YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 16, 2019


It is Father's Day here in the US.  This is the day I celebrate the wonderful father my husband has been to our children, grand children, god children, nieces and nephews.  His love of children is amazing.  I have been blessed to have this man by my side for 40 plus years.

I know.....this is supposed to be a crafting update.  I am getting to that.  Sheesh......patience readers.  LOL

First up this week...................a finish!

 Spotting Clouds is completed!  This is a horrible photo of it.  It was late at night when I completed it and I couldn't wait to take a photo of it.  I wore it today to Church.

Much better photo of the colors.  Do you now how hard it is to take your own picture with a selfie stick?   Anyway......This shows the colors much better and I really like it.  It is so comfy to wear.  It has quite a bit of positive ease to it too.  I will be making more of this pattern and already have it on my Year 9 list and have the yarn picked out for it.  Next time I will use fingering weight yarn as this sweater in DK is VERY heavy.  It isn't hot, just heavy.  I do need to wear a tank under it because of the wide neckline and the open fabric on the top of the sweater and a few other places.

The only other project going on is those lovely socks that take forever to finish.

There are still several inches to go before I can do the toe and get these off the needles.  Since I concentrated on the sweater last week, these, once again, took a back seat.  The past 3 nights, these have been my only project.  I want them done before this YOP is over.

Have any of you gotten your wrap up post thought out?  We only have one more week of an update and then the following week will be the wrap up.  I learned last year to keep a journal of all my knitting and crocheting projects.  What I failed to journal was my sewing projects.  Something for me to fix for next year.  Speaking of next year's YOP, my list has been worked on quite a bit this past week.  There has been an accounting of stash yarn.  Patterns have been perused and project bags are being filled.  Yup, I am super excited for the coming year.

Now, on to more personal news...................................My son, in the military, has returned home.  His shoulder was injured while in training and after receiving an MRI, it has been found to have 2 tears in muscles and ligaments which disqualified him from being sent overseas.  Thank you all for your prayers for him.....please continue to keep all the military in your thoughts and prayers.  

Yesterday was my hubby's 70th birthday.  I totally surprised him this year.  I am taking him to Spain and Italy in October for a pilgrimage.  It is something he has wanted to do for years.  I decided we should go before our age and health might prevent us from enjoying it.  We have 3 other places on our bucket list to go to and I told him we need to do one each year.  He agreed!  So the other places are, Montreal, Ireland and the Holy Land.  If health allows, I might add New Zealand and Hawaii to the list too.  Now, we just need to hit the lottery LOL!

That about sums up my news this week.

Until next time...............Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. Hi Marsha :) Your sweater is so cute!! Oh the selfies...on my Android, there is a setting that allows you to say words and the camera takes the photos. I set it to "cheese"...so whenever I say "CHEESE!", the phone takes a picture! Do you have a setting like that? It makes selfies a LOT easier, though sometimes they aren't in focus and sometimes the phone doesn't understand the word...so I have a lot of photos of the floor, the walls and blurs... lol...

    Don't forget your hubby is also a FUR dad! All-around great guy! :) What a GREAT gift!!! Oh I'd love to visit Italy!! :) If you ever plan to go to Montreal, let me know, I'm about 90 minutes north right now until we move to the Maritimes!! :) I'll take you out for bagels and smoked meat! ;)

    Oh, and I guess your son's injury is a blessing in disguise? I think so. :)

  2. I echo those sentiments about your son!
    Spotting clouds is fabulous. I don't have a selfie stick so know exactly how hard it is to take a good picture!

  3. Spotting Clouds is beautiful!

    What a lovely treat for your hubby, and I really hope your son feels better soon.

  4. Marsha, the cats surprisingly don't care about the squirrels, but me thinks it's because they haven't been allowed into the bedroom! I know they smell them, but they haven't seen them, so we're keeping it that way. I'm thinking that Jack is more interested in the "mother's milk" than the squirrels themselves lol...

  5. What a wonderful gift for your hubby. And you too! Sorry about your son's injury - but on the other hand it must be a relief to have him home. Mixed blessings. Your sweater is beautiful and I am sure you were greeted with many compliments on it at church. I have to start planning my wrap up post too. Thanks for the reminder to start before the week it is due!

  6. Marsha, your Spotting Clouds is so pretty! Actually, forgetting the colors you were working with, I thought the first photo was superb - in black and dark gray. But seeing it in its true colors, it's terrific, too. I haven't given thought to my wrap-up post and everytime someone mentions getting theirs ready I have to quell my worries that I'm putting off too long pulling it together. The only thing I have going for me is that when I upload pictures to my computer they automatically go into a file labeled for that month. Then checking my project pages on Ravelry, I'm able to fairly easy figure out my method for collage-ing the pictures. That's the idea, anyway. Every year's different. Reading on... Oh my. what a turn of events for your son! I hope he heals up completely and can look forward to a safe retirement soon. I think I remember you saying he was close to retirement? Italy and Spain!!! Wowee. How exciting to look forward to that this autumn. Already looking forward to the pictures. :)

  7. Spotting Clouds is just great Marsha, I love it and I'm looking forward to seeing some others in the next YOP. My list is pretty nearly done and my wrap up post has been drafted, ready for me to review and check over photos....shhh but even my first YOP post for next year is drafted with links and what not...can you tell I too am excited for next year.
    What a great gift and that is sure to be a trip that is enjoyed!
    What a blessing in disguise for your son Marsha and I'm sure you are one relieved Mamma, I know I would be too.

  8. Marsha..your sweater turned out lovely! I would like to make one of those too. I need lots of 'positive ease' in mine! LOL! In the winter I could wear a blouse under it. What a wonderful gift for your husband and you! The soks will get finished now that you're done with your sweater. Do you do them concurrently or are they 2 at a time on the same needle? I am so happy about your son...not that he hurt his shoulder but that is home. I will continue to pray for them all and that the yahoos is DC don't get us involved in another war. I spent some time gathering up patterns for this next year now if I can get the supplies. I have so many birthdays in July it's a tight squeeze. I can't wait to see all your plans. Thank you also for your sweet post about my Nitty girl.....it is very much appreciated.

    1. Sam, I do my socks concurrently on DPN's. I have done two at a time on magic loop but it is not my preferred method anymore.

  9. Sorry for your son's injury, but I can't help but feel that this injury helped keep him safe. Yes, pray for our service men and women. I am forever grateful that we have such a wonderful (citizen based) military. My son was in the Marines and I worried every single day for him (and we were at peace then.) Our world is so unsettled now. I can't imagine the strength our service families must have in these times.

    I have enjoyed seeing your YOP knitting. I assume that stands for Year of Projects. I don't recall the group this is in Blog Land. Since you are coming to an end and a new year is starting you might include a short post on exactly what this is and how folks can participate. Sounds like something I might be interested in.

    1. Hi retired knitter, are you a member of Ravelry, if so have a look at this group and it explains what it’s about and you can have a look at other members updates. There’s an introductions thread you can use to introduce yourself. I’m sure Marsha will give more info if needed. Hope you join us 😀 https://www.ravelry.com/groups/a-year-of-projects

    2. Liz, thank you so much for giving that info out. I keep meaning to put a link at the end of each weekly update and never do.

  10. Hi Marsha, what lovely lace detail on your new finished object. I’m glad to hear your son has made it back home, but hope his shoulder injury repairs itself and isn’t causing him too much discomfort. I’ve already drafted my year end post, it’s mostly just a list of projects with links to the posts that detailed them, the week completed, whether they were things added during the year and then photos at the end of each section. I wish Ravelry included more crafts, I know I struggled a little to remember all my felted items and still not sure I remembered everything.

  11. Hubby and I did Spain about 4 years ago and really loved it. Then the next year we did Ireland and Scotland and enjoyed it also. This past fall we did Italy and ohhhhhhhh it was fantastic. Nothing this year abroad due to being busy with Dad, getting him into assisted living, selling his house etc. Hoping to go abroad again next year. The socks and top look awesome.

  12. I hope your son heals smoothly. HBD to your husband; what a terrific birthday gift you're giving him and your logic about bucket list places to visit is spot on.


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