YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Year 7 Week 24

Greetings from Arizona.  It is finally feeling like winter here with the highs this past week in the 60's.  It may not seem cold to you, but to us desert rats, it is sweater weather.  Our nights are dipping into the 30's, so yes, it is very cold for us.

I have ton's of photos for you this week.  It has been a busy week for hubs and I.  We finally got our house decorated for the upcoming Christmas holiday.

Our tree is up.  It has been up for 2 weeks.  The poinsettias just made it up this week.  No, they are not real but some silk ones I found on 1/2 off several years ago.  We added the white ones to them this year, just to give the entryway a bit more pop.

Hubs and I have been collecting nativities for the past 20 years.  I select a few each year that I want to display.  I managed to get all but 10 of them out this year.

Sorry about this being so blurry.  It was my phone camera and I was in a hurry to get all the photos taken for today.

This fireplace was the main selling point of our house.  It matches the front of our house and I love all the stone work.  The white nativity is my all time favorite.  It comes out every year.

My mom made our stockings when we were first married.  They mean the world to me.

As you can see, we no longer use our fireplace.  It is wood burning and because of our poor air quality in the winter time..............we have more ''no burn" days than nought.  So we use it as a place for decorations now.  Those candles in there are electric LED and change colors.  Quite festive and they stay there year round.

This is the table next to where I sit, if you couldn't tell.  LOL  As you can see, my knitting adorns it all the time.  This nativity is made out of copper and is probably my second favorite.

This is hubby's table by his chair. This is the first year I have put nativities on the tables and I am hoping it helps to keep them clear of clutter.

Just a few more on a table between living and dining room.

First bookcase of the entertainment center.  I do not know why these are so dark.  It is the same room as the other photos.

The other bookcase of the entertainment center.

Oh look............heels are done on hub's socks.  I am hoping to get these off the needles this week.  Not sure if I will make that though.  Our schedule is pretty filled up with appointments this week during the day.  I will need to work on them at night and I seem to be falling asleep earlier each day.  

I did start something new this week.

How many times, has someone asked you to pray for them.  I finally decided to start a prayer journal.  I write the names in it and the intention for which I am praying next to them.  When I find out the prayer is answered, I write a thank you next to that.  It is a little journal and fits nicely into my purse so I have it with me at all times.  This way, I do not forget anyone that has asked me for prayers.

After all of this hub bub of the week, this is how you will find me in the evenings.

Comfy slippers and jammy pants.  I actually have a cuppa next to me also and my knitting in my lap.  The end to a perfect day.

Until next time...........................happy crafting!


  1. Loving all the nativities. We only have one, a little wooden one that we got when our oldest boy was a baby, but it's one of our favourite Christmas rituals to get it out at the beginning of December and set it up under the tree.

  2. wow. I thought I had a lot of nativity sets. Yours are all gorgeous. I love the idea of a prayer journal. I am going to incorporate that too into my daily journalling. Thanks for the idea.

  3. I love the glimpse inside your home - what a beautiful entryway with that mosaic step. I also enjoy seeing all your nativities. Once upon a time DH and were going to collect nativities, but somewhere along the way we stopped. And don't tell anyone, but this year we'e not even decorating for Christmas. It feels a bit odd, but we seemed to have just forgotten until this weekend and at that point I didn't have it in me to pull everything out. So I'm going to enjoy others' decorations (in person and through blog land), hoping I feel up to more next year.

  4. You've entirely put my Christmas decorating to shame. Last year, just before moving out to the cottage, we went through all our Christmas stuff and gave away 90% of it. We just have a few sentimental favourites now!

    Your temperatures sound lovely! Daytime sweater weather and cool nights for sleeping. Just perfect! We're still trying to adjust to winter-y cold... scarves, mitts, hats, socks, slippers, sweaters...

  5. Hi Marsha :) The end to your perfect day sounds EXTREMELY cozy! :) Your fireplace looks exactly like ours here. We are renting this place, but that really stood out when we visited. The chimney is huge and is made of that same type of stone. Beautiful but very inefficient in our cold winters! Your decorations look lovely! We got our tree up yesterday and the cookie baking starts again tomorrow! :)

  6. Your tree and decorations are beautiful! What a wonderful item to collect and they are gorgeous....and lots of them! Love the fireplace too.


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