YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, December 25, 2017

Year 7 Week 26


Merry Christmas everyone!  I did not forget to post this week.  Bet you thought I was going to miss it LOL.  Just a little busy and not the best kind either.  Will get into that later.  Let's see what has been crafted on this week.

If you missed my post earlier this week..........The Petty Harbour socks are completed and have been worn already.  He loves them.

I could not think of anything new I wanted to cast on so I pulled this out:

The Faroese Prayer Shawl.  I put about 6 rows on it.  But.........it just could not hold my attention.  So I cast this on:

Socks!!!!!!!  I just can not stand m sock DPN's laying around without some yarn on them.  I cast these on the 22nd.  That means I was 4 days without socks on my needles.  Shameful, right?  If you have an aversion to wool, as I do, I suggest you try Naked Sock yarn.  It wears like iron and has a nice cushiness to it.  There is also a lovely stretch to it that makes it great to work with.  

Question:  Can anyone guess which pattern I making this time?  (Hint: I have made it before)

Onto life happenings:

My family all arrived safe and sound on Saturday the 23rd.  I was thankful for that.  We were all pretty excited about Mom's surprise party on Sunday.  But................Mom decided to surprise us instead.

She fell out of her wheelchair Saturday evening.  I received a phone call around 6pm that evening from her to let me know and she  said her bum was really sore.  We were not too concerned as she fell on the side that has a titanium hip in it.  Alas, Sunday morning, she said the pain was a lot worse so she asked to be taken to the hospital for xrays.  For hours later we find out she has fractured her pelvic bone in 2 spots.  They are keeping her at the hospital for a day or 2 just for pain management.  I ended up telling her we had planned a surprise party for her but DID NOT tell her who all is in town to celebrate.   We are hoping she will be released today or tomorrow and we will all gather with her at her facility and still have a party for her.  Fingers crossed........the family is leaving on Wednesday and really would like to spend some time with her.

We are all gathering at my Son's house for dinner today.  I am really looking forward to all of us being together.  I am getting my camera all ready for some candid photos of the day.

Until next time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. The socks turned out great and glad he is enjoying them. Glad your family arrived safe and sound but so awful about your Mom! What is it they say about the best laid plans? Hopefully she will get better soon and you will be able to celebrate with her. Glad you are enjoying your day with your family and the Merriest of Christmas to you all!

    1. P.S. I forgot to say I love that sock yarn but have never heard of it. I'll have to look into it and you reminded me that I have a shawl I put down awhile ago...I'll get to it after I finish the sweater! LOL! Take care!

  2. The Petty Harbour socks are terrifically, and terrifically modeled, I must say. He's a natural. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I hope you're all there today (or tomorrow, I suppose) to celebrate her birthday. Poor thing. I hope she's feeling much better already.

  3. Oh gosh...I hope your mom is okay, how awful. Sending good thoughts her way.
    On a nice note though, that red yarn is very pretty!

  4. Your socks are lovely! I have some of that exact colour of Naked Sock in my stash. I love it.


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