YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Week 23

What a hectic week.  We got home from Vegas on Wednesday and it haws been non stop since.  We did manage to get our Christmas tree up, nothing else yet.  Hopefully tomorrow we can get more done.  I have been having severe muscle spasms for 2 days and that put a damper on the decorating.  I am better today.  Just a little sore in the muscles that were spasming. 

Knitting has not really been happening much.  I finished one more wee sweater.  I need to get back to those this week.  The only other thing I have worked on is this:

The Petty Harbour socks.  I have just started on the fish kiss lip heel on this one.  I am really enjoying this pattern and hubby is very exited that they are being made for him.  I didn't think he would go for this colorway.  He loves it.

That is it for this week.  I still have Christmas shopping to do.  There are things that need to be mailed out soon for Christmas.  There are not enough hours in the day this time of year.

Until next time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!


  1. Your Petty Harbour socks look great. I like that stitch pattern. And how fun that your hubby is looking forward to wearing them. :)

  2. I hope your back is getting better day by day. Spasms are awful! Love your socks.

  3. Never enough hours in the day! The socks look fab and I hope your back is feeling better today.

  4. I agree Marsha, NOT enough hours in the day! Things are a bit hectic here too. I hope your doing well and all healed up from the spasms. Those socks look great!

  5. Ouch with muscle spasms! I hope they go away....are you lacking potassium? Eat bananas! LOL! I remember that from years ago having leg cramps when I was pregnant. I hope they go away soon!
    I love the socks....such pretty yarn.


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