YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Image result for to do list

Are you a list maker?  Every evening, I sit down with my bullet journal and make my to do list for the next day.  Some days the list is as long as the page and other days there are only 2 or 3 items on it.  The biggest thrill I get is from checking off the 'to do' items as they are completed.  

Yesterday, my list was quite extensive.  Since spring has arrived to the Southwest, it was time to get all the bedding from the guest beds washed, folded and put away until needed for company.  That, along with my normal laundry saw me doing 5 loads of laundry yesterday.

Image result for laundry

On top of that, I made it my goal to get all items off the dining room table put in their proper place.  With the retreat happening this past weekend, we got a bit lax as to where we laid our books, mail, knitting etc...  That makes me crazy to see surfaces cluttered with 'stuff' that belongs elsewhere.  

Image result for cluttered dining room table

The other goal I make for myself is to have 99% of my to do list completed by lunch time.  What doesn't get done by then will be placed on the next day's 'to do' list.  So I had 2 loads of laundry from yesterday's list that landed on today's list.  Not too bad.  I am already on load #2 so it will be done shortly.

I did have a bit of a scare yesterday.  After my 'to do' list was completed, I decided to cast on a pair of socks for the hubby.  I pulled the yarn I wanted to use and went to get my favorite needles and.........................could not find them!  I had just seen them on Friday night when I was getting my knitting together to take to the retreat.  I hollered for hubby to come and help me.  We were going through every project bag in my craft room.  Then he looks as me and asks "Are these the expensive needles I got you for Christmas?"  Well, of course they are.  Otherwise I would not be pulling my hair out to find them!  

Image result for Signature purple double point needles

After about 45 minutes of searching for the needles, I took a break, said a little prayer (ok, it was a big prayer) and then went back into the craft room to look one more time.  BOOM!  I picked up a project bag and there they were right underneath it.  Now I had looked there several times already and they were not in that spot.  I think there was a gremlin on the loose in my house.

Image result for gremlin

The socks have been cast on and the cuff on both pair is completed.  As for the pattern.....I am trying to decided if I want to do Hermione's Everyday Sock, plain vanilla (the yarn is self striping) or go with a small cable up the side of the sock.  The decision needs to be made soon, as I start on the leg tonight.

Image result for decisions decisions

The dryer is buzzing.  Guess I should go and get the clothes out, fold them and put them away.  I don't see anyone else running to do it LOL.

Until next time..............happy crafting!

PS:  None of the pictures in this post are from my house.  Thank goodness for images on Mr Google!


  1. I am a list maker for sure ever since I was able to write. I have never had only 3 things on a list though...ever! LOL! I have to prioritize the items or I would be in big trouble because my lists are so long I could never get it all done in 1 day. Now I have a weekly list too that I pick from for the daily list not counting daily chores. that kitchen table with all the stuff looked like mine. I make my list in the morning...I am too tired and don't think as clearly in the evening. I wake up and have a zillion things on my mind in the morning.
    What a scare about those needles! I call them leprechauns here. This is an Irish home, lol!
    Have a great day...I wish I could work for 1/2 day but I take too many breaks in the morning.

  2. That's a good idea to make lists, something I only usually do when I have to go to TJ's, Target, or Costco.


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