YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, March 31, 2019


Good morning and welcome blog readers.  To any new readers, a special welcome to my lowly blog posting.  Have a seat, grab a beverage, and relax as I tell you my week's story.

I managed to finally finish the prayer shawl I started a few weeks ago.  Normally this shawl is completed in a couple of days.  Not this time.  I was busy trying to complete personal projects instead.  So here is  look at the latest 'To the Point' shawl.

This was made with Caron Simply Soft yarn.  There are many knitters/crocheters who do not like ANY acrylic yarns.  I for one, have no problem using them especially for charity work.  These shawls are given to people who are very ill.  Most of them are in chemotherapy treatments.  Therefore, the shawls need to be very soft and most of all, machine washable and dryable.  Caron Simply Soft fits that bill.

Last week,  I said I was going to concentrate on the 'Hermione's Everyday Socks'.  That is exactly what I did.

Excuse the horrible photo.  It was late last night when I took it.  As you can see, I have completed the leg portion of the sock.  The Fish Lip Kiss heel will be started today (I hope).  These are such an easy knit to do while watching TV.

There was a new project started this week.

Say hello to 'Mimic'.  This is going to be my next personal shawl.  It is being made with Scheepjes Whirl in the colorway Blueberry Bambam.  This will be a different shaped shawl then I have done in the past.  I am very excited to watch it take on a trapezoid shape.

This is the last Sunday of the month where I show you all the dishcloths I made this month.  So here you go.

OOPS!  Not one cloth was made in the month of March.  Shawl knitting obsession was my jam.

Now that we only have 3 months before the next YOP starts, I decided to take a little look at this years project list.


Do not buy any more yarn.  ( there are 10 skeins of sock yarn on the way that was ordered a week ago)  This was a bust.  I have bought quite a bit of sock yarn and shawl yarn.

Finish up what is on my needles/hooks.  (2 shawls, 1 scarf, and 1 pair of socks)  Done either by finishing them or frogging them.

Make a sweater for our cooler weather here. (a sweater is all we need here for winter)  Nope, didn't even start one.

Continue making shawls/lapghans for the prayer shawl ministry  Yes, have made several shawls for them

Make socks Of course.  Always have a pair on the needles

Sew project bags  Sure have

Work on other crafts (plastic canvas, egg carving, ornament kits, etc)  Big fail on this one too

Make a Christmas ornament for each of the Grands Yup and then found out only one family actually puts up a tree!  Kind of made me sad that the other grands do not get to hang their ornaments.

And other items as they strike my fancy.  Have been trying to work with my Cricut Maker to see what items I can design and create.

So there you have it.  There are many YOPer's already working on next year's list.  Don't look at me!  I have no clue what will be on next year's agenda.  I am more of a 'last minute' type of person anyway.

Onto personal news.  

My counter tops have been cleaned, sealed and polished.  What a difference it has made in their looks.  Reminds me of what they looked like the day they were installed.  Now I plan on going through each cabinet and drawer and cull out the unused and un-needed items to give to our favorite charity.  It has been three years since the kitchen was remodeled and it is time for it to be deep cleaned again.

I went to a couple of our Grand Daughter's basketball games this week.  Their team FINALLY won 1 game. She made her first basket of the season during that game.  This was the last week of their season.  Next week, they go to tournaments (every team goes whether they have won a lot or none at all).  That is a double elimination tournament.  Unfortunately, we do not expect her team to  make it past 2 games.  The fact, the tournament is held almost an hour from our house......well, it doesn't break my heart if they are out after their second game.

The menus for the week have been made and I only need a couple items from the store.  That will be taken care of as soon as I finish posting this weeks blog post.  Hopefully most people will still be at church and the stores will not be super crowded.  Hubby and I will wait to do a 'major' grocery shopping spree on Wednesday.  That is senior day and we get an extra 10% off our total grocery bill.  It is well worth it too.

Laundry is all caught up.  I pretty much did a load everyday this past week.  That leaves me free today to get our new patio cushions scotch guarded.............finally.   The patio furniture, itself, needs a good cleaning too.  That can be done while the cushions are drying.  Then we will be all set for spring and summer backyard fun.

I hope your week has been joyful and brought you some smiles and laughter.  

Until next time.............Happy Crafting!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Marsha :) Your Hermione socks are looking great, such beautiful handiwork! I don't know how you all keep up with all of those projects! :) Oh my...I can't wait for spring and summer backyard fun! I'm dreaming of it! :)

  2. Your To the Point Shawl is pretty. I like the different shades of blue. Since I like to make blankets, I'm a fan of acrylic because its easy care. lol on your washcloths picture. I can't believe how many I knit up this past month. These quick projects are a large part of my number of skeins being destashed to date. :) Have you, by chance sent me the pattern for your favorite dishcloth pattern? If you have, I'll look again. If you haven't, whenever you have a free moment (and if it's still available to you), I'm really curious how it works up.

  3. All of your project look lovely but I'm dying to see how your Mimic works up! I have a Whirl in that same color just looking for a purpose.

  4. You have had a lovely busy productive week. It feels so good to declutter and organize kitchen drawers and cupboards. I did that last fall and I still love opening the drawers and seeing them all tidy.

  5. Your post sounds full of the joys of spring and that’s lovely to hear. The number of gifts you’ve made this year is outstanding, with sooooo many prayer shawls and project bags and the smaller projects, it’s no wonder there are some personal items like a sweater not done. Your YOP year 8 has been a year of generosity to others and definitely one to be proud of. Acrylic was great to learn with but I don’t knit with it now, as I have a lot of polar fleece and cotton tops and socks that I’d wear if I wasn’t after a wool item to wear.

  6. Well done on getting the To the Point shawl finished and great progress on the socks Marsha. I really like the look already of your Mimic shawl, I'm looking forward to seeing more of that. The list is looking good, lots has gotten done already and still 3 months to go. I'm afraid I'm one of those that has begun thinking about next years list, things I want to make and what patterns will fit in with those categories and fit with me. Have a good week Marsha.

  7. I am one of those knitters that prefers to work not to work with acrylic - EXCEPT - Caron Simply Soft. I LOVE Caron Simply Soft. It is the closest to wool in the nice look to a finished product and it even feels good when knitting with it - soft, not scratch or plastic-like (like some acyrlics.). Caron is really an exceptional product.

  8. Love the Hermione' socks! The to the point is one I always like. I can't wait to see your trapezoid shawl take shape. I'm glad I'm not the only one who 'stray's from the original YOP list. You still did excellent and so many shawls for others! I bet you're excited to open the pool and entertain outside. Enjoy!

  9. My, you have been busy. I love the shawl and I too think that acrylic definitely has it's place and is so easy to keep. The socks are fab.

  10. I love how you support your granddaughter with her activities. Yeah, I will use acrylic mixes for charity drives and baby blankets.


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