I've known since elementary school.


Thanks for stopping by. Please let me know you were here by leaving me a comment or a question. Even a quick hello makes my day and lets me know I am not all alone here.