YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Tough One

It is just around 3:30 in the morning here.  I can not sleep.  Sleep has been escaping me for the past couple of days.  Maybe I should rephrase that................I was sleeping but woke up around 3 with tears streaming down my face.  They won't stop.  My heart is hurting too.  The past 2 days have been surreal to me.

Most of my family left yesterday.  My brother has stayed with me for a few more days to help me get through some very tough decisions.  We both are grieving for this lady:

This is our mom.  Our rock, or matriarch, our champion in everything.  She left us Tuesday afternoon to be with her Lord.  Words can not express the empty hole I have in my heart at the moment.  It doesn't seem possible that I will no longer be going to see her twice a week or that I will be calling her to ask her about a knitting problem or a cooking issue.  In the past few years, we had become extremely close.  We formed a bond that I never thought would happen.  We became friends..............best friends.  And while, she could irritate the stuffing out of me, I know I could do the same to her.

We were so fortunate to have been able to celebrate her 90th birthday with her on Monday.  She was surrounded by her children, grandchildren and great grand children.  She was in great spirits and enjoyed all the attention she got and the gifts that she received.  It was such a lovely time with her.  She even blew out her candles on her cake.

When I got a call on Tuesday that she was being sent to the hospital because of breathing issues and extreme pain, I was stunned.  She had been fine the day before other than the pain where her fractures were.  I was even more shocked when I received a call 90 minutes later to let me know she had passed away.  I had been told by her Doctor NOT to go to the ER with her because of all the cases of the flu here.  (I have a compromised immune system)  I am so glad all of her great grand children got to see her one more time on Monday.  I am so thankful my brother has stayed behind to help hubby and myself with cleaning out her things and helping with her arrangements.

It will be a while before we take her to her final resting place.  She is to be interned in Kansas.  I had warned her, if she passed away in the winter, she would be sitting on my mantel until it thawed out back there.  So her services will be held sometime in the spring in her home church with all her friends back there.  In the mean time, I will have her in my house where I can look at her lovely butterfly urn and remember all the memories we made in the past 10 years when she moved to my town.

So, if you have a living parent...........give them an extra hug today.  Give them a hug from me.  Tell them how much you love them.  Forgive them for their faults (there is no parent handbook).  Listen to the stories of their youth.  Acknowledge the fact, their life was way harder than yours, growing up.  You will be thankful you did all this when they leave you.  I am thankful I did.

Until next time..............................Happy Crafting!!!


  1. I am sending you much love and the hope the memories of your wonderful relationship with your mum will sustain you through the difficult days ahead.

  2. Oh, Marsha...I am so sorry and I wish I could be there to comfort you in some way. But honestly, you had the best time with her and she lived a long enjoyable life with adoring children and got to have that wonderful party you planned for her and see all her relatives.....so happy about that and that she didn't suffer too much. But it is so hard to let go....not for her but for those left behind. I'm glad your brother stayed and helped and that you have your husband. When my parents died I had to do it alone...the price of being an only child! Actually, today is my Mother's birthday....she would have been 102! She died when she was 83. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family....she must have been a very special lady to have raised such a wonderful daughter! Hugs ~ Sam

  3. Oh Marsha I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you at this difficult time.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Marsha...all I can say is that my heart is with you. You are such a wonderful person, I'm gifted to know you, I'm aching for you. She is beautiful. What a shock. I wish I could come over and hug you. xxx

  6. Marsha, I am so sorry to read this. How fortunate you were to have your mom close to you in recent years. My mother has been gone for nearly 24 years and she died too young (at 69), but I so relate to your saying you and your mother had become friends. It's a special turn that happens - when it does. Hugs to you, friend. I hurt for you.

  7. Oh Marsha, I am so sorry. In time you will be able to remember and be so happy that you were best friends and that you were able to have that last celebration. But for now you just have to get through and I can only offer virtual hugs. Thinking of you.

  8. Truly sorry. What a beautiful woman. She lived a really full life didn't she, age 90! Don't expect a lot of yourself, take one day at a time.


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